Happy Ending

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A happy family is a blessing of God.

Days turned into months and Avneil was a happy married couple. It was the time of the night, the moon was shining over the Khanna mansion and a car stopped outside it. A man got down from the car and it was Neil. Neil was looking very tired and he huffed while running his hand in his hair. Neil moved into the home. Neil entered the home and the lights were off. Neil felt a light and turned his face. Neil was surprised to see the Television on. Neil frowned and moved there.

Neil saw a report on it. Neil blinked his eyes because the light was disturbing his eyes. Neil tried to read the report and he was shocked. Neil got numbed. The report changed and a picture came there. It was the picture of the sonography. Neil’s eyes got moist and he smiled. Neil licked his lips while running his hand through his hair. Neil looked around but couldn’t see anyone.

Neil: Av, Avni.

Neil’s voice broke and he was not able to talk. Avni moved forward and her cheeks were red. Neil saw Avni and turned to her. Avni lowered her gaze. Avni came to Neil. Neil tried to talk and his throat was aching.

Neil whispered: Avni.

Avni looked at Neil and found him crying.

Neil tried to say. Avni got emotional to see Neil’s condition.

Neil whispered: This?

Neil was crying. Avni cupped Neil’s face and nodded. Neil was surprised. Avni gulped and smiled.

Avni: We are going to become a parent. Again.

Neil was surprised. Avni nodded.

Avni: Your baby is…

Avni touched her belly. Neil looked at Avni’s belly.

Avni: Here inside me.

Neil looked at Avni who nodded. Neil cupped Avni’s face and tried to talk.

Neil: Yyyyoo… you aaare say, saying… right.

Avni nodded. Neil was surprised.

Avni: Yes, I am saying right. I am pregnant.

Tears fell from Neil’s eyes and he cupped Avni’s face in excitement. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead and face. Avni smiled. Neil looked at Avni and he was crying. Avni wiped Neil’s tears and was crying also but she smiled. Neil looked at Avni’s belly and sat on his knees. Neil touched Avni’s belly who smiled and tears fell from her eye. Neil held Avni’s waist and kissed her belly. Avni smiled.

Neil: My Baby.

Neil looked at Avni who cupped his face.

Avni: Our baby.

Neil smiled and nodded. Neil sighed.

Neil: Yes, our baby.

Avni smiled. Neil got up and cupped Avni’s face. Neil kissed her forehead. They looked at each other.

Neil: Thank you, Avni. Thank you so much for giving me this happiness.

Avni smiled and Neil also smiled but tears fell from his eyes. Avni wiped Neil’s tears.

Avni: Stop crying you are looking like a monkey.

They chuckled and Neil wiped his tears. Avni also wiped Neil’s tears. Neil hugged Avni and sighed. Suddenly, something struck his mind and he broke the hug. Avni was surprised.

Neil: Avni, why are you standing? You should not stand for a long like this. You should have rest and we should shift our room downstairs. Climbing stairs is not also good. And why you are still standing? Come, sit.

Neil side-hugged Avni who was looking at him and was smiling. Neil took Avni to the couch. Neil made Avni sit and he sat beside her. Neil noticed a cake on the table and he looked at Avni who smiled.

Avni: Khushi ke mauke per kuch meetha ho jaye.

Neil smiled and nodded. Neil went to switch on the light and then he came back. Avneil cut the cake and they fed each other together. They smiled and then Avneil was sitting. Avni’s head was on Neil’s chest and Neil was hugging her. Neil looked at the TV and smiled. Neil remembered something.

Neil: Avni.

Avni: Hmm.

Neil: Have you told the family about it?

Avni: No. I wanted to tell you first.

Neil smiled.

Neil: OK. We will tell them in the morning.

Avni smiled and said hmm. Neil smiled.

The sun rose and it was shining over the Khanna mansion where the whole Khanna family was standing there and they were looking at Avneil.

Bebe: Now say what the good news is.

Avni blushed.

Neil: Not like this. Mom, bring the sweets that I have bought.

Prakash: This is too much, yaar, Neil.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Patience, Dad. Patience. Sabr ka phal meetha hota hai.

Bebe palmed her head and Prakash made a face.

Neil: Mom.

Shweta huffed and she went to get the sweets. Shweta came back.

Shweta: Now say.

Neil looked at Avni who was blushing. Neil was smiling.

Neil: Mom and Dad, you are going to become Grandparents. Again.

Everyone was surprised.

Neil: And Bebe, you are going to become a great-grandmother.

Everyone looked at Avni who was feeling shy. They smiled.

Bebe: Really?

Neil side-hugged Avni and said yes.
Everyone was happy.

Neil: We are going to become parents. Avni is pregnant.

Everyone smiled. Bebe came to Avni and cupped her face. Bebe kissed Avni’s forehead.

Bebe: Thank You, my child, for giving us this good news.

Avni smiled and bent to take blessings but Bebe stopped her.

Bebe: Stop. Stop. Stop.

Avni looked at Bebe.

Bebe: It is not good to bend in this condition. My prayers her with you.

Avni smiled and Bebe gave her blessings. Bebe hugged Avni and then Neil. Everyone congratulated Avneil and fed them sweets. Prakash hugged Neil.

Prakash: Congratulations.

They looked at each other and were still hugging each other.

Prakash: I am going to become a grandfather.

They were excited because they didn’t get this happiness at Neav’s time.

Neil: And I am going to become a father.

Neav was looking at them.

Neav: Everyone is going to become something what will I become?

Everyone chuckled. Neil came to Neav and sat on his feet. Neil held Neav’s arm.

Neil: You are going to become a big brother.

Neav: Big brother?

Neil nodded.

Neil: Yes. Your younger brother or sister is coming.

Avni smiled and Neav got excited.

Neav: Really?

Neil nodded.

Neav: When and from where is he or she coming? Where is he or she?

Neil: He or she will come after nine months.

Neav: After nine months? Where is he or she? And who is it? A boy or a girl.

Neil looked at Avni who looked at him while smiling and then Neil looked at Neav.

Neil: Ab, it has not come into this world.

Neav was confused.

Neav: Means?

Neil: Means, it has not been born till now. It will born after nine months.

Neav was confused so he scratched his head.

Neil: You just leave it and wait for it. And yes from now onwards don’t hug Mama’s stomach tightly and be careful. Don’t hurt her belly.

Neav: Why?

Neil: Because Baby is there.

Avni was shocked and Neav was confused. The family was also shocked.

Neav: there?

Neil realized what he said.

Neil: Ab, aa…

Avni: Neav, you come with me. Let me explain to you.

Avni glared at Neil who made an innocent face and then he got up. Neav came to Avni who went to the couch and sat. Avni made Neav sat with her.

Avni: Neav, I showed you the pictures of your childhood. Do you remember that?

Neav nodded.

Neav: Yes, I was an itu (Neav showed his hands) baby in that.

Avni and the others smiled.

Avni: But see now you are a big boy, right?

Neav nodded.

Neav: Yes, I am a big boy.

Avni: Hmm, you are a big boy now. The new baby will be like you itu. He or she will reach here after nine months. I and Papa will go to the hospital after nine months and will get the baby there.

Neav made a sad face.

Neav: Why nine months, I want my sister now.
Avni: Neav, there are so many babies. Daily many babies come into this world. Our baby’s turn will come after nine months.

Neav made a sad face.

Avni: Ab, Neav, everyone fed us sweet, you will not feed us. You are not happy to hear the good news. The baby will get sad to know it.

Neav: No, no, I am happy. I will feed you.

Neav ran to Shweta and took the piece of sweet. Neav went to Avni and fed her. Everyone smiled. Avni fed Neav. Neil came to Neav.

Neil: You will not feed me.

Neav: Oops, sorry.

Avni smiled. Neav tried to feed Neil who bent and Neav fed Neil. Everyone smiled.

Some days passed and Avneil went to the doctor. The doctor did the sonography and Neil was present there. Avneil got emotional to see the baby. Avni looked at Neil who was not ready to take off his eyes from the screen. Avni smiled with moist eyes. The doctor made Neil hear the heartbeat of the baby and Neil got emotional. Neil cried. Avni cried to see Neil.

Avni: Neil.

Neil wiped his tears and sniffed.

Neil: I am fine. I am fine.

Neil sniffed and came to Avni. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead.

Neil: Thank you, Avni. Thank you so much for giving me these precious moments.

Avni smiled and her eyes were moist. They looked at the screen.

Some months passed and Neil, Neav and the Khanna family took care of Avni.

One day, Avni was laying on the bed in Fowler’s position and Neil was getting ready for the police station. They have changed their room and now Neav also sleeps in his room which is near Avneil’s room. Neil was brushing his hair and suddenly Avni winced. Neil saw Avni in the mirror and then he turned his face. Avni squeezed her eyes.

Neil: Avni.

Neil kept the hairbrush on the dressing table hurriedly and he ran to Avni. Avni suppressed her lips and Neil came to Avni. Neil sat on the bed.

Neil: What happened?

Avni smiled and Neil was confused.

Avni: Ne, Neil. Neil.

Neil nodded.

Neil: Yes, Avni.

Avni: Neil, the baby kicked me.

Neil was surprised.

Neil: What?

Avni nodded.

Avni: Yes, it kicked me.

Avni winced again and looked at Avni’s belly. Neil touched and felt Baby’s movement. Neil smiled and his eyes got moist.

Neil: Yes, Avni, you are right. The baby is moving. I feel it.

Avni smiled and Neil sniffed.

Neil: This feeling is… this is something else. This feeling is out of this world. It can’t be described. I… I am speechless.

Avni smiled and Neil touched Avni’s belly. Neil kissed it and Avni smiled. Neil looked at Avni and he got upset while thinking something.

Neil: I have missed many precious movements. I missed this phase at Neav’s time.

Avni got sad. Avni winced intentionally and Neil looked at her. Avni acted to hear.

Avni: What? Oh, OK.

Neil frowned and wiped his eyes.

Avni: Papa, the baby is asking you to not cry. It is not liking your crying face. It want to see you smiling.

Neil smiled.

Avni: It said, Papa is looking like a monkey.

Avni laughed and Neil made a face. Neil said shut up while smiling and wiping his eyes. Avni smiled to see Neil smiling.

One day, Avni was laying on the bed in a fowler’s position and Neil and Neav were sitting on the bed.

Avni was six months pregnant and they were feeding Avni soup one by one. Neav looked at Avni’s womb.

Neav: Mama?

Avni: Hmm.

Neav: Why your abdomen has grown up?

Avneil was shocked. They looked at each other and then they looked at Neav.

Neav: You are looking like a Moti Laal uncle.

Neil chuckled and Avni was shocked. Avni glared at Neil who was shocked. Neil gulped.

Neav: Mama, is baby there?

Avneil was shocked.

Neav: I know, Baby is there.

Avneil was shocked.

Neav: My friend Sam told me that his mother became fat because the baby was in her belly.

Avneil was shocked.

Neav: His parents went to the doctor and the doctor took out the baby.

Avneil was shocked.

Neav: Is it right, Baby is there?

Neav looked at Avni who nodded.

Neav: Really?

Avni nodded.

Avni: Yes, baby is here.

Neav: Can I touch it?

Avni nodded.

Avni: Yes.

Neav touched Avni’s belly. Avneil smiled and Neav kissed Avni’s belly. Avneil smiled.

Neav: Mama, how did the doctor take out the baby?

Avneil was shocked.

Avni: Ab, aa… Neav, feed me. I am hungry.

Neil: Neav, feed Mama. Mama and the baby are hungry.

Neav: The Bowl is in your hand.

Neil: Oh, yes, sorry.

Neil fed Avni and Neav smiled. Avneil looked at each other and sighed. Neil shook his head. They smiled.

Hours turned into days and days turned into months and the time of the delivery came. It was the daytime and the sun was shining over the building. The ambulances were parked there and Hospital’s sign was on it with the name.

In the room of the hospital, Avni was laying on the bed in Fowler’s position and Neil was sitting beside her. Neil held Avni’s hand and patted it. Neil kissed Avni’s hand. Avni was looking at Neil and she could see the fear and tension on Neil’s face clearly.

Avni: Mr. Husband, where has lost your charming smile, hmm? I haven’t seen it for hours.

Neil smiled slightly.

Avni: Aaj kal aap husne main bohat kanjoosi karne lage hain. (Nowadays, you have become very miser in smiling.)

Neil was looking at Avni and he gulped. Neil couldn’t control anymore and he hugged Avni who was shocked. Neil cried and Avni caressed Neil’s back.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: Avni, bohat dar lag raha hai mujhe. Agar humare bache ko kuch ho gaya to… (Avni, I am feeling very scared. What if something happens to our child).

Avni was shocked.

Neil: Agar tumhe kuch ho gaya to. Agar maine tumhe kho diya to. (What if something happens to you? What if I lose you?)

Avni: Ssshhhh…. Relax, nothing will happen like that. Relax.

Avni caressed Neil’s back and then she broke the hug. Neil was looking down and was crying. Avni cupped Neil’s face.

Avni: Neil, look at me.

Neil didn’t look up.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: The doctor said that I and Baby are fine then why are you getting worried? Everything will be fine, hmm.

Neil again hugged Avni who was already worried but she was showing herself strong. Avni thought.

Later, Avni was laying on the bed in Fowler’s position and Neil was laying beside her. Neil’s head was near Avni’s shoulder and Avni was caressing his hair. Neil was lost. Avni thought something.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: Hmm.

Avni paused for a moment.

Avni: Will you fulfill my wish if I ask you?

Neil frowned and looked at Avni who looked at him. Neil got up from the bed and looked at Avni. Neil was looking at her. Neil understood what Avni was going to ask.

Neil: N… No. I… I don’t want to listen to anything.

Avni: Neil, listen.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: No.

Avni: Neil, Please.

Neil: No, I will not listen to you. I don’t want to.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: No, don’t do this to me…

Avni: Neil.

Neil: You need rest so you have rest.

Avni got irritated.

Avni shouted: Neil, please listen to me.

Neil flinched and looked at Avni who was looking at him. Avni was panting so she sighed.

Avni: Sit here.

Neil didn’t listen to her.

Avni: Neil, I said, sit here.

Neil sat and Avni sighed. Avni caught her head and Neil looked at her. Avni licked her lips and closed her eyes.  Avni looked at Neil. Avni took a water bottle and opened the cap. Avni passed the bottle to Neil who looked at the bottle and then he looked at Avni. Avni signed. Avni made Neil drink water. Neil was looking down.

Avni: Neil, listen to me carefully.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: C-section is a normal thing nowadays but still the risk is there. I and the baby, both are fine and everything is fine. You and our family have taken proper care of us that’s why we are healthy today.

Neil looked down.

Neil: and I am sure that everything will be fine but…

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: But if any unfortunate thing happens and you would have to choose any one of us then please choose our child.

Neil was just looking at Avni who was waiting for his reply.

Avni: Promise me that you will choose our baby.

Neil: Do not ask me to make promises that I cannot fulfill.

Avni looked on.

Neil: If I had to choose any one of you and our baby then I would choose you without thinking twice.

Avni: Neil, it is our baby. The sign of our love.

Neil: And you are my love. You are my life. I can’t lose you. Once I have lost you, I can't lose you again.

Avni looked at Neil sadly. Neil got up from the bed.

Neil: I have already decided that if something unfortunate happened then I will choose you and it is my final decision.

Avni got angry and she was about to say.

Neil: And don’t you dare to blackmail me. If you try to do any smartness or try to blackmail me at the last moment then it may prove dangerous for our child.

Avni was shocked.

Neil: So be careful.

Avneil was looking at each other and their intense eyes locked. Neil took steps back while looking at Avni who was also looking at him and then Neil turned. Neil went from there and Avni thought.

Later, Neil was standing in the corridor of the hospital with Prakash and Shweta. Avni was laying on the stretcher. Neil leaned to Avni and caressed her hair. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead who closed her eyes. Avneil looked at each other. Shweta and Prakash got emotional.

Neil: Don’t be scared. Remember, you are my tigress, my lady don. And my tigress is very brave. She is a fighter. She will fight with her fear and will win.

Avni smiled.

Neil: Now, go and come back to me all fine soon. I will wait for you.

Avni smiled. Neil held Avni’s hand and kissed it. Avneil smiled and their eyes were moist.

Neil: Go.

Avni was taken inside and their hands got separated. Avneil were looking at each other. The door closed and the red light turned on.

Some time passed and Neil was waiting for Avni. Neil was looking at the door of the room and the tension was clearly shown on his face. Shweta came to Neil.

Shweta: Don’t worry, Tillu, everything will be fine. Sit.

Neil sat on the bench and rubbed his mouth. Neil looked at the door. Neil heard the sound of the baby crying and he looked there. Shweta and Prakash looked at the door. Neil hurriedly got up and smiled. The tears formed in Neil’s eyes.

Neil: Mo, Mom. Mom. Did you hear, Mom?

Neil looked at Shweta who nodded while smiling and her eyes were moist.

Neil: My, my baby.

Shweta nodded and Neil looked at her. Neil hugged her. They broke the hug and Shweta cupped Neil’s face.

Shweta: Congratulations, you became a father again.

Neil smiled and wiped his tears. Neil looked at Prakash who came to him. They hugged and Prakash patted Neil’s back. Prakash congratulated Neil. Neil smiled and wiped his tears.

Neil was waiting to see his Avni and his baby impatiently.

Neil: Why anyone has not come out till now?

Shweta: Relax. Tillu, they will come.

Neil made a face.

Soon, the door opened and Neil looked there. The doctor came out.

Neil: Doctor, my wife and baby?

The doctor smiled.

Doctor: Don’t worry, both are fine.

Neil took a sigh of relief.

Doctor: Congratulations. It’s a baby girl.

Neil was surprised and he got emotional. Shweta and Prakash smiled.

Neil: Really?

The doctor nodded and Neil smiled.

Neil: Thank you, Doctor.

.The doctor smiled and nodded. The doctor went from there. Neil smiled and sighed.

Neil was walking in the corridor to and fro and was looking at the door from time to time. Shweta made a face and Prakash smiled. The door opened and Neil looked there. A nurse came while carrying a baby. Neil looked at the baby. The nurse came to Neil and gave the baby to Neil who got emotional and a tear fell from his eye. Neil smiled. Neil kissed his baby’s forehead. Shweta and Prakash smiled.

Neil: My princess. My little tigress.

Neil kissed his princess's forehead and held her hand. Neil kissed her hand. The baby moved her head and Neil smiled to see her.

Shweta: Aww, she is so cute.

Neil looked at Shweta while smiling.

Prakash: See, she is like Avni.

Neil smiled. Neil looked at his daughter.

Later, Avni got her consciousness, and her vision was blurred. Avni’s head was spinning. Avni caught her head and then she tried to see. Avni remembered about her delivery so she opened her eyes. Avni saw the roof and then she looked at the belly. Avni touched her belly and found it flat. Neil looked around. Avni saw her baby in the cradle. Avni’s eyes got moist and she smiled to see her baby.

Avni whispered: My baby.

Avni cried. The door opened and Avni looked there. Neil entered and Avni smiled to see her. Neil turned and saw Avni. Neil smiled and came forward. Neil leaned to Avni and kissed her forehead. Avni smiled with closed here. They looked at each other.

Neil: Thank you so much, Avni. Thank you for giving me this precious gift. It’s a baby girl.

Avni was surprised and she smiled. Avni looked at the baby and Neil also looked there.

Avni: Neil, please bring her to me.

Avni looked at Neil who nodded. Neil adjusted Avni’s bed first and then he went to pick up the baby. Neil brought up the baby to Avni and gave her. Avni saw her baby and she got emotional.

Avni: My Baby.

Neil smiled. Avni kissed her baby’s forehead and cheek. Avni held her hand and kissed it. Avni kissed the tip of the baby’s nose who made a face. Avneil was surprised to see that and they smiled.

Avni:  Aww. So cute.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Dad said, she is like you.

Avni smiled and looked at the baby. Avni remembered something.

Avni: You know, when Neav was born he was just like you.

Neil smiled. Avni realized what she said and she looked at Neil who smiled.

Avni: I…

Neil shook his head.

Neil: I didn’t mind.

Avni felt bad. Neil came forward and sat beside Avni. Neil caressed the baby’s face. Avneil looked at each other and smiled. The doctor came and Neil got up. Neil took the baby from Avni. The doctor did Avni’s check-up and talked to her then she went. Neil again sat with Avni and gave her baby. Suddenly, the baby started to cry. Avneil looked at her and Neil got up. Neil got worried.

Neil: What happened to her? She is fine, right?

Avni: She is fine. She…

Neil interrupted her.

Neil: then why she is crying? She must have pain.

Avni: Neil, calm down. She is fine. She must be hungry.

Neil was about to say but he understood Avni’s point so he looked at her.

Neil: Hungry?

Avni: Yes, hungry. Lock the room so I feed her.

Neil nodded and went to lock the door. Neil came back to them.

Neil: Can I help you?

Avni looked at Neil and nodded.

Avni: Neil…

Avni talked and Neil nodded. Avni started to open the button of her dress.

Avni was feeding the baby and Neil was standing there. Avni closed her eyes and a tear fell from her eye. Neil looked at Avni. Avni looked at her baby and smiled. Avni caressed the baby’s head.

Neil: you Ok?

Avni looked at Neil and smiled. Avni nodded. Neil nodded.

Later, the family came to meet Avni and they congratulated her. Avni smiled. They stayed there for some time and then they went from there. Avni had to stay in the hospital for three days. Neil stayed with her. The next day, Neil brought Neav there and Neav saw his sister in the cradle. Neav started crying. Avneil was surprised.

Avni: Neav?

Neil sat on his knees and cupped Neav's face. Neil smiled.

Neil: What happened, Tiger?

Neav was crying.

Neav: she is so cute.

Avni felt helpless.

Neil: Aww.

Neil hugged Neav and Avni smiled slightly.

Neil: Don’t cry else your sister will also cry.

Neav: No. No.

Neav broke the hug and wiped his tears.

Neav: I am not crying.

Avneil smiled.

Neil: do you want to pick up your sister?

Neav nodded.

Neil: sit there on the couch. I will give you the baby there.

Neav nodded and went there. Neil got up and picked up the baby. Neil went to Neav and sat.

Avni: Be careful, Neil.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah.

Neil gave the baby to Neav who again started to cry and was wiping his tears. Neav kissed his sister's cheek and Avneil adored them. Neav remembered something.

Neav: Papa, Mama.

Neil: Hmm.

Neav: What is her name?

Avneil looked at each other and smiled. They looked at the baby.

Avneil: Navya.

Avneil looked at each other and smiled.

Neav: Navya?

Avneil smiled.

Neav: Hi, Navya. I am Neav. Your big brother.

Avneil adored them and smiled.

The next day, the sun was shining over the Khanna mansion. A car stopped outside the Khanna mansion. Neil got out of the car and the Khanna family came out. The car’s door opened and Neil held it. Neil helped Avni to get out of the car. Neil shut the door and Avni covered the baby to protect her from the sun's rays. Neav jumped.

Neav: Mama and Navya came home.

Avni and Neil looked at Neav and they smiled. Avneil looked at each other and smiled.

Neav: Mama and Navya came home. Yeah.

Avni looked at Navya.

Avni: Navya, see our home. Our family is standing there to welcome us.

Neil smiled and came to Avni who looked at him. They looked at Navya.

Avneil said together: Welcome home.

Avneil smiled and looked at each other. Neil kept his hand on Avni’s back. Neav came to them.

Neil: come.

Neil turned around Neav and they moved to the home. Shweta welcomed them and Neil signed Avni to enter first. Avni entered first and Neil and Neav entered behind her. They came inside. Avni looked at the home which was decorated. Avni smiled and looked at Navya who was scanning the roof.

Avni: See, Navya, our home.

Navya was looking at the roof and was rolling her eyes. Neil brought clay and they printed Navya's hands and feet.

Avneil entered the room and Navya was in Avni’s arms. Avni smiled to see the room because the room was decorated and the welcome banner was there. The toys were there and a cradle was also kept there. The cradle was covered with a pink net curtain. Avni smiled to see the room and she looked at Neil who lowered his head while smiling.

Neav: I helped Papa in decorating this room.

Avni: Hmm. Thank you.

Neav smiled.

Avni: Navya, say thank you to Bro.

Neav: Mama, she is a small baby. How can she talk?

Avni: oops sorry.

Everyone smiled.

In Avneil’s room, Avni was sitting in Fowler’s position and Neil sat the pillow at her back. Navya was in Shweta’s arms. Avni rested. Avni closed her eyes. Neil looked on.

Later, Neav was sitting on the bed and Navya was in his arms. Avni was laying in a Fowler’s position. Neil entered the room and looked up. Neil smiled to see them. Neil came inside.

Neil: Wow, Ne…

Neav: Ssshhhh…

Neil stopped.

Neav whispered: Navya is sleeping.

Neil whispered: Oh.

Avni smiled and Neil held his ear.

Neil whispered: Sorry.

Neil came and sat. Avneil smiled to see each other.

Avni: Neav, now give Navya to Papa. He made her lay in the cradle. If you carry her like this all the time then she will get habitual of it.

Neav: it’s ok. I will carry her all the time.

Neil smiled.

Avni: Yes, yes, why not? You carry her all the time and I will go to school on your behalf.

Neav: Superb idea, Mama.

Avni narrowed her eyes. Neav got scared.

Neav: Ab, I mean. Bad idea. It is my school so I will go there. Why you will go on my behalf?

Neil smiled. Avni nodded.

Avni: Good boy.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: Neil, you want an invitation card or I make an announcement on the speaker that Mr. Neil Khanna, wherever your mind is, please bring it back to the world and listen. Please take Navya from Neav and make her lay in the cradle.

Neil made a face. Neav giggled.

Neil: Very funny.

Avni smiled. Neil took Navya from Neav and adored her. Avni made a face.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looked at Avni who signed him go with her eyes.

Neil: Five minutes.

Avni: She will wake up.

Neil: Two minutes.

Avni dropped the weapons. Neil looked at Navya and kissed her cheek. Avni smiled. Neil was about to get up but Navya started crying. Avni looked at her. Neil was shocked and he looked at Avni who gave him a deadly glare. Neil made an innocent face. Neav saw that and he thought. Neil sat back and Neav slowly moved from the bed and Avni saw him. Neav saw Avni and he ran from there. Avni looked at Neil who passed Navya to her. Avni took Navya and Neil sat there like an obedient husband. Avni fed Navya. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: She was hungry. Stop making this face.

Neil looked at Avni innocently who tried to control her smile. Neil smiled to see her. Avni shook her head while smiling.

Some days passed and Avni got better. Navya was now one month old. One day, Avneil and Neav were sitting on the bed and Navya was laying. Avneil and Neav were talking to Navya and were smiling. Neil snapped his fingers and Navya was also smiling and trying to kick. Avneil and Neav were smiling.

Neil: Tomorrow is Navya’s naming ceremony. Navya will wear new clothes.

Navya smiled.

Neil: Yes.

Neav: She will wear the frock that I chose for her.

Avneil smiled.

Avni: Yes, Navya will wear her bro’s chosen frock. We will have a lot of fun tomorrow.

They smiled. Avneil smiled to see each other.

The next day, the sun was shining in the sky over the Khanna mansion which was decorated beautifully with curtains and flowers. It was also decorated from the inside. They did the naming ceremony in the presence of the family and some close friends.

Neil was wearing a Kurta.

Priest: Say her name in her ear.

Avni did as the priest asked her. Neil and his family smiled. Avni smiled to see Navya and kissed her forehead. Avni looked at Neil and they passed the smile to each other.

Later, it was the party, the guests were present and were sitting on the chairs. The staff was serving the guests.

KK and Vidyut came while carrying the bunch of flowers.

KK: May I have your attention, please?

Everyone looked at him.

Vidyut: Keep your hands on your heart because the new member of the Khanna family is coming to steal your heart with her charming looks.

Everyone smiled. KK and Vidyut nodded and KK blew the party whistle. They moved away and Avneil was coming. Neil was holding Neav’s hand and Avni was carrying Navya.

Neil and Neav we're wearing matching suits.

Everyone smiled and clapped for them.

The guests came and gave gifts and blessings to Navya. Avneil smiled.
Avni made Navya lay in the cradle and people were coming to meet them.  Avneil and friends were standing near the cradle and were adoring Navya.

Juhi: Aww, my baby.

Arjun (KK’s son): Papa, I also want a sister like her.

Everyone chuckled.

Neav: She is my sister so she is your sister also.

Sonia: Aww.

Arjun side-hugged Neav who smiled. Avneil smiled to see Neav. Avneil looked at each other and smiled.

Vidyut: Seriously, small babies look so cute. She is so adorable. Juhi, I also want a baby girl like Navya.

Avneil and others were surprised. Neil smiled.

Neil: Abay, oye, pehle shadi ko kar. (Hey, first get married).

Vidyut: oh hello, I also meant to say that after our marriage, I want a baby girl as our first baby.

Avneil smiled. Juhi blushed.

Avni: Oh my, my. Blushing and all. Hmm.

Juhi: Shut up.

They smiled. They talked and adored the baby.

Later, they did the photo session. The family photo, photos with friends, Navya’s photos with Avneil’s friends and family. Avneil were standing and Navya was in Avni’s arm and Neav was in Neil’s arm. Neil side-hugged Avni. The cameraman clicked their photos. After that, Avneil was standing and Navya was in Avni’s arms and the cameraman clocked their photos. Avneil’s couple photo. Avni’s photos with Navya. Neil’s photos with Navya. Their photos with Neav. They enjoyed themselves there.

It was the time of the night, Avneil was standing in the garden area. A cup was in Neil’s hand and his one hand was in his pocket. Neil sipped the coffee and they saw the flashes of their journey. Neil passed the cup to Avni who smiled and took the cup. Avni sipped the coffee and then again they got lost in recalling the past. Avni sighed and passed the cup to Neil who sipped.

Avni: Eight years have passed to our wedding.

Neil smiled.

Avni: How time passed, we didn’t realize that.

Neil: Hmm, the journey was not less the roller coaster.

Avni smiled and Neil gave her a cup.

Avni: Hmm, the journey was not difficult. We made it difficult by taking the wrong steps and making the wrong decisions.

Neil nodded while pressing his lips.

Neil: Hmm. Right. We lost five precious years of life.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: It was in our destiny but the best thing is we got our lesson and learned from it. Now we will never repeat our mistakes.

Neil nodded while thinking.

Avni: and the best of the best things is now we are together and have a perfect family.

Neil: And we are a perfect couple.

Avni: The best couple.

Avneil smiled.

Neil: Yes, the best couple.

Neil kissed Avni’s cheek who squeezed her eyes because of Neil’s beard.

Neil: I love you.

Avni smiled.

Avni: I love you too.

They were looking at each other while smiling. Avni pecked Neil's lips who smiled.

Neil: Ab, have a sip and give me the cup. It is cold here.

Avni smiled and sipped and then she made Neil have coffee with her hands. Avni sipped and Neil side-hugged her. They looked at the moon and dreamt about their future with their perfect family.

After that, they lived happily though the tough time came but they faced that with the help of each other instead of blaming and doubting each other.

The ends.

Thank you, I hope, you liked it.


Think twice before you talk about whether you are happy or angry. The words we spoke can never be taken back and sometimes the damage they cause is unpayable. The pain of those words is unbearable. The solution to the problems can only be found by talks, not by fighting. Share your feelings, your emotions, your opinions, and your doubts with that person. Avneil’s example is in front of you, they lost five years of their life because of Neil’s words. Avni couldn’t bear Neav’s harsh words and she had almost died. Avni misunderstood Neil and she stayed silent on that. If she clarified that on time and if Neil had not lied to her then they would not have gotten separated so, please think twice before you talk, respect the elders, especially parents, and don’t sit silent.

Thank you.

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