Efforts To Pacify Wifey

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Chapter 20:

It was daytime, the sun was shining in the sky and the birds were flying here and there in search of food. In an isolated area, a car was standing on the side and Neil was sitting on the road in front of it. Neil was lost in his thought and his one leg was straight and the other was bent. Neil's arms were kept on the legs. Neil was thinking.

Neil in mind: What do I do that you forgive me? I admit that I did a mistake. I overreacted that day six years ago. I shouldn’t have said that but I also came to ask forgiveness. I came to make everything fine but it was too late till then, you had gone far away from my life… I accept that I was wrong but you have also done wrong with me. How can you hide about my child from me? I should also get angry with you but I didn’t get angry. I understood you then why you are not understanding me… I just came to spend some time with my son.

Tears formed in Neil’s eyes. Neil bent his second leg and intervened his fingers and kept them at his mouth.

Neil: He misses his father. I just came to shower a father's love on me. I came to assure him that his father is with him. He is not an orphan his father has come. I just came to meet my son, my Neav.

Neil closed his eyes and bit his finger. Tears fell from his eyes. Neil opened his eyes and sniffed. Neil sighed and wiped his tears.

Neil: I have to do something to pacify Avni. I have to work hard to get her trust back. And most importantly, I have to control my anger. Let Avni say what she has to say, but you will not lose your calm. You have to keep your calm... already you have ruined everything in the past because of your anger now be careful.

Neil nodded.

Neil: First, I have to assure her that I will not snatch Neav from her. I want to get them both in my life… But how will I do that?

Neil thought and then an idea struck in his mind and Neil smiled. Neil sniffed and sobbed. Neil sighed.

Neil: now wait and watch, Wifey, what I will do?

Neil smiled. Neil got up as he got the energy. Neil moved to the driving seat and opened the door and then he got in the car. Neil drove away from there.

On the other side, Neav was sitting on the bed and looking sad. A video game came in front of his eyes and his face lit up. Neav looked up and then he made a sad face. Neav looked down. Avni came to him and sat on the bed. Neav looked at Avni and then he got up and went to sit on the other side of the bed. Avni was looking at him. Avni came to him and sat beside him.

Avni: what happened? You wanted it, right?

Neav moved away Avni’s hand slowly.

Neav: it is not that. Superman bought the one that was my favorite game. I want that.

Avni: now play with it. I will buy you that too soon.

Neav: he bought so many toys.

Avni: I will buy you all of those.

Neav got up and shouted: No, you can’t buy those toys because you don’t have money.

Avni got hurt. Neav went from there. Avni was looking at Neav and then she looked at the game. Avni felt bad that she can’t be able to fulfill her son’s wish. Avni thought and got angry.

Avni: Mr. Neil Khanna, now I understood your game. You want to take my child away from me by showing the power of your money. But you don’t know me. I am Avni. I won’t let you win so easily.

Avni got angry.

It was the time of the night, Avni was sitting on the bed and a dairy was in her hands. She was writing the budget in it. A balloon flew up from the window. Avni looked there but nothing was there. Avni thought and then she looked at the diary. Again it happened. Avni looked at the window. Avni thought and looked at the window. A Sorry foil balloon came at the window and Avni frowned and then a hand was holding a heart-shaped balloon and I love you written on it. Avni frowned. Avni got up and she was going to the window. Avni came to the window and Neil popped up. Avni flinched and stumbled. Neil smiled. Avni looked at Neil who was smiling.

Neil: Hello, sweetheart.

Avni glared at him. Neil came inside from the window and two balloons were in his hands. One was of heart shape I love you balloon and one was sorry foil balloon. Neil came to Avni and passed those two to Avni.

Neil: Sorry and I love you.

Avni jerked away the balloons. Neil made a sad pout.

Neil: I am sorry na, Wifey.

Avni: shut up, I am not your wifey.

Neil: you are, Wifey. We are still husband and wife.

Avni folded her arms and looked away.

Neil: by the way, wifey, where is my Pillu?

Avni got surprised.

Neil: wait let me call him. Ne…

Avni came to Neil and kept her hand on Neil’s mouth.

Avni: ssshhhhh…

Neil wanted to talk.

Avni: what?

Neil signed at Avni’s hand and Avni frowned. Neil signed at Avni’s hand and Avni looked there and she understood. Avni took away her hand and Neil sighed.

Neil: Wifey, are you planning to become a widow? Who does like this to her husband?

Avni glared at Neil. 

Avni: get out of here.

Neil: ok.

Neil was going to the door. Avni held his arm with both hands.

Avni: aaaieeee…

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: what?

Avni: where are you going?

Neil: outside, you said get out so I was going out.

Avni: go from the window.

Neil: Avni, have you really planned to become a widow?

Avni frowned.

Neil: what if I fall from there?

Avni: haha, what a joke. Our home is a single floor and you will fall from the window?

Avni looked away and folded her arms. Neil smiled.

Neil: I know, I was just kidding.

Avni looked at Neil angrily and then she went to the door and closed it.

Neil: why are you locking the door? What is your intention?

Avni got angry. She turned and came to Neil.

Avni: shut up and get out of here.

Neil held Avni’s hand and pulled her to him. Avni flinched and then she looked at Neil. Neil also glared at her.

Neil: I will not go anywhere.

Avni wriggled in Neil’s arms.

Avni: Leave me. Leave me.

Neil pulled her to him by her waist.

Neil: I will never leave you. You are mine. Only mine. I came to get you back in my life. I will not go anywhere leaving you and my son. I will take you two with me.

Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil: and I know that you also want it but you will not accept it because you are on your ego trip.

Avni got shocked.

Neil: you still love me but you will not accept it.

Avni pushed Neil.

Avni shouted: I don’t love you.
Neil stumbled and looked at Avni shockingly. Juhi was sitting in the living area with Neav and she heard Avni.

Juhi: Avni.

Neav was watching a cartoon in the leaving area with Juhi. Neav didn’t hear Avni.

Neil was looking at her.

Neil: you don’t love me?

Avni: No.

Juhi came there and she heard Neil. Juhi thought. Neil was about to come to Avni but they heard the knock on the door and looked there. Avni got shocked and Neil looked at Avni who also looked at him.

Juhi: Avni.

Avni got shocked and turned her face to the door,

Juhi: Avni, are you ok?

Avni: ab, ye, yes, Juhi. I am fine, you go.

Juhi: are you sure?

Avni: yes.

Juhi thought and said, ok. Juhi looked at the door and went.

In the room, Avni looked at Neil and came to him.

Avni: please go from here. Please.

Avni joined her hands.

Avni: I am joining my hands in front of you. Please go.

Neil sighed and held Avni’s hand and nodded.

Neil: I am going, please don’t do this.

Avneil were looking at each other and then Neil took the steps back. Avni was looking at him. Neil turned and went to the window. Neil stopped and looked at Avni who was looking at him.

Neil: I am going right now but I will not go from here without taking you and Neav.

Avni was looking at Neil who turned and went from the window. Avni was looking there. Avni thought.

Later, Neil was sitting on the couch in his room and his arm was on the armrest and was sitting by keeping his finger on his lips. Neil sighed and caught his head.

Neil in mind: today also I lost my calm. I lost my control.

Neil sighed and sit by keeping his arms on his knees and hands on his mouth.

Neil in mind: I am trying a lot to control my anger but I am not able to do that. What do I do?

Neil thought.

Neil: Avni is also not ready to hear anything. What do I do that she forgives me? How I pacify her?

Neil thought.

On the other side, Avni was sitting on the bed and Juhi was with her. Neav was sleeping.

Juhi: why he came today?

Avni looked at Juhi.

Avni: to ruin my peace. He is not able to digest it, how I am living without him. He must have thought that he will ask me to go and I will beg him to not do this and will fell on his feet. But nothing happened as he thought so now he is not able to bear that how I am living without him peacefully.

Juhi: maybe he has realized his mistake and now he wants to mend your relationship.

Avni looked at her.

Juhi: maybe he really wants you in his life.

Avni was looking at Juhi and she got up and went away.

Avni: he was the one who asked me to go away from his life. He felt suffocated with me then now why he wants me in his life? Now I will not go back to him.

Avni was determined and Juhi was looking at her.

The sun rises and Avni woke up. Avni yawned and she sat on the bed. Avni smiled to see the view from the window and then she got up and went there. Avni looked down and she got surprised to see there because I love you, Avni was written with the flowers. Avni was looking at that and then Neil came there and Avni saw him. Neil waved his hand hesitantly. Avni made an angry face. Avni moved back and shut the window. Neil got disappointed.

Later, Avni was sitting with Juhi in the living area and they were making a list of groceries. They heard the knock on the door and Avni looked back. Avni got surprised to see Neil, Vidyut, and KK. Juhi smiled. They came inside.

Vidyut: Hi, Baby.

Juhi got up and they hugged. Avneil and KK smiled.

KK: hi, Bhabhi.

Avni smiled and said, Hi, KK, how are you?

KK: fine. How are you?

Avni: fine.

They smiled. Vidyut also greeted Avni and Avni replied.

Neil: Hi, sweetheart.

Avni glared at Neil who smiled and looked at Juhi.

Neil: Hi, Juhi.

Juhi smiled and replied. Avni got up and went from there. Neil and others were looking at him.

Neav came there while playing with his ball. Neil saw him and smiled. Neav saw Neil and left the ball.

Neav: Superman.

Neav was coming to Neil who moved a few steps and stopped. Neil sat on his knees and spread his arms. Neav came to Neil and hugged him. Neil squeezed his eyes and tighten his grip. Neil opened his teary eyes and he caressed Neav’s hair. Avni was coming there and she looked up. Avni stopped to see Neil with Neav. Avni also felt joy. The tears formed into Avni’s eyes and she smiled. She also wants that her son gets the father’s love. She understands Neav’s condition because she also lived a life without her father but she also felt helpless. She can’t trust Neil now and she felt afraid that Neil will snatch Neav from her.

Neil was caressing Neav’s hair and back. Neil tighten the grip and kissed Neav’s cheek while hugging him.

Neav: what happened, superman?

Neil took a breath and then he sighed.
Neil wiped his tears and sniffed. Neil smiled and broke the hug.

Neil: nothing… what were you doing?

Neav: I was playing with my ball.

Neil: can we play?

Neav’s face lit up and he nodded. Neil smiled and sniffed. Neil looked around and saw the ball. Neil went to the ball and they played with it like basketball. Neil and Neav were enjoying their quality time and everyone was smiling by seeing them. They did Hi-Fi.
Later, everyone was sitting and Neav was sitting in Neil’s lap.

Neav: Superman.

Neil and others looked at Neav.

Neil: hmm?

Neav: where are the toys that you bought for me yesterday?

Avni was coming there and she looked up. Avni stopped. Neil looked at Avni who also looked at him.

Neil: I have preserved those toys in my home.

Neav asked innocently: you will not give them to me?

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him. Everyone felt bad for Neav. Neil looked at Neav and he was about to say but Avni came there.

Avni: dinner is ready. Come.

Neil and others looked at Avni. Neil understood what it means. Neil smiled fakely and looked at Neav.

Neil: come, let’s have dinner.

Neil made Neav stand and took him from there while making a train and saying: come, come, come, come, come, come.

Neil came near Avni and looked at her. Neil stood properly and sighed looking at Avni. Neil looked down and Neav held Neil’s hand.

Neav: come, superman.

Neil looked at Neav and smiled. Neav took Neil with her.

Everyone gathered for dinner and Neil saw Rajma Rice. Neil looked at Avni who looked at him and then she looked down. Neil smiled and looked at Rajma Rice.

Neil: wow, Rajma Chawal. My favorite dish.

Avni was having a dish on her plate: it is Neav’s favorite dish.

Neil looked at Avni and felt bad because he thought, she cooked it for him but then he smiled. Neil looked at Neav. Avni was feeding Neav with her hand. Avni looked at Neil. Neav nodded while looking at Neil. Neil smiled.

Neil: like father like son.

Neil smiled and Avni got shocked. Everyone looked at Avni. Neav looked at Neil.

Neav: what did you say, Superman?

Neil looked on.

Avni: Neav, how many times I have told you to not talk while eating. It is bad manners.

Neil leaned to Neav.

Neil: yes, Mama is saying right, it is bad manners.

Neil ruffled Neav’s hair and they smiled. After that, they resumed the dinner. Neil ate a bit and he choked. Avni and others looked at him.

Avni: Neil.

Avni hurriedly poured the water into the glass and came to Neil. Avni rubbed Neil’s back.

Avni: drink water.

Avni made Neil drink water and then she rubbed his back. Everyone was looking at them. Avni kept the glass on the table and looked at Neil.

Avni: you ok?

Neil nodded and gulped. Neil looked at Avni who was standing by bending to him. They got lost in each other’s eyes and Avni broke it. Neil looked down and then they looked at each other. Neil smiled and Avni moved back. Avni kept her hair behind her ear and then she went to her chair and sat. Neil coughed.

KK: you OK?

Neil nodded. Neil cleared his throat and said: yeah.

Neil looked at Avni who didn’t look at him. Neil smiled.

Neil in mind: you still care for me, Avni. You accept it or not but you still love me.

Avni stole her gaze on Neil who was looking at her and then Avni looked at her plate. Avni had a bit and Neil smiled.

Later, everyone was sitting in the living area.

Neil: ab, we came here that day to talk about Vidyut and Juhi but…

Neil and Avni looked down.

Neil: so we thought to talk about it today.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: what do you think about it? I mean, what do you think about their alliance?

Avni: ab, Vidyut is a good guy. Honestly, when Juhi told me that she loves someone then I got worried for her. I thought, don’t know who is the boy, will he be a good life partner?

Neil looked down.

Avni: What if her life will be like mi…

Avni stopped and Neil looked at Avni. Neil got shocked and Avni looked at him. Neil got hurt and avoided eye contact and Avni felt bad. Neil looked at Avni and smiled faintly. Everyone felt bad for Neil.

Avni: ab… I mean, I was worried for her but when I saw Vidyut, my all doubts got cleared. I don’t have any problem. I agree with their alliance.

Everyone smiled slightly. Neil smiled looking at Vidyut and then he got up. Vidyut got up and Neil moved to him. Neil hugged Vidyut and congratulates him. Avni came to Juhi and hugged him. Everyone congratulated Vidyut and Juhi. Avneil looked at each other and they remembered about their alliance. Avni looked at her hand and rubbed her palm. Neil looked down and again looked at Avni.

The next day, Neil came into the Sukoon house. It was Sunday so Neav was at home. Avni was sitting in her room on the bed and was folding Neav’s and her clothes unaware of Neil’s presence in the home. Neil and Neav were playing video games in Juhi’s room.

Neil was sitting by making Neav sit in his lap and he was playing the car racing game.

Neil: yeeeahhhhhh.

Neav giggled and Neil smiled to see him.

Neav: Superman, see there.

Neil looked at the game and said: oh no...

Neil tried to control the car and then he played the game. Neil won and they said: yes. They did Hi-Fi.

Neil: did you enjoy it?

Neav nodded and Neil ruffled his hair.

Neil: now what will we play?

Neav: I want to go out.

Neil: out?

Neav nodded and Neil thought and then he looked at Neav who made an innocent face. Neil melted and thought. Neil smiled.

Neil: ok.

On the other side, Avni folded the clothes and Neil came there. Neil was standing at the door and he knocked at the door. Avni looked at the door and saw Neil. Avni frowned and got up.

Avni: you?

Neil smiled and came inside.

Neil: yeah, I came to spend some time with Neav and now he wants to go out so I thought to ask you to come with us.

Avni: and who gave you permission to take him outside?

Neil: I am his father and I don’t need anyone’s permission.

Avni: you need it. Mr. you need his mother’s permission and I am not giving you permission.

Neil: why are you making an issue of a small thing? What will happen if he goes outside with me? If you have doubt then you can also come with us. I came to ask you.

Avni: we will not come with you.

Neil: why?

Avni: I don’t think that I am answerable to you.

Neil got hurt but then he smiled.

Neil: why you are not saying clearly that you want me to pacify you?

Avni got surprised.

Avni: what?

Neil: yes. You want me to walk around you and try to convince you.

Avni smiled sarcastically and said, what? Are you serious?

Neil: yes, I am.

Avni: then you are surely in delusion because nothing is like that.

Neil: oh come on, Avni, now accept that you love me.

Avni moved to Neil and said: No, I don’t.

Neil: oh, you do.

Avni: I don’t.

Neil gave a flying kiss to Avni who got surprised and turned and moved away. Neil smirked.

Neil: what happened? Why you moved away? You are scared that you will fall weak?

Avni got angry and turned to Neil.

Avni: I am not scared. Now your closeness doesn’t make an effect on me.

Neil: really?

Avni: yes.

Neil was looking at Avni and then he took a step towards Avni. Avni saw that but she acted to stand strong but in her heart, she got nervous. Neil took the second step to Avni and then he moved to her. Avni started to take steps back and she gulped. Neil was going to Avni who was moving backward.

Avni: da, don’t, don’t come near me.

Neil: why?

Avni: Neil, I am warning you.

Neil: Else what will you do? You will shout?

Avni looked back and then she looked at Neil. Neil smirked. Avni was about to hit the wall. Neil took a long step and kept his hand behind Avni’s head and Avni’s back hit the wall. Avni looked at the wall and then she looked at Neil and their noses touched. They looked at each other and got lost. Neil caged Avni in between his eyes. Avni was fuming. Neil looked at Avni’s lips and got attracted to them and then he looked at Avni who was looking at him. Avni gulped and Neil looked at Avni’s throat and Neil gulped then he looked at Avni who was looking at him nervously. Neil leaned to Avni who parted her lips and Neil saw that and then he moved closer to Avni’s face who kept her hand on Neil’s chest and closed her eyes. Neil was finding it difficult to control him and wanted to kiss Avni. Avni waited for Neil to claim her lips and tried to find Neil’s lips with closed eyes. Avni opened her eyes and saw Neil who was looking at her. Avni felt embarrassed and she looked down. Neil smiled and then he made a stern face.

Neil: so what were you saying? That my closeness doesn’t make an effect on you, hmm? If it is true then why are you getting weak? Why you got disappointed when I didn’t kiss you?

They were looking at each other. Avni lowered her gaze.

Neil: why you are not pushing me away? If anyone else was at my place then you would have pushed him away till now but you are not pushing me, why?

Avni was looking down.

Neil: you don’t have any answer? I will tell you why you are not doing it. You are not doing it because you still love me and my closeness affects you.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: accept the truth. It will be in favor of all of us.

Neil smiled and patted Avni’s cheek and then he moved back and went from there. Avni was looking at him. Avni got angry at herself for getting weak.

Later, Neil and Neav were sitting in the living area on the ground and they were playing the solving the puzzle game. They have made a picture by joining the pieces. Neav completed his picture before Neil.

Neav: see, Papa, I won.

Neil got surprised to hear “Papa”. Avni was coming there and she stopped to hear that. Avni got shocked and she was standing at some distance.

Neil got emotional and caressed Neav’s hair and cupped his cheek.

Neil: what did you say?

Neav was looking at Neil innocently.

Neil: say, my child, what did you say? Say it again?

Neav: Papa.

Avni got shocked and Neil shivered.

Neav: don’t know why my heart wants to call you Papa. Can I call you Papa?

Neil cupped Neav’s second cheek also.

Neil: Baby, I am your papa.

Avni got shocked and got angry. Neav’s face lights up.

Neav: really?

Neil nodded. Avni got angry.

Avni shouted: Neil.

Neil and Neav looked at Avni and got shocked. Avni was looking at Neil angrily.

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