Ignorance Is Bliss [Chapter 16]

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                A sudden pain I my wrist caused my hand to twitch slightly; hearing a chorus of surprise from everyone who was still up, I realized that it was the wristband. My finger trailed over to cool metal and found that it was dead; nothing lit up like it had only moments before. Deciding to investigate, I knew exactly who to go to first; Monty. He had been working on making some sort of radio to contact the Arc via the wrist bands.

                I neared the drop ship, but Finn pushed the tarp roughly, walking faster than normal and looking upset. I turned my head, watching him leave the camp. Clarke followed quickly, and I slipped into the drop ship. Only Jasper and Monty remained.

                “What happened?” I asked.

                “I fried all the wristbands…” Monty said hesitantly.

                I had no one to contact on the Arc, so I hadn’t lost out because of this mishap. Bellamy was going to be ecstatic; this was just what he wanted. I imagined everyone on the Arc, all of those who knew that we had been sent to Earth assuming that something had just killed us all; they would never follow us down now. Without a radio, and without our vital signs being sent to the Arc, we were all going to die. The human race was finally going to end.

                “It was a long shot anyways.” I said to comfort the kid; he had really hoped that this would work.

                “Yeah…” He said, though he still seemed devastated.

                I turned on my heels and looked at Jasper on the floor, a smirk on his face.

                “What are you so pleased about?” I asked.

                “Octavia kissed me.” He said cockily.

                I remembered what I had said about him not having a chance with the Blake sister, and felt a sudden guilt. Perhaps Octavia was different than I had thought she was, and I felt slightly ashamed for have doubting Jasper in his pursuit. It made me wonder if my attempt to have Bellamy was worth it; he would never truly be mine.

                I was about to retort, to say something harsh, but decided that it wasn’t worth it. Instead, I left the drop ship and headed towards my tent. There was no sight of Bellamy anywhere, and I didn’t want to go searching and find something I didn’t want to know. If he was out sleeping with someone else, there was nothing I could do, and if I was unaware, I would be happier.

                Ignorance is bliss.

                I didn’t get much sleep in my small, uncomfortable tent that was shared with four others. The rest I did get was from exhaustion of the stressful day’s events. Murphy was gone, and Charlotte was dead. That was a lot to take on; not only could a bunch of teenagers kill someone on a whim, they could also banish them on a whim. Something I wasn’t sure I was comfortable with.

                When I woke it was nearly dawn, but the sun hadn’t woken up just yet. Pulling my jacket over my arms, I exited my tent only to see everyone looking up at the sky. When I followed their gaze, my eyes grazed over a shirtless Bellamy and I bit my lip, then carried through to see something falling from the sky. From the looks of it, it was a small pod or drop ship. I watched as it disappeared beyond the treeline. 

                Bellamy disappeared into his tent, which was larger than almost anyone else’s. Though I didn’t follow, and instead went to the tent that was now deemed the politics tent; it was where people went to discuss what needed to be done in times when it wasn’t so obvious. Octavia was there, and Bellamy entered moments later, dressed now.

                “Do you think it was a drop ship?” I asked, “With supplies or… people?”

                “I think whatever it was, we need to wait until morning.” Bellamy’s low voice exclaimed.

                “It lit up the whole sky; every grounder for miles saw it.” Octavia argued.

                “We wait until morning light, and that’s final.” Bellamy demanded, and everyone seemed to agree that it was safest.

                Bellamy strode from the tent, and Octavia and I looked at each other.

                “I don’t think he is waiting until morning.” I said wearily.

                Octavia nodded, thinking the same thing. I followed behind her as she left the tent, in pursuit of her brother. The darkness of the morning was lifting, slowly as I kept a few yards behind Octavia, who was a few yards behind Bellamy. When he spotted her, he sent her home, demanding that she return back to the camp; what he had to do couldn’t involve her, or anyone for that matter. Octavia turned around and stormed back to camp, giving up following Bellamy because she knew that I was close behind.

                Though my hand throbbed under the bandage that needed to be changed badly, I gripped the knife that Bellamy had given me. It seemed like so long ago that he had done that. Spying on him made me feel sick inside, like a bad person, but I had thought that he trusted me. If he was going to go out in the forest alone, risking his life for something stupid, I was going to watch his back. Then I convinced myself that I was not spying, but rather, protecting him.

                Within a split second, I suddenly lost sight of Bellamy. Cursing to myself for staying too far back, I tried to guess which way he would have went. Of course, he was trying to find the pod that had landed around here, but I had such bad directional skills that I could go any direction and think it was the right way. Continuing to go straight, I looked for any signs of Bellamy; bent grass, broken twigs, but I felt the trail run dry, and I was alone out there.

                The forest began to close in on me as I realized that I didn’t know which way would bring me to Bellamy, nor which would bring me back to camp. I looked around, feeling as if the entire forest was one big replication of itself, and I could not seem to choose a direction. My breathing increased as I began to panic slightly, telling myself I was being an idiot, but fearing that I would be lost out here.

                The snap of a small stick from behind me cause my heart to stop. 

Oooh, cliff hanger! I feel like I haven't had enough of these yet, so expect them in the future! Thanks to everyone who continues to vote and comment and message. I'm still dedicating chapters to people who are active on my story. If I do run out of new people to dedicate to, I will be dedicating again to those who are more active and messaging me.

Also, I am going camping for the Canada day long weekend, so I'll be gone from Saturday to Tuesday in the middle of nowhere. I'll post Saturday morning really early, and Tuesday night when I get home, but there will be those few days in between with no updates. 

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