Harm Done [Chapter 11]

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                A heavy hand fell over my shoulder and I turned my head, cracking my neck painfully as I did, only to see that it was Bellamy. The pained look on his face was exactly how I felt, and I rose slowly, knowing that he would need help bringing him back to camp so that he could get a decent burial. Clarke was still there, as was Wells and Finn, so the weight of dragging Atom’s dead weight would not be such a burden between us. With two people carrying, three could keep watch of what might be around us; animals or grounders.

                We carried Atom back, covering his body when we were close to camp and could get a sheet. We didn’t need everyone to see his mutilated skin and face, but it didn’t stop Octavia when she saw us coming in; sullen looks on all three of our faces. She pushed past Clarke after explaining how Murphy had almost killed the kid.

                When I saw how Octavia reacted to Atom’s death, raging at her brother for letting something like this happen, I came to the conclusion that her and Atom had developed some sort of relationship. That was why Bellamy had acted out and tied him to the tree, to get him to back off from his sister whom he went out of his way to protect. It was more than obvious now, and I looked down at Atom, whom Octavia had uncovered, knowing that he would have taken good care of her if he had lived.

                “There was nothing I could do.” Bellamy said, his jaw tightening.

                “Don’t.” Octavia growled.

                “O…” Bellamy said as she stormed off, “O, please!”

                But she was gone.

                Bellamy, clearly upset with not only Atom’s death, but his sister for blaming him, balled his hand into a fist and punched the metal wall that had been built, furious. Pulling his hand back, pretending not to be in pain, he flexed his hand, and then took off out of the camp quickly. I watched him leave, gripping my right arm with my left hand crossed over my body, awkward and feeling alone even amongst ninety-five others.

                “Go after him.” Wells said suddenly.

                I turned my head to look at him, eyebrows raised, “He’s an adult, what would he need me for?”

                “I see the way he looks at you.” He said, “He needs someone… he can trust.”

                “Can I trust him?” I asked him, though I knew that I could.

                Wells opened his mouth to say something, but paused, unsure how to answer.

                “My job isn’t to watch him, Wells, just because you don’t trust him, doesn’t mean you can make everyone else keep an eye on him.” I explained to him, “You don’t trust him, but I do, which means you probably can’t trust me.”

                “I just don’t want him getting hurt out there.” He said, though it was hard to believe.

                I dropped my shoulders, relaxing a bit, “Besides, he doesn’t look at me.”

                “Yes he does.” He said with a smile, seeing that my harshness was coming from my denial.

                Clarke came out, looking at Wells for a moment, studying him, then looking away.

                I started conversation with her, “Did you get the seaweed for Jasper?”

                “Finn is making a tea right now.”

                “Good, because these kids are going to kill him if he doesn’t shut up.”

                “I know.” Clarke replied, “This has to work.”

                “It will work.” Wells said.

                Clarke flushed and awkwardly adjusted the placement of her arms, then looked down at the ground below our feet. I wondered what happened between them since I had been gone, but didn’t dwell on it. “I should go tend to Jasper…”

                “I’ll go find Bellamy.”

                I liked Clarke; she was a strong heart and a strong mind, and it was going to get her far on Earth, but it also might get her hurt. There was always that possibility. Getting hurt was a part of life. As I left the safety of the walls, glancing once more at Atom, I looked from left to right, wondering which way Bellamy would have gone. It was not an easy choice, but I decided to check the glowing forest first. Not only could I restock on berries, but it was the quietest place around. If Bellamy was seeking to be alone, that was the place.

                For the first time, I took in the Earth. The way my feet sunk into the dark soil made me feel as if I were making a huge impact on the planet, whereas on the Arc nothing was ever left behind of my presence. The trees towered taller than I would ever be, and they would live longer than I would ever live. It brought a smile to my face that I was on Earth; something so strong, so much bigger than me. It had only been a dream for so many years, and yet here I was, my boots leaving marks in the mud.

                The mushroom forest was not glowing, as they only lit up when the sun went down and darkness ensued. Being that it was still daylight, I was able to spot Bellamy quickly. Leaned against a tree, knees propped up and his head in his hands, I could tell that he didn’t want to be around anyone. But I knew how much harder it was to be alone, so I stayed, watching him for a moment.

                Slowly, but not too quietly, I walked towards the man. My heavy boot snapped dried leaves and twigs underfoot, catching Bellamy’s attention quickly. The alarm in his eyes faded as he saw that it was only me, and no one to fear. However, he did feel the need to make himself seem tough. Clearing his throat, the man straightened one leg and balanced his arm over his bent knee.

                “What are you doing outside of the camp?” He asked sternly.

                “Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.”

                “Ava, I just want to be alone right now.”

                “What happened to Atom isn’t your fault.” I said, a bit too harshly.

                “Try telling Octavia that.”

                “Try telling Octavia anything.” I rolled my eyes, “She will always do what she can to bend any rules you put upon her; you are her brother, not her parent.”

                “I keep her safe.” He said defensively.

                “I know you do.” I said, “Keep her safe from harm, but not from harmless boys.”

                “How are you so sure he isn’t… wasn’t harmless?”

                “Because I’ve had harm done to me, and I know it when I see it.”

                Bellamy cast his gaze down, realizing that I was right, but it was too late anyways. 

Thanks for all the compliments and such! I'll be sure to dedicate chapters to those who are active. If you haven't had a chapter dedicated to you yet, it is because I am doing it in the order that I see activity. Please please comment though and let me know what you want to see from this story!

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