Judge, Jury, Executioner [Chapter 13]

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                The humid night left Bellamy and I tangled and sticking together. Our sweaty skin revealed our blissful actions to the night; but in the moment everything seemed to fall away and there was no force that could tear us away from each other. The sex had been carnal, instinctive almost, and yet deep and somewhat passionate. In a weird way, it was exactly how I had thought it would be with Bellamy, as the thought had crossed my mind in the last few nights, lying awake and alone under the stars.

                Above us the stars glittered in the sky like dew on the morning grass, and below us, the moss and dirt began to cling to our skin. I reached for my underwear and slipped back into them, leaning back onto Bellamy's shoulder, my hand placed gently on his toned stomach. My head nuzzled perfectly into the crook of his neck, and I felt as if I could fall asleep in his arms underneath the brilliant night sky.

                But we all had jobs to do, and Bellamy's was to be on watch.

                As I began to rise, reaching out for my dirt-stained clothes, Bellamy reached his hand out and softly gripped my wrist.

                I half smiled, looking over at him, wondering what he was thinking.

                "Stay here." He said.

                Though I hadn't expected Bellamy to want anyone to stay with him after sex, I wasn't going to deny him of it. Rolling back over, I snuggled in once again.

                "It's dangerous out here."

                "And I thought you were the dangerous one." I smirked.

                Bellamy chuckled, and his chest rose, lifting my upper body along with his. With a smile on my lips, I pulled my coat over my body like a blanket, though Bellamy was keeping me perfectly warm without it. It wasn't long before the both of us had fallen into a blissful and dream-filled sleep.


                It was the sunlight that woke me, still in the arms of Bellamy. It had to be noon at the earliest, and I wondered how Bellamy and I had slept so long. I jolted in Bellamy's grasp of me, forgetting where I was and why I was there for a moment. I had been in deep REM sleep, dreams flowing through my mind, and the sudden awakening was disgruntling. Quickly, aware that there were people up and about, I reached for my clothing, dressing quickly.

                As I was hopping up and down, trying to get into my pants, Bellamy was pulling his shirt over his head. I frowned, but knew he couldn't go shirtless all the time. Throwing on my shirt and then fumbling with my boots. There was work to be done, and the wall wasn't going to build itself; everyone else was working. Just because I was sleeping with Bellamy, the leader of the group, didn't mean that I was to be omitted from hands on work.

                We rushed to the camp, slipping in through the open gates and looking around. Everyone was working, and I slipped off before anyone could notice me enter the camp with Bellamy. Rumours spread like wildfire, and it wouldn't take long to get around to 94 kids. Quickly, found something to do to keep my head and hands busy; using logs to hold walls up, mounting them firmly into the ground at an angle. I liked hands on work, it was good for the body and mind; but I preferred my hands to be on Bellamy. His figure caught my eye and I spotted his sister grabbing his arm, guiding him to a tent where Jasper waited at the entrance.

                I followed, keeping outside of the tent, but listening in.

                "Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked.

                "No one. We brought it straight here." Octavia replied.

                "It means the grounders didn't kill Wells; it was one of us."

                That's when my interest was at its peak. Coming to Earth for me meant freedom from politics, and I didn't want to get involved with it, and yet I couldn't stay away. Those who claimed to be leaders, those who made rules... well, they were seen as authority which wasn't always good in a crowd of juvenile delinquents. They looked up to Bellamy because he was older, standing at age twenty-three, but people who were the same age trying to be above them didn't sit so well.

                I slipped in through the tent and caught a few glances, but no one sent me out. "I've already heard it all." I said quietly.

                "What are you going to do, ask the killer to step up?" Bellamy said to Clarke as she insisted that the group deserved to know who had killed Wells, and that it wasn't a grounder, which worked in Bellamy's favour.

                "JM." She said, her teeth grinding together, "John Murphy. The people have a right to know."

                She gripped the dagger and stormed out of the tent; everyone followed, but it was her who confronted him. "You son of a bitch!" She cried, shoving him. That is when the blame game began, but it seemed as though Murphy had no idea what she was talking about. The blonde through the knife down to the ground.

                "Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Murphy brought Bellamy into the issue.

                I crouched down and picked up the blade, looking it over for a moment.

                "Is this the kind of society that we want?" Clarke asked. She began to rant, but before anything could continue, the death penalty was brought up.

                When I saw Murphy fall to the ground and get lost in the crowd of people, my heart began to beat faster. They were beating him, blaming him for a crime he had no chance to deny. We had very little proof, but I was one, and one could do very little against one hundred. Clarke's voice called louder than any as she yelled at them to stop, but it was Bellamy leading the crowd as they began to tie a noose made from wire.

                They strung him up, letting him stand on a small metal box as they waited for an OK by someone, likely Bellamy. 

                When the reality of what was happening finally hit me, I pushed through the crowd to Bellamy.

                "What the hell are you doing?!"

                "Justice." He said to me, his voice low and filled with darkness.

                "Justice requires a trial!" I growled, looking to Clarke, or anyone, for help. "He says he didn't do it, and what proof do we have except that it was his knife?"

                "He hated the guy." Bellamy suggested, but I could tell he wasn't giving me any legitimate reasons because he didn't care what I said; he was going to go through with this.

                "So did you!" I shouted, "So did many in this camp!"

                "Bellamy, you should do this!" Colin said, and the cheering for Bellamy began.

                Bellamy looked into my eyes, but not the way he had only a few hours earlier; a darkness lingered in them. I felt my heart sink as he walked up to Murphy, kicking his stand from underneath him. I could see the way his neck craned to the side that it had likely caused some muscle damage. He wriggled and fought against the wire, but the noose had been tied successfully and was not going to break any time soon.

                "This is on you, Princess!" Bellamy blamed Clarke, "You should have kept your mouth shut!"

                Finn showed up, demanding what was going on, though there was hardly any time to explain.

                "Just stop okay!" Charlotte yelled suddenly amongst the mixture of cheering and pleads to stop. "Murphy didn't kill Wells!"

                Everyone stopped and looked at her.

                "I did!" She shouted.

                Clarke reached over and grabbed the blade from my hand so quickly that the sharp edge nicked my palm. I hid the wound, balling my hand into a fist to try and slow the blood flow. The blood slipped from the wound, and dripped down the edges of my palm.

                The look in Bellamy's eyes revealed more pain than I had ever seen before.

So I'm a little disappointed guys, I asked only for three comments and five votes. I got the votes, but was short one comment. Now, I'm not going to sacrifice the well-being of my story by holding off for too long because of lack of comments, but just keep it in mind that I really appreciate them. Thanks to --Redemption-- for commenting on every single chapter she's read thus far, and PMing me. Means so much!

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