Welcome To Earth [Chapter 21]

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                "I don't speak Grounder, but I think this means keep out." Finn announced after everyone had soaked in the hanging and impaled skeletons.

                "We can't turn back now." I argued.

                "She's right." Bellamy said.

                Jasper chimed in, "I'd walk into Hell to save her."

                "We already have." Finn said quietly as we walked through the warning and deeper into the forest.

                It wasn't long before the sun was beginning to rise, and the forest was seeming less and less spooky. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon.

                "Where's John?" The girl named Roma asked.

                "He was here a second ago."

                Everyone glanced around, and within a second a body dropped from the sky.

                John's body.

                "They're using the trees." Finn said.

                Glancing up, I scanned the trees above us, but the foliage was too thick to see anything. Likely the Grounders were in colours that would blend; they had a century on us when it came to surviving Earth. All we had to do was survive them, but even from day one that seemed like a steep challenge.

                "Run." Someone said.

                They were surrounding us; black figures coming from every angle, closing in on us from every direction. We all ran in a clump, and I knew it was the best chance some of us had; fish swam in schools so that the outer ones could be taken whilst those on the inside would still survive. They didn't choose which ones were sacrificed and which ones survived. In our situation, I didn't think we had a big enough school to keep any of us safe.

                I realized that Diggs and Roma were missing, they had split off from the small group we already had. Instead, I kept running alongside those who were left; Finn, Bellamy, Monroe and Jasper. Our chances were getting slimmer with every step we took; the Grounders still closing in on us and blocking us off.

                I realized that they were funneling us when I spotted Diggs staring right at us. Except Diggs wasn't alive; his body had been impaled and punctured by some device. Blood dribbled down from his mouth. Jasper was the first to announce that they had herded us here like sheep; it was a death trap no matter which direction we went.

                "This way!" Directed Jasper.

                I spun and began to follow as everyone ran off behind Jasper, who had spotted an opening in the Grounder attack. As I took my first step, my foot caught on something and I slammed hard into the ground. The fall was so quick that I hadn't even been able to lift my hands enough to protect my body and face from feeling the full impact of the ground. Arching my back, I tucked my hands underneath my body and pushed up, spitting out some dirt and moss from my mouth.

                Before I could even finish getting the Earth out of my mouth, I began to feel my body being dragged. Panic set in, more than in moments prior, and I gripped at the Earth, trying to hold on to something as I was being dragged into the death trap. Whether this was part of it, or a Grounder was dragging me, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that a sharp pain coursed through my entire leg starting at my ankle. When I glanced back in fear, still trying to slow the drag, I saw a silver wire coiled around my ankle. The wire continued down the forest, too far for the naked eye to see what was at the other end.

                These Grounders sure knew how to throw a welcome party.

                I didn't want to stay and find out. The pull was too strong to stop by holding onto anything; and chances were my foot would be cut off before they stopped pulling at the other end. I reached for my dagger and pulled it out, sitting up and cutting at the wire. Apparently I was spotted, as the pulling on the wire quickened, and I was thrown backwards, my dagger falling from my hands.

                "Fuck." I groaned, reaching for my dagger but it was gone. "Bellamy!"

                My screams were to no avail; everyone else had rabbited and I was left alone. With no dagger, I felt utterly hopeless.

                Until I remembered the hatchet that I had taken as well. Breathing heavily, I grabbed the hatchet from my belt loop and reached ahead of me. With a swift blow, hoping not to chop my own foot off, I swung the heavy axe down onto the wire. However, the wire was too strong; it bent, but it did not bust. I swung again, but didn't hit the same place as my first blow; this was going to be useless if I couldn't hit the same spot.

                I flipped over onto my stomach again, despite the pain of tree roots slamming against my hips and ribs, and tried to grip onto something again. Gripping a firm tree root, large enough to hold my weight and small enough to get a good grip of, I held on with all my might. The wire tightened on my ankle, digging into the depths of my skin, sinking in against the bone. I cried out in sheer agony, leaning my head back and gritting my teeth as I tried to break free. My boot had been completely destroyed in this chilling occurrence.

                One heavy tug and my grip, weakened by my wounded hand, was broken and I was being dragged once again. I had been dragged far enough to spot the person at the other end; his black mask shielded his face, and his entire outfit was a charcoal colour. I could feel his eyes boring into me that very moment, as if I was some tasty morsel that he was going to devour in a moments time. Hand over hand, he pulled the wire towards him, and in turn pulling me towards him.

                They had killed Diggs, why bother taunting me and putting fear into my heart instead of just killing me?

                Was I going to be held hostage or prisoner? Were they going to demand something from the hundred and hand me back if it was granted? Were they going to torture me and kill me? Or perhaps hoist me up like bait as they had done with Jasper.

                A million thoughts and possibilities ran through my mind, and then, the dragging ceased.

So, this is sort of an example of how I am bringing my own story line into the show, so I hope it was enjoyable! Comment, message and vote! xo

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