Huge Fight

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Chapter 11:

It was daytime, the sun looked angry and was giving a hard time to the people and other creatures. The police jeeps were standing and people were going and coming from the police station where Neil was sitting in his cabin on the chair and he was studying a case file. Neil's phone rang and he saw Avni's name. Neil smiled and picked up the phone.

Neil: Hi, beautiful.

Avni smiled. A plaster was on her left arm.

Avni: Hello, where are you?

Neil frowned and chuckled at Avni's question.

Neil: I am at the beach with my beauty queen.

Avni got surprised. Neil joked but he had no idea about Avni's insecurity.

Avni: what?

Neil got shocked and widened his eyes.

Neil: hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on to the horses of your mind. Give a break to your fast-tracking train.

Avni frowned.

Neil: I am in the police station.

Avni didn't say anything. Neil frowned.

Neil: Avni?

No reply because Avni was lost in her thoughts.

Neil: Avni? Come on, yaar, Avni, I was just joking. I mean, I left home in the morning to come to the police station, so it is obvious that I will be in the police station.

Neil smiled.

Avni whispered: No, sometimes people leave home to go somewhere but they go somewhere else.

Neil frowned. Avni saw the flashes that she saw Neil in the café with Maya and he told her that he is in the police station.

Neil smiled and was confused.

Neil: what?

Avni came out of her thoughts.

Avni: ab, aa, nothing.

Neil smiled.

Neil: ok, leave it. Tell me why did you call?

Avni had no excuse because she called Neil because she was getting bad thoughts that Neil will be with Maya.

Neil: why?

Avni: ab... aaa... I am missing you.

Neil frowned.

Neil: missing me?

Avni: yes, I am feeling bored at home.

Neil frowned and asked, bored? Where are Mom and Bebe?

Avni: they went to meet Bebe's friend's home.

Neil: oh yeah, yeah, the one about Bebe told last night.

Avni: yes. I wish I could go office.

Neil smiled.

Avni: Papa didn't let me go.

Neil: he did right.

Avni made a face.

Neil: how is your arm pain now?

Avni: it is better. It was just a minor sprain. You people just made an issue of small thing.

Neil smiled while opening the clipper of the file.

Neil: well, we didn't make the issue. You had severe pain.

Avni smiled.

Neil: ok, now have rest and let me do my work. If the commissioner sir or anyone else come and saw me talking on the phone with my wife then it will be the last day of my job.

Avni smiled and said, ok.

Neil: bye, will try to come home earlier today. Mom and Bebe will also come soon.

Avni: Ok, bye.

Neil: bye.

Neil cut the call while smiling and shook his head. Neil said.

Neil: enough talks now let's get back to work.

Neil sighed and resumed his work.

On the other side, Avni was sitting on the bed and was smiling. Avni thought.


It was the morning, Avni was all ready to go to the office. She went to the tea table and bent to take her bag and file but her leg twisted.

Avni: ouch.

Neil was passing by the corridor and was coming to the room. Neil heard Avni and he stopped.

Neil: Avni.

Neil hurriedly moved. Avni's leg twisted but thankfully she held the table. She got saved from falling but got a sprain in her arm. Avni felt a sharp pain in my arm. Neil came and he stopped at the door. Avni was standing holding her arm.

Neil: Avni.

Neil came to Avni and held her arm.

Neil: what happened?

Avni: my arm.

Neil got panicked.

Neil: Come. Come here and sit.

Neil made Avni sit on the table and he sat on his feet.

Neil: wait, let me check.

Neil tried to move Avni's arm and Avni winced. Neil looked at Avni and tears formed in his eyes. Avni opened her eyes and suppressed her lips. Avni got surprised to see Neil who gulped. Neil looked at Avni's arm and touched it. Avni winced and Neil looked at her.

Neil: come, let's go to the doctor.

Avni: no, I am fine.

Neil: no arguments, come.

Neil made Avni stand and took her to the hospital.

The ambulances were standing outside the hospital and inside it, Avni and Neil were sitting in the doctor's cabin who checked the x-ray. Avni was still feeling pain. Avni and Neil looked at each other and then they looked at the doctor.

Neil: everything is fine, right doctor?

Doctor: hmm.

The doctor looked at Neil and said: yes, everything is alright. It is just a minor sprain nothing else.

Neil sighed and Avni smiled to see him.
Avni was sitting on the bed and Neil was standing. The doctor did the bandage and talked to them.

Flashback ends.

Avni was smiling.

Avni's point of view:

We came back and almost everyone scolded me for being careless about myself and I still feel that it was destined to be happen, I am not careless. Papa prohibited me from going office today and here, I am sitting on the bed in my room and I am terribly feeling bored.

Avni huffed and remembered something. Avni smiled.

Avni: Neil got so worried about me. Literally, tears had formed in his eyes. I had seen tears in his eyes several times but today, there was something different in his eyes.

Avni thought.

Avni: sometimes, I feel that I am overthinking. Sometimes, I feel that is Neil really cheating on me or this all is just in my mind? Is he really up to Maya or I am overthinking?

Avni thought.

Avni: I trust Neil but what I saw and he lied to me... these things are pointing to the other side. What is true, I am not getting it.

Avni thought.

One fine day, Neil was standing in front of the dressing table and brushing his hair while humming. Avni entered the room and she heard Neil humming. Avni got surprised and she came to Neil and was looking at him. Neil saw Avni and smiled and Avni came and stood beside him. Avni was looking at Neil as she was trying to read Neil's face and mind. Neil took the perfume and showered with it. Avni widened her eyes because she had never seen him like that.

Avni: where are you going?

Neil paused for a moment and rolled his eyes as he was trying to find an excuse. Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him and noticing his acts.

Neil: ab, aa, I am going to party with KK and Vidyut.

Avni frowned.

Avni: KK and Vidyut?

Neil nodded. Avni thought.

Neil: ab, ok, I am getting late so, I am going.

Neil turned to Avni and kissed her forehead. Avni smiled but not with her heart.

Neil: Bye.

Avni nodded but something was running in her mind.

Avni: Bye.

Neil grabbed his phone and kept his phone in his pocket and then he took the key and passed a smile to Avni. Neil went from there while rolling the keys in his finger and whistling. Avni was looking at him and she thought.

The roads were floating with the vehicles. Neil was driving his car and was looking fresh and happy unaware of the fact that someone is following him. Some cars passed by Neil's car but one car was moving at some distance and the person who was driving the car was none other than Avni. Avni was following him. Neil reached the destination and Avni stopped her car. Avni looked at the bungalow. Avni thought. Neil got down from the car and he went there. Avni got down from the car but she can't go inside because of security.

Inside the bungalow, people were dancing and jumping. Neil came inside and met his friends. Neil looked around and smiled. Avni was hiding behind the tree and was looking here and there. She was on the premises of the bungalow. Avni went forward while running and she touched the wall. Avni started to find the window. Avni got a window and it was open. Avni looked from there and she saw people dancing. The boys were there and some girls were there. It was the bachelor's party of Neil's friend. Avni looked for Neil who was sitting on the counter and raised his glass up to show his friend. Avni got shocked and tears formed in her eyes. Neil gulped it.


Avni: promise me that you will never touch alcohol, not even occasionally.

Neil kept his hand on Avni's hand.

Neil: I promise.

Avni smiled.

Flashback ends.

Avni: Neil, you broke your promise. You promised me that we will never touch alcohol. You broke your promise.

A tear fell from Avni's eyes. Avni saw a girl come to Neil and Avni got angry. The girl got cozy with him. Neil was also enjoying with her. Avni got angry.

Avni: this means you are also into girls.

Avni got hurt and angry too. Avni thought Neil is also like other men. The girl took the glass from Neil and made him drink. Avni clenched her fist. The girl took Neil to the dance floor and danced around him. Neil was smiling but Neil didn't touch her. Neil danced there freely with her. Avni got hurt. Neil signed enough and he went to the counter and sat there. Avni wiped her tears and went from there.

Avni was driving her car and was crying. Avni wiped her tears but fresh tears filled in her eyes. A car came in front of Avni's car and she got shocked. Avni turned her car and applied the break. Avni's head hit the steering wheel. The car stopped and Avni was panting. Avni got hurt on her head but she got saved. Avni sighed.

Avni came to her room and closed it. Avni came to the bed and threw her phone on the bed. Avni sat there and cried. Avni waited for Neil for hours but Neil didn't come back and Avni slept on the couch in the sitting position.

On the other side, Neil was standing with Vidyut and they were drunk.

Vidyut: Neil, drop me home.

Neil: I am not going home. I am going to my condo.

Vidyut: why? You had a fight with Bhabhi.

Neil: no, yaar, I promised Avni that I will never drink but I broke my promise.

Vidyut: bad. Very bad. You did wrong.

Neil scratched his forehead: I know, yaar, I am feeling guilty. That's why, I am not going home. She will get hurt to see me in this state.

Vidyut: good. Ok, then bye.

They hugged and then Vidyut went while stumbling and Neil looked for his car. Neil blinked his eyes and tried to see clearly. Neil saw his car and smiled.

Neil: here, it is.

Neil went to it and took out the keys from his pocket. Neil opened the door and got in it. Neil started the car.

On the other side, Avni was sleeping on the couch and her sleep got disturbed because of the uncomfortable position. Avni opened her eyes and saw she is sleeping on the couch. Avni remembered about Neil and looked for him but he was not there. Avni saw the time and it showed 03:45 am. Avni got shocked and she took her phone from the table and tried Neil's number but Neil's number was off. Avni got surprised and cut the call. Avni thought and many weird thoughts came into her mind. The first thought was is he fine and then she thought is he with any girl or he went to the Maya? Tears formed in her mind and she started panting.

The sun rises and its rays entered from the window to the Avneil's room. Avni was sleeping on the bed and she stirred. Avni woke up and turned her face to see Neil but Neil was not there. Avni thought and sat on the bed.

Avni: Neil didn't come the whole night.

Avni got shocked.

Later, Avni got ready and she held the box of Sindoor in her hand. Avni was looking at it and was thinking don't know for how many days she will fill it in her hairline. Avni filled the sindoor in her hairline and wore the mangalsutra. Avni touched her mangalsutra. Avni went to the bed and sat on it. Avni took her phone and used it.

After some time, Neil came and stopped at the door to see Avni. Avni looked at Neil who got shocked to see the mark of the wound on Avni's forehead. Avni got up from the bed and went to the shelves to charge her phone. Neil came to Avni and held Avni's arm who was plugging in the phone. Neil turned Avni to him and Avni got shocked. Neil checked Avni's forehead.

Neil: How did you get this injury?

Avni frowned and then she remembered about her accident. Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: do you really care for me?

Avni smiled and Neil was surprised by hearing the

Avni: I don't think so.

Avni turned and checked her phone while saying: by the way where were you the whole night?

Neil got shocked and thought.

Avni: so you broke your promise.

Neil frowned. Avni turned to Neil.

Avni: you drank alcohol again.

Neil got shocked. Avni was looking at him.

Neil: how did you get to know?

Avni: that is not important. The important thing is you drank alcohol.

Neil lowered his gaze and was thinking. Avni nodded.

Avni: Good, today, you broke one promise like this you will break all your promises.

Neil felt guilty. Neil held Avni's arms.

Neil: I am sorry, Avni, I...

Avni: it's ok.

Avni smiled and Neil was looking at her.

Avni: ab, you want breakfast or you had it?

Neil shook his head.

Avni: you want it?

Neil was looking at Avni.
Avni: what? Confessed how I got to know?

Avni signed wait. Avni unplugged her phone and took it. Avni showed the pictures to Neil where he was sitting with his friends and they were holding the glasses in their hands. Neil got shocked and looked at Avni and then she showed him the video where Neil was drinking and dancing with his friends and girls. Neil was drunk.

Avni: your friend Varun tagged you.

Neil saw the name of Id and then he looked at Avni who turned and kept her phone on charge.

Avni: ab now when you got the answers to your questions then now I get breakfast for you.

Avni looked at Neil and went from there. Neil was looking at Avni.

Neil closed his eyes and said: oh, man.

Neil opened his eyes.

Neil: Varun.

Neil sighed.

Avni came back and gave breakfast to Neil and then she grabbed her bag from the table and went out. Neil was looking at Avni.

It was the time of the night, Avni was sitting on the couch and was using the laptop. Neil came to Avni and sat on the couch near Avni. Avni felt that but didn't say anything. Neil held Avni's hand.

Neil: I am sorry, Avni.

Avni: Neil, I said it's ok.

Neil: you are saying it but you have not forgiven me.

Avni: I have.

Neil squeezed Avni's hand. Avni looked at the hands and felt that she is getting weak.

Neil whispered: please.

Avni took her hand back. Neil looked at the hands and then he looked at Avni.

Avni: I am sleepy, Neil.

Avni shut the laptop while saying: Papa and family are not here. I have to prepare breakfast in the morning and then have to go office so, I need to sleep.

Avni shut the laptop and went to sleep. Neil was looking at her. Neil understood because his family has gone abroad and the responsibility of home and office are now on Avni's shoulders.

The next day, Avni behaved normally with Neil and then went office. It was the time of the night, Avni was washing the vessels to make herself busy to avoid Neil. Neil came to the kitchen and he found Avni washing the vessels. Neil came to Avni and hugged her from behind. Avni didn't react to it.

Neil: what are you doing here?

Avni: washing clothes.

Neil made a face.

Neil: never mind. Are you still angry with me?

No reply.

Neil: I am sorry, Avni.

Avni said while washing the cup: it's ok.

Neil: Avni. Ok leave it and listen to what I am saying. Avni, no one is at home and tomorrow is Sunday so can we...

Avni didn't react to it. Neil rubbed his lips and nose at Avni's ear and then he moved to her neck.

Neil nuzzled Avni's neck while saying: I want you, Avni.

Avni: ok.

Avni washed her hands and pulled off the tape and then she turned to Neil. Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: let's go to the room. Because I am here to fulfill your desires.

Neil got shocked.

Avni: you marry me for this work, right?

Neil got angry.

Neil: Avni.

Avni: what, Avni? Hmm, what, Avni? You never listen to me and do what you want. You know that I am angry with you because you drank alcohol last night and you are behaving like as if nothing has happened. You are normal and asking me you want me, wow.

Neil was giving a deadly look to Avni.

Avni: by the way, didn't you get any girl that night to fulfill your desires?

Neil got shocked and angry.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looked on.

Neil: now you are stepping over the line.

Avni: I am stepping over the line? And what about what you are doing?

Neil: you know what, Avni, I am giving a full stop to this conversation from my side because I am pissed off now.

Avni got shocked.

Neil: You do what you want. Because your mind is full of dirt and I can't handle it anymore.

Avni got shocked and Neil looked at Avni. Neil shook his head and turned.

Avni: Wow, today you found dirt in my mind and tomorrow you will find me dirty and will leave me like Mr Mehta did with my Mama.

Neil turned while saying: I am not Ashish Mehta. I am Neil, Neil Khanna.

Avni didn't say anything. Neil caught his hair while closing his eyes. Neil sighed and looked at Avni.

Neil: Avni, what is a big deal in it if I drank last night? I...

Avni gets shocked.

Avni: what is a big deal in it? Are you serious? Did you forget what happened last time? You tried to ra...

Avni stopped. Neil got shocked and Avni looked away.

Neil: no need to remind me, I remember that and that's the reason, I didn't come home that night.

Avni: oh wow, thank you so much. I am so thankful to you. Instead of knowing that I am alone at home, you decided not to come home. Brilliant.

Avni clapped. Neil got angry.

Neil: oh come on, Avni, it is not the first time, you lived alone in the home. I think now you have forgotten that you were used to living alone since your childhood.

Avni got shocked and hurt. Neil realized what he said and tears formed in Avni's eyes.

Avni: thank you so much for reminding me.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: you are right, I have forgotten that. Thank you so much for reminding me. Thank you so much for reminding me. Thank you.

Avni shook her head and was going.

Neil: you are misunderstanding me, Avni.

Avni stopped but didn't turn to Neil.

Avni: no, I think, now I understand you.

Neil rolled his eyes and turned to Avni.

Avni was going but Neil held her arm and pinned her to the wall. Avni's eyes were closed and Neil was looking at Avni angrily. Avni opened her eyes and looked at Neil who was angry.

Neil: what does it mean?

Avni looked down and tried to move but Neil kept his hands on both sides of the wall. Avni looked at the hands and then she looked at Neil. Avni lowered her gaze.

Neil: answer me.

Avni: I don't want to say anything now.

Neil: I also don't want to say anything now and you know why because I am done with you. I am done with you now.

Avni looked at Neil who was in anger. Neil moved back and went from there. Avni was looking at him and then she thought.

It was the time of late night, Avni was in a nightgown and was dialing a number. Avni looked worried. Avni called and the ring was going but no answer. The call cut.

Avni: Tch. Neil, where are you?

Avni looked at the clock: please come back, Neil.

Avni again dialed the number but no use. Avni cut the call.

Avni: Avni, what was the need to fight with him? Neil...

Avni went to the bed and sat on it. Avni again tried the number and heard the sound of Neil's phone ringtone. Avni looked up and smiled. Avni got relieved and got up. Avni was looking at the door and then she got shocked. Her eyes got widened.

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