Nightmare [Chapter 25]

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                He came towards me; stronger than I was, but not faster. I ducked underneath his grasp, but the small confides of the cell-like room offered little in my desperate attempt to escape. By the time my fingers curled around the handle, his arms had wrapped around my waist. Pulling me back effortlessly, he threw me down. My head smashed against the wall, and I felt groggy. That didn't stop the pain and fear from consuming me as he yanked at my jeans, pulling them down to my thighs. Face against the bed, hands fighting to push me to my feet, I cried out as my feeble attempts to escape proved useless.

                When he was finished with me, I could hear his zipper close and him clearing his throat. The door opened and he was gone; but he had taken a part of me with him. I crumpled to the floor, not bothering to cover myself; what little dignity I had left was all I had to hold on to.

                A voice called out to me, "Ava! Avarice... wake up!"

                I jolted out from my sleep, a gasp emitting from my lips as I opened my eyes. My surroundings had gone from my room on the Arc to the darkness of the tent. Covered in a cold sweat, I felt sticky and freezing, yet too hot for blankets at the same time. My head was spinning until I forced myself to come to my senses; the dream was years ago.

                "Ava, are you okay?" Bellamy asked, his hand pressed to my bare back, rubbing in small, soothing circles.

                I nodded, unable to find my voice as if it were a discarded piece of clothing I couldn't find in the darkness.

                "You were writhing in your sleep." He told me.

                "Just a nightmare." I breathed, relaxing my shoulders.

                Bellamy paused, "Do you... Want to talk about it?"

                I did. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't free from the harm that had been done to me. While I was fine in my waking hours, it still haunted my dreams. My body was healed, but my mind was not. Despite how strong I was, and how much stronger I had become since the incident, it still came back to me whenever it desired to do so.

                "No." I lied, "Any idea what time it is?"

                Bellamy shrugged, though I could see that he was still unconvinced that I was not rattled from my memory. "Almost dawn."

                "Good." I replied, reaching for my jeans and shirt, pulling it over my head and only then remembering that my ankle was not going to let me be walking around all day.

                "You should get some more rest." He suggested.

                "There is no way I'm going back to sleep... Couldn't if I wanted to."

                I supposed that Bellamy understood the nightmares; I imagined he had them about Octavia and their mother after the masquerade ball when his life was torn apart. Despite what he had said to Octavia the night before, about his life ending when she was born, I knew that he loved her more than anyone could love a family member. Thinking back to when my parents were alive, I recalled loving them, but not knowing them all that much; they were never around. I didn't even know why they had gotten floated as I was too young, and was never told.

                Bellamy assisted me with my jeans, and I looked at my one boot; the other had been butchered in the trap I had been caught up in. Since there had been a few deaths, I would have to search through the shoes of the dead and hoped that at least a pair would fit me. Scrounging, I found a pair of battered old hiking boots; they were too large by half a size, but I stuffed them with some ripped fabric and they were snug after that.

 The darkness of the morning only suggested that there was a storm coming our way; no one was going to be leaving the camp. On the other hand, it likely meant that no one would be coming into the camp either; despite how intelligent and better prepared the Grounders were, a storm was a storm. Even back before the Cataclysm, when people had their sky scrapers and sturdy housing, they feared storms. All we had was a broken drop ship; I hoped that we would survive it.

On a makeshift crutch, I hobbled along towards the said drop ship where Raven was trying to contact the Arc. Finn's live was on the line; both Clarke and Raven wanted him alive even if their relationships were strained and shattered. Once inside the drop ship, I realized how the mood changed. Those who were bustling about, trying to save Finn or contact the Arc, hardly even noticed me enter. Since there was not much I could do, I slipped back out, but Bellamy wasn't out waiting for me.

I hobbled over to Monroe; I knew that she had slept with Bellamy previously, but I let that slip from my mind. "Have you seen Bellamy?"

"He just left." She replied, her eyes looking right through me. "With two others; to get the Grounder that kidnapped Octavia."

The tone that sided with Monroe's voice was bitter, harsh. She disliked me, I could see that, but I was mature enough to look passed childish hatred. I could overlook that Monroe and Bellamy had something together, but it was clear that she would not easily do the same now that I had Bellamy in my clutches.

Defending Octavia again, I growled back, "He saved your ass, hers too. And mine, Bellamy's..."

"Yeah? What about Diggs, Roma and Finn? He's dying in there because of that damn Grounder." She threw back.

"Diggs and Roma ran off; it wasn't this Grounder in particular." I had no hard proof of that; only what Octavia speculated.

"Believe what you want." She retorted snippily, "Bellamy is going to bring that Grounder back, and he'll push you to the dirt for defending it."

When she referred to the Grounder as an object, I nearly lost it. For some reason, the only thing I had was to defend him right then and there. If only Octavia and I were going to keep him alive, then so be it. But Bellamy was gone; if he managed to come back alive, that didn't say much for the state that the Grounder would be in. Dead or alive, I feared what it might bring back to camp if we took one of their own.

                Bellamy was taking a huge risk bringing him back here.

So, chapter twenty-five already! I've finished reading the book, and it gives no insight on what happened to Bellamy and Finn at the end of the season, and is in fact so remarkably different from the show... Anyways, I'm going to try and carry out the show to 40-50 chapters of the story, and go off on my own tangent after that! Comment and vote!

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