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Küja stared at Durotan, her brows raised as she tried to process his words. She blinked numbly at him, before she set her jaw and tuned her face away, "Why would you want me there?" she asked in a softened voice.

"Why not?" Durotan retorted.

Küja eyed Durotan suspiciously, before she sat back down and resumed eating the dried jerky. Durotan walked closer, watching her with a furrowed brow, "Is it so horrible that I'd want the individual who saved our children to enjoy the fruits of her labor?" he gestures back out of the tent, towards the feast.

Küja was quiet for a beat, before she rubbed her forehead, "Its not that simple, Frostwolf."

"Then enlighten me."

"You know well enough." Küja replied bitterly, taking another bite, "Its like I said before; I will not stay where I am not wanted." she turned to face him, "While I am grateful for what you are trying to do, Durotan--" she swallowed thickly, "Just because you deem me worthy, does not mean I am."

There was a heavy thud as the frost wolf chieftain sat himself down beside her. Küja stiffened as she gave him a side eye, slowly putting another piece of dried jerky meat in her mouth. Durotan stared at her, his icy blue hues piercing, as he spoke, "What makes you think you are not worthy?"

Küja gave a frustrated snarl and turned to glare at him, "All you need do is look at me. Look at my hands," she held up her hands, one with five digits the other with three, "Look at my tusks," she pointed to her mouth, referring to her trollish and orcish tusks, "My ears, my feet, my skin and my eyes. I am a halfbreed, and halfbreeds are a plague."

Durotan stared at her, before he looked down, rubbing his jaw and pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth in deep thought, "You cannot allow what others perceive you as define who you are." He told her.

"I know that," Küja replied bitterly, "but at every turn--it's a death glare, a snide remark, a comment on my appearance. After so long, it seeps into you, like a poison." She turned away from him, "I don't even know why I am telling you this." she took another bite of her food.

Durotan stared at her again, before he looked to the fire she had started in the pit. Seeing the flames were dying out, he grabbed one of the nearby logs and placed it on the blaze, watching it roar to life once again, "I cannot imagine your life." he said, "And while I cannot control the reactions of every member of my clan, know that I do not judge you for your bloodline."

Küja sighed heavily, before a dry smile tugged at the corner of her lip, "Suppose having the Frostwolf Chief in my corner isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Durotan let out a low rumbling chuckle, reaching up with a massive palm and placing it on her shoulder. Küja's body tensed beneath his touch and she eyed his hand warily, her digits curling into fists as she resisted the urge to pull away. Durotan clocked this instantly, and removed his hand, "Are you alright?"

"Fine." the female replied as she stood and walked to the far side of the tent, rummaging through her limited possessions--searching for something, "Is there anything else you need of me?" she asked.

Durotan stared at the blaze, before he spoke, "Join me back out there." He gestured to the feast, "Enjoy a good warm meal, instead of this . . . jerky."

"I like the jerky." Küja replied as she pulled out the knife that she was searching for and returned to her spot, "It has flavor." she began cutting up the dried meat.

Durotan raised a thick eyebrow, "You do not lie very well." he watched her movements.

Küja glanced at him, before she sighed and dipped her head, "I would like to be left alone, if that is alright with you."

Durotan's expression softened, "So be it." he stood up, "If you need anything, just ask. And know that there will always be a place for you at the fire." he turned and left.

Küja watched him go, before she slumped down and groaned, covering her face with a defeated sigh. 

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