One More Trouble For Avneil

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Chapter 34:

It was the time of night, the dark clouds were hovering in the sky and the drops of water were dripping from the leaves slowly. The rain was stopped but the trees and other things were looking fresh and clean. Silence was all around so the sound of rackets was echoing and was making the surroundings scary. The flowers of the garden of the Khanna mansion were dancing to the music of the soft breeze and inside the mansion, Avni and Neil were standing.
Neil was standing by holding Avni’s hand. Avni looked at the hands and then she looked at Neil. Neil took a deep breath.

Neil: Avni. Avni, yaar, I am sorry.

Avni looked away.

Neil: I know, I should inform you about my coming late.

Avni was looking here and there.

Neil: Avni, I asked Vidyut to send Juhi to you.

Avni looked at him.

Avni: Juhi?

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: You called Vidyut to send Juhi to me. Means you could call Vidyut to ask him to send Juhi here but you could not call to inform me that you would be late. Wow, amazing.

Neil sighed. Avni looked away and then she looked at Neil.

Avni: I didn't have any expectations from you. I didn't ask you to come back home earlier today. It was you who asked me that you would come back home earlier.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: It was raining cloudburst but still you did not think that we are alone in the house.

Neil: Avni, I thought, Ju...

Avni: OK fine, I believe you asked Vidyut to send Juhi, but have you even once asked if Juhi came or not?

Neil: Avni, I had a meeting with the Commissioner and I forgot about that completely and then I got busy in the case.

Avni looked away. Neil held his ear.

Neil: I am sorry.

Avni was looking away.

Neil: Please forgive me.

Neil tried to gain Avni's attention. Avni looked at Neil who made a cute and innocent face. Avni tried to control her smile.

Avni: It's OK.

Neil got happy. Avni went to the cupboard and took her nightdress. Avni went to change and Neil smiled. Neil sighed happily.

Later, Avni and Neil were laying on the bed and their faces were to each other.  Neav was sleeping in between them. Avni's eyes were closed and her hand was on Neav. Neil was looking at Avni and he thought. Neil knew that Avni was awake.

Neil stroked Avni’s baby hair softly and Avni felt that but ignored it. Neil caressed Avni's hair and Avni felt that. Avni opened her eyes and looked at Neil who smiled. Avni closed her eyes and Neil was surprised. Neil was doing his work. Avni opened her eyes and looked at Neil.

Avni: I am not angry with you. Sleep now. You will be late for the police station tomorrow.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Thank you for forgiving me.

Avni closed her eyes and Neil smiled. Neil thought.

Neil in mind: I am witnessing the older Avni. I felt it a few days ago also but…

Neil saw the flashes that he kissed Avni who didn’t respond.

Neil in mind: I expected too much too early. I should have given some time to Avni. I made a mistake by crossing my limits but this time, I will not repeat my mistake. I will give Avni space. This time, she has to take a step to me.

Neil thought.

Avni opened her eyes and looked at Neil who was lost in his thought. Avni thought something and then she again looked at Neil.

Avni: Neil.

Neil came out of his thoughts.

Neil: Hmm.

Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: Why you didn’t call me today?

Neil was surprised at Avni’s question. Neil was puzzled so he thought and looked at Avni who was looking at him. Neil was about to say.

Avni: I hope, you will tell me the truth.

Neil was shocked because Avni understood that he was going to lie so he was just looking on. Avni was waiting for Neil’s answer.

Neil: I thought, you don’t like to talk to me on the phone. Still, your wounds are fresh so I thought to not call you. You also never called me in all these days. So… I thought.

Avni and Neil just looked at each other for a few seconds and then Avni broke the eye contact and looked here and there. Neil was still looking at Avni. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: It is not that I don’t like to talk to you on the phone. It is just that I he… hesitates to call you.

Neil: Why?

Avni looked on.

Avni: Ab… Aa… Good night.

Avni closed her eyes. Neil was hurt. Neil nodded while suppressing his lips.

Neil: Good night.

Avni opened her eyes and found Neil lost. Avni thought and closed her eyes.

Neil in mind: This means, I was right, still you haven’t forgotten the past. Your wounds are still fresh…

Neil looked at Avni whose eyes were closed.

Neil in mind: What I do, Avni? What do I do to heal your wounds? What do I do?

Neil thought. Avni turned her side and opened her eyes. Avni thought.

Avni in mind: Neil has changed. He is not like older Neil. No, actually, he is like my older Neil.

Avni smiled while thinking.

Avni in mind: My Neil who was cute and innocent, who was used to love me unconditionally. My happiness was his first priority, his life revolved around me. He had not been ignoring me in the last few days. He was hurt. He was hurt because I didn’t…

Avni stopped.

Avni in mind: Because I didn’t kiss him back. That day, his hopes broke, his dreams broke and he decided to maintain distance from me. My behavior forced him to do so.

Avni paused for a while.

Avni in mind: Was I misunderstanding Neil? He has changed? He has been trying to pacify me since the day we have met again. I didn’t believe him…. He also told Bebe that he is tired of trying. He wants a happy family…. What should I do? Should I give a chance to Neil?

Avni thought.

The next day, Neil got ready for the police station and he was brushing his hair. Avni was standing near the bed. Neil turned and came to Avni. Neil held Avni’s shoulder who looked at the shoulders and Neil followed her gaze. Avni looked at Neil who also looked at her.

Neil: Avni, today I will get late so you call Juhi here?

Avni was looking at Neil and she felt a tension on his face.

Avni: Is there something serious?

Neil was looking at Avni. Neil felt helpless.

Neil: Maybe I go on a mission today.

Avni was shocked.

Neil: I also had no idea about it. I got the call early in the morning.

Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil: It is not decided yet but high chances are there that we go today.

Avni was in shock. Neil cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: I am not worried about myself.

Neil’s eyes were moist.

Neil: I am worried for you and Neav and of course for our family but I am more worried for you and Neav because you too are my responsibility and are alone here. I am afraid if something happens to me, what will happen to both of you?

Avni kept her hand on Neil’s mouth. Neil’s eyes were moist and he looked at Avni’s hand and then he looked at Avni. Neil smiled.

Avni: Please don’t say this. Nothing will happen to you.

Neil gulped and nodded. Neil hugged Avni. Avni looked at Neil and was in Neil’s arms. Avni thought and she was looking afraid and worried.

Avneil was standing in the living area and Neav was present there. Neil looked at Avni and he was about to say.

Avni: Don’t worry, I will drop Neav School today.

Neil smiled because Avni understood what he wanted to say before he said it. Neil nodded. Neil looked at Neav and sat on his knees. Neil caressed Neav’s hair and he got emotional. Avni’s eyes also got moist. Neil hugged Neav and cried. Neav was confused.

Neav: What happened, Papa?

Neil realized that he should not cry in front of Neav. Neil wiped his tears and Avni did the same. Neil smiled and broke the hug while holding Neav’s arms. Neil looked at Avni who looked at him and Neil smiled and then they looked at Neav. Neil was smiling and his eyes were teary.

Neil: Nothing. Today, Commissioner Sir has given me a tough task so I am worried whether I will be able to complete that or not. 

Avni was looking at Neil. Neav palmed his head. Avneil smiled.

Neav: Of ho, Papa, that’s it. You are worried about this small thing. My Papa is a superhero and he can do anything. Don’t worry you will complete your task efficiently, even effectively.

Avneil was surprised to hear Neav’s words. Neil smiled and cupped Neav’s face.

Neil: Neav, you are a big boy now, right?

Neav nodded and Avni got alert and afraid.

Neil: Yes. So from now onwards it is your responsibility to take care of Mama in my absence.

Avni was shocked.

Neil forwarded his one hand.

Neil: Promise me that you will take care of Mama when I will not be with you.

Avni was shockingly looking at Neil. Neil signed at his hand.

Neil: Promise me.

Neav looked at the hand and Avni shook her head. Neav looked at Neil who nodded. Neav looked at Avni who shook her head. Neil and Neav saw that.

Neil: Promise me, Neav, it is for Mama.

Neil signed and Neav was in dilemma about what to do. Neav forwarded his hand and Avni was shocked but Neil smiled. Neav kept his hand on Neil’s hand. Neil smiled and Avni squeezed her eyes.

Neav: I promise.

Avneil looked at Neav. Neil cupped Neav’s second cheek also.

Neil: Thank you, my son. Thank you. Now I am relieved.

Avni was looking at them. Neil kissed Neav’s face and then he again hugged him. Neil captured Neav in his arms tightly and kissed his neck. Avni got emotional. Neil wiped his tears and broke the hug while holding Neav’s arms. Neil smiled and sighed. Neil looked at Avni and got up. Avni looked at Neav.

Avni: Go, Neav, and get your water bottle from the kitchen and my car’s keys are also there.

Neil looked at Neav who nodded and ran. Avneil looked at each other. Avni moved to Neil.

Avni: Neil, I haven’t asked you anything since the day we met again. But today, I want to ask you something.

Neil was amazed.

Neil: Say. I will definitely fulfill your wish if it has been in my hands.

Avni: Don’t worry, I will not stop you from going to your mission. Go and rescue those innocent lives. My prayers are with you.

Neil smiled.

Neil: Then what do you want?

Avni: I want you back all fine.

Neil was shocked and he got numbed.

Avni: I want you to come back from the mission all fine. All OK.

Neil got emotional.

Avni: Promise me that you will come back to me and Neav.

Neil gulped and nodded. Neil captured Avni in his arms and they cried. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead. They heard Neav so Avni sighed. Avni wiped her tears and broke the hug. Neil wiped his tears and Avni also did the same. They looked at each other. Neav came and gave the keys to Avni.

Avni: Thank you.

Neav: You're welcome, Mama.

Avneil smiled and Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: Go and complete your task but remember you have to come back to us.

Neil was looking at Avni emotionally.

Avni: I and Neav will wait for you.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neav: All the best, Papa.

Avneil looked at Neav and Neil caressed Neav’s hair and ran his hand to Neav’s chin. Neil picked up Neav and kissed his cheek and Neil captured Avni in his second arm. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead and he got emotional. Neil got a call so Avni moved back and Neil dropped Neav down. Neil wiped his tears. Neil took out his phone and received the call. Neil wiped his eyes.

Neil: Hello, yes, DD… OK, I am coming.

Avni got worried and Neil cut the call. Neil sighed. Neil held Avni’s arms.

Neil: I have to go now. Take care of yourself and Neav.

Avni nodded.

Avni: You also take care of yourself and remember your promise.

Neil gulped and nodded. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead. Neil sighed and he took steps backwards. Avni and Neav were looking at Neil whose eyes were moist. Neil waved his hand and Avni and Neav did the same. Neav smiled but Avni got emotional. Neil turned and he was going. Avni’s heart was asking her to stop Neil. Neil stopped at the door and Avni smiled while crying. Neil turned and looked at Avni and Neav. Neil curved a smile with his hand. Avni smiled. Neil smiled and waved his hand and then he went from there while wiping his tears. Avni wanted to stop Neil.

Neil came to his car and opened the car’s door. Neil shut the door and cried. Neil sighed and wiped his tears.

Avni ran to the door and she saw Neil wiping his eyes and opened the door of the car. Neil felt Avni’s presence and looked at the door. Neil smiled and got in the car. Neil looked at Avni and then he started his car. Avni was looking at the car and the car went from there. Avni prayed for Neil’s safety.

Later, Avni was sitting on the couch in her room and her phone was kept on the table. Avni’s eyes were on her phone. Avni was waiting for Neil’s call. Avni saw the time on her watch and thought. Avni prayed for Neil’s safety and she was feeling restless.

The day converted into night but no information about Neil. Vidyut, Juhi, KK, and Sonia were present in the living area of the Khanna mansion. Juhi was sitting with Avni holding her hand and Neav was sitting on the other couch and was playing a game in the Tab. The Television was on and its volume was low. Vidyut and KK were standing at the side and Vidyut was dialing a number. Vidyut kept his phone on his ear and the ring was going. Vidyut looked at KK who signed what and Vidyut shook his head. They got worried. Vidyut cut the call.

Vidyut: DD is also not receiving the call.

Avni looked at Vidyut.

Avni: I have tried a lot but neither Neil received the call nor DD. I even called the Commissioner Sir but he also didn’t pick up the call.

Everyone got worried.

Avni: Neil told me that their phones will be off or maybe they go by keeping their phone in the police station.

Vidyut and the others got worried. They heard the music of the breaking news and they looked at the Television. Avni got worried and Juhi held her hand more tightly.

News anchor: Good Evening, this is Kiran from ABC news channel. Breaking news! Viewers, here we share breaking news with you. A shootout breaks out between the police and an extremist group in the XYZ area.

Avni and the others were shocked.

News anchor: There are reports that in that shootout, three Police officers have gotten injured and two goons died.

Avni was shocked.

NA: our sources have told us that the police were informed that there is a Human trafficking gang and hundreds of girls are captivated there. The police got this information at midnight and today they conducted an operation against them and they rescued the girls.

Avni was worried and she wanted to hear that Neil is safe. Neav also watched the news. Neav looked at Avni.

Neav: Mama, where is Papa?

Avni looked at Neil.

Neav: Does Papa go to this mission?

Avni felt helpless. Avni spread her arms and asked Neav to come to her. Neav came to her and Avni captured him in her arms.

Avni: Don’t worry, Papa will come back to us soon safely.

Neav looked at Avni who looked at him and kissed his forehead. Avni looked at the Television and made Neav sit with her. Everyone felt bad and wondered why it happens to Avneil always.

NA: Our connection broke with our report. We are trying to contact them. We are going on a short break but we will give you brief information about it. You stay tuned with us.

The ads started and Avni was fuming. Avni took her phone and started to contact Neil. The phone was switched off.

Avni: Tch.

Avni cut the call. Avni sighed. Neav looked at Avni. Again the music of the breaking news echoed. Everyone looked at the television. Avni was feeling restless.

Avni: Juhi.

Avni looked at Juhi and signed her to take Neav from there. Juhi nodded.

Juhi: Neav, come we play a video game in your room.

Neav nodded and they got up. Juhi forwarded her hand and Neav gave her the hand. Juhi took Neav from there. Avni was looking at Neav and then she looked at the television by hearing the news anchor who said here …

NA: we share with you some important news. We got to know from our sources that ACP Neil Khanna who was leading the squad has gotten seriously injured in that shootout.

Avni was shocked on an extreme level. She felt like the earth shook. Avni was numbed and others were also shocked. Avni’s phone fell from her hand.

NA: Our sources have confirmed it. We are trying to contact the Commissioner of Police and DCP for confirmation.

Avni was in shock and was just looking at the television and the others were also in shock.

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