Wounded- Chapter Four

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Published: July 12 2015, Sunday 2:17 a.m

Banner made by @NidaSarah


July 3rd

          You would think after all my months of fame that I would be used to all the stares and giggles I get, but I'm not. Yeah it's flattering and all to know that I caused people that reaction, but there is a time when it gets creepy and uncomfortable.

        Like right now.

        I'm sitting here in one of the very uncomfortable airport chairs, and what do you know, I just happen to sit a row away from five giggling girls. They're not even being discreet! One of them basically shouted about how sexy I look. I mean, come on, privacy? But then again, you don't get privacy from this job. You get the flattery, the fame, the fortune, but no peace. None.

         Okay, I admit I'm making it sound sort of depressing, especially since I'm not at the point of the annoying camera monkeys, but I'm sure I'm not far from it. The way the girls are taking pictures of me like crazy, I'm sure I'll be all over social media in a couple of hours.

          'First call for flight 228, L.A.X, first call for flight 228 L.A.X.'

          "He's so hot!" One of the girls squealed while looking back and fourth from me and her friends. Now it's just annoying. Grabbing my bag from the floor, I made my way to the front gate.

         "Ticket please?" The woman offered me a kind smile as I gave it to her and she scanned it. "Have a nice flight."

          As I was walking down the hallway towards the plane, I could look out and see the sun shining over the city. I'm really going to miss the sights. Even though the weather is like Florida's, it's just the thought of being in California. This place has been my home for almost a year. I'm not going to lie and say that I don't miss it, because I do, but I miss Riverside more. I miss the small town I grew up in, the nice people, the annoying people, local hangouts, and most importantly, my family. I miss them the most.

          I just hope that Ayah isn't upset that I didn't tell her I was coming. I don't even know if she saw the interview. But I don't think I could spend another minute away from her. I feel bad enough that I haven't physically seen her in 10 months; another day will make a difference.

         As I got to the front of the plane I checked my ticket for my seat.


          Looking back and fourth from my ticket, I made my way down the isle until I came across the right seat. The rows on the plane seat two, and seeing as the plane was packed enough as it is, I'm more than likely going to have a seat buddy. And what do you know. Right when I sat down, a dark haired guy came and sat next to me.

          "Russell King," He held out his hand for me to shake, not taking his eyes off of his IPhone.

I lifted my hand to shake his, "Jafar Ibrahim."

         "I know," He shrugged and pointed in the direction behind us. "As I was walking to take my seat, this brunette chick was tweeting about being on a plane with you."

        "Oh," I looked backwards, and like he said, a girl had her phone up high, basically jumping over the seat trying to take a picture of me.

          "Don't worry she isn't going to get many views."

        "How can you be so sure?" I grumbled and hid my face from her view. I never thought that I would get to the part where I would have psycho fans.

         "Because she can't see you," He explained and purses his lips. "Even as I was walking by, all the pictures were of you with your head down. People aren't going to respond if they can't even identity you."

        Looking back at her, he shook his head. "Amateur."



        "Can I have another please?"

          The woman serving the drinks nodded and went to get me another soda. I need something carbonated to get me through the rest of this wedding. It's almost over though. Most of the people left are just talking and cleaning up.

          Some of the elder woman got to me, much to my dismay. They of course wanted to know how I was, they wanted to tell me how much I've grown even though I've been the same height since I was seventeen, but they were being polite. I can't fault them. And last but definitely not least, they wanted to know why I didn't have my husband with me. Some thought he was dead, others thought we got a divorce, which they gave me a very long discourse about.

          But when I finally reminded them that he was in California, they then admonished me for not going with him. Saying how I'm his wife and I should follow him wherever he is. I tried to explain to them the situation--I did, but they weren't having it. Then I was subjected to story time of their youth. I literally just escaped, thanks to Safeer.

          As soon as he showed up, all the attention was put on him--I can't be more grateful. It's not that I have something against my elders, I don't. But when you're asked the same question over and over again, it gets too much. Now I'm scarfing down soda like its a lifeline. Stress my friends.

          "Here you go."

           Igrabbed the cup from the woman. Thanking her, I went back to my table to drink in peace. Everyone around me seems so happy, I am too, of course. Safeer is like the brother I never got, but as I replay all the questions anyone has ever asked me tonight, I realize how my life has turned out in the last few months.

          I barely smile, everybody is in my business, I don't do anything but take care of Mama. What a life it is. But I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. Ever since he left, I've been moping around putting these thoughts in my head--thoughts that shouldn't be thought of.

         And what am I doing now? Frowning at my cousins wedding, thinking of more ways to hate my husband and drinking way too much soda. I know there's a word for what I've been like for the past year, but I can't think of it. Whatever it is, I need to stop it.


         "Make sure you come and visit us soon," Safeer told me sternly and gave me another hug, then pulls back to put an arm around a blushing Annie. She's not as bad as I thought she was, even though she showed what she's like under pressure. But I can't fault her for that. Everybody has flaws.

        "I will, but you two should spend some time together before you have guest. I know what's it's like after the wedding."

         If possible, Annie blushed harder and walked forward to give me a rather awkward hug.

         "It was nice to meet you," She whispered hugging me tightly. "Like Safeer said, you and your husband should come over for dinner soon. Preferably in a couple of weeks."

         Chuckling, I pulled back from our hug, "I will, inshaAllah."

          "Ayah, it's time to go."

         Nodding over to Uncle Yaman, I have one last hug to Safeer and got in the car. After I weaved myself off of my unlimited caffeine supply, I slapped a smile on my face--literally slapped myself to get a smile, and helped cleaning up to blow off the rage I had. Now I have a slightly red cheek to deal with.

          Throughout the whole ride home, I couldn't help thinking of my writing career. How I gave up after one editor said it needed work. Writing has always been something I wanted to do, but with my low self esteem I gave up after my rejection. I was and still am afraid to put my work out there for someone else to ignore because it's not unique enough for people to buy.

         But now I feel as though I should work even harder to pursue my dream.

        Okay, emotional pep talk over.

          That was exhausting.



         "You did not!"

        Russell nodded and took another swig of his soda.

         "I swear I did! That is the last time I agree to help my idiot cousin hunt a grizzly."

         "Well did you catch the bear?" I asked and grabbed a handful of my popcorn.

          We've been on the flight for almost four hours talking about Russell and his cousin Blake's adventures in the wild. But as I like to call them, suicide missions. So far they've hiked a dangerous mountain, swam with sharks, tracked down a missing camper from a wolf, and the story he just got done telling me, they hunted a grizzly.

         The only thing he hasn't done is try to kill himself. I'm awaiting that story.

         "We were close to it, but it's friend showed up and almost chewed off Blake's leg. Funniest thing I ever saw."

         "Excuse me, can you two quiet down a notch? Some of the passengers are trying to sleep."

         Russell being Russell was on his way to say a smart comment like the last time, but was interrupted by the guy on the intercom telling us we landed.

          "Don't look so sad, we will meet again," Russell winked at her and grabbed his bag from the top.

         She glared at him and walked away.

          I stood up as well and grabbed my bag, "Do you have to be so you every time she comes to complain?"

         Russell scoffed and started towards the exit with me in tow, "It's my speciality, pop star. Chicks dig the bad boy type. Just ask my wife."

        Shaking my head, I stepped off the plane into the hallway.

          "Where are you off to, Russell."

         "Well my wife and daughter are waiting for me to come back from my trip to Australia."

          "How long have you been married?"

         "Six years," He smiled proudly and pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of a woman and a little girl, "That's my wife Zoe and my daughter Carlie."

          "You have a nice family," I told him but all I could think about is Ayah and I, and how we could be just like them--a happy family.

        "They're a gift, man. And now that I'm back home I can finally settle down, you know?"

         "A little," I admitted, slowly frowning at the thoughts going through my head.

       "Daddy!" Suddenly a little girl came running towards us and threw her arms around a bending Russell.

        "Carles," He smiled and hugged her back. Not wanting to intrude on a family moment, I said my goodbyes to Russell and stepped to the side near the benches.

         But I couldn't help but watch their family moment and think of the moments Ayah and I could have similar to this one. Call me creepy for staring, but the thoughts are there.

          "Makes you wonder, doesn't it?"

         Peering over my shoulder, I smiled at my younger brother Wasim who is actually being creepy with the whole sneaking up behind me.

         "Yeah. How I'm going to inflict bodily harm on you for your sneakiness."

         "Shut up," He shook his head and came forward, swinging his arm around my neck and steering me towards the exit.

         Wasim is my sixteen year old half-brother on my fathers side. We grew up about fifteen minutes away, but we always treated each other like the brothers we are. Cue the vomit from that statement.

         "So, why am I the only one who knows that you're coming today again?"

         I sighed and pulled my bag up on my shoulder.

        "Well, you see, it's called a surprise, and when you don't want anyone to get any spoilers, you only tell the occasional someone."

         He rolled his eyes and unlocked the car, "No need to be sarcastic, Jafar. It's just that I'm risking having the car out late for the third time this week.

         I checked my watch and raised my eyebrow at him, "It's like eight!"

         "Yeah, but father has a rule about having the car for only four hours a day each person."

        Now I raised my eyebrow at him, "You had the car since four?"

        He got in the car and mumbled for me to get in.

        "So what's the plan for the big surprise?"

         "I want to see Ayah first," I stated and watched as the cars on the highway went by. There isn't a airport in Riverside, so we have to go at least forty-five minutes to the nearest big City.

         "Are you sure you want that? I mean, she hasn't been exactly happy since you didn't tell her about coming."

        "Oh," I covered my face with my hands and groaned, "I have realized that I should have told her I was coming back, but I want to surprise her. But I can see now that what I did wasn't a good idea."

         "Leaving her or the trip back?"

         Glaring at him, I shook my head, "Both," I admitted, "But I wanted to make it up to her with my return, but all I did was make her angrier with me. What should I do?"

       "Don't look at me," He scoffed, "I've never been in a messed up situation like yours, bro. But if you want my advice, you can stay at the house and surprise her tomorrow at the fireworks display."

        "That's actually not a bad idea," I praised, stroking my imaginary beard, "But I don't know about staying at your house. Abu isn't going to like me running away from my problems."

        "Good thing he's out on business for another few weeks."


         He nodded, "Yeah. Or you could go and make matters worse by surprising your wife."

          I squinted my eyes at him, but I know he's right. Going there tonight won't be the best idea I've had.

         "So, what do you say? Have a sleep over with your brother, or get mentally slapped by your wife?"

        "Letting out a huff, I folded my arms, "Your house."

        "Sleep over it is!"

          How is it possible that we're related?

This chapter wasn't as entertaining, I know, but InshaAllah the next ones will have more jaw dropping and tummy tickling (had to laugh at that word) action.

Also, banner makers are always welcomed. It doesn't have to be professional, just your best.






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