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Third Person's POV~

The days blurred together for Hoh'Ro, the heat of Orgrimmar, in combination with the underlying stress of current politics made the female Darkspear fall into a near-trance like state. She would stand at Vol'jin's flank durning meetings, watching the members of his war council. Nothing dangerous ever happened, for the most part.

Except for the one time where Hoh'Ro had to throw out an unruly, drunk, Gallywix.

Typically, after meetings, Hoh'Ro would be left to her own devices. She'd train, converse with the other female Darkspear, buy things in the city markets. But on occasion, she'd run into Vol'jin, who would be drifting about the halls of the fortress. She'd ask him if he was alright, and the male troll would reply that he was simply lost in thought, and had alot on his mind.

Hoh'Ro knew him well enough that it was always more than just 'a lot on his mind', but she never pushed. Instead, she'd offer him a meal, and a place to sit in private, away from the judging eyes of the other races. And every time she offered, Vol'jin would accept.

They'd talk about life in Stanglethorn, growing up in the jungle. Hoh'Ro would never pass up an opportunity to try and embers Vol'jin with some story from his youth, but Vol'jin would never be embarrassed. He'd laugh and take a sip of whatever brew Chen had created, and come back with an equally embarrassing story that centered around Hoh'Ro.

Hoh'Ro cherished those moments, it made nights in this far away land bearable. Away from the comfort of the jungle, she longed for a semblance of familiarity.

And Vo'jin provided her with it. She would never tell him to his face, Loa, no! She'd never give him the satisfaction.

Hoh'Ro smiled to herself as she ran a bone comb through her wild vermilion hair. The once blazing hot air of Orgrimmar had cooled off as the sun vanished beyond the horizon. Replacing the atmosphere with a pleasant coolness, that--to most members of the horde---would find refreshing. A break from the sweltering heat.

Not trolls.

Born and bred to withstand the brutal humidity and heat of the jungle, trolls did not thrive in the cold. Even so much as a chill would make them uncomfortable. On a night like this, an orc, or a Tauren would relish the crisp night air, but a troll? A troll would wear an extra layer and huddle by the fire, muttering about the chill.

All except for Hoh'ro. The night air did not bother her. She had no desire to drape a blanket about her shoulders, or add more wood to her fire to grow the blaze. She was perfectly content.

And she had her family lineage to thank for that.

Hoh'ro finished brushing out her hair, letting it fall haphazardly about her shoulders. She had changed into her night wear-- a simple beige cloth dress that went down to her knees. Her ever-faithful spear was stored off to the side, along with the ivory tusk she always wore strapped to her arm. Hoh'Ro stared at the fire pit in the center of her room, watching the smoke spiral tis way out through the overhead opening and into the night air.

Though the small window in her room, Hoh'Ro could hear the nightlife in the city; footfalls, chatter, the clanking of metal, weapons and armor. A chorus she had come to consider her lullaby. Hoh'Ro then scooted back on her bedroll, the stone floor bitingly cold against her bare feet. She quickly tucked her body into her blanket and settled down with her head on the pillow, watching the in-set fire pit slowly burn down to glowing embers.

The female Darkspear let her eyes lull shut, starting to drift off into sleep when her ear twitched, hearing the sound of footfalls down the hallway. Slowly, Hoh'Ro's violet eyes opened, listening to the steps getting louder and louder as they approached her door.

Probably sum' late night drunk. Or a guard on patrol. Hoh'Ro thought to herself; thought quickly reminded herself that she had memorized the guards' rounds within the first week of staying here. Hoh'Ro sat up, her eyes seeing perfectly well in the darkness as she listened to the footfalls.

They grew louder, and Hoh'Ro waited for them to pass her door. But they didn't. Hoh'Ro eyed space beneath the door, seeing the shadow of someone lurking outside her door. Hoh'Ro reached under her pillow and pulled out one of her many knives and slowly slunk out of the bed. She took another step closer, her sensitive ears pocking up the sounds of bare feet shuffling across the wood.

Hoh'Ro bared her teeth as she reached down and grabbed the handle, and she took a big breath in and pushed the door open in a flash. She felt the door impact into a solid body and she heard an indigent squawk as someone tumbled to the floor. Hor'Ro then jumped out from behind the door, knife at the ready.

Hoh'Ro's expression softened, and a small giggle erupting from her lips. Vol'jin lay sprawled on her back, holding his bleeding nose as he groaned faintly in pain.

Hoh'Ro's hands dropped down to her sides as she tilted her head, "What ya be doin' out here, Vol'jin?" she tired to hold back her laugh.

"In pain, obviously." Vol'jin sat up, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, looking up at her, "Ya be findin' mah' pain amusing?" his golden eyes flashed in the darkness.

Hoh'Ro looked at his bloody nose, and arched a brow, before she rolled her violet eyes, "C'mon, I'll tend to ya nose." she said.

Vol'jin obeyed, and stood up, shuffling into the room after the female. Hoh'Ro picked up some firewood and threw it onto the coals, watching as the flames flicker and grew into a roaring blaze again. Vol'jin slowly sat down in front of the flame, wiping another stream of blood from his nose.

"Nevah knew ya could slam a door so hard." He commented.

Hoh'Ro sighed as she got some water from the water basin into a small bowl and a rag and walked over to him, "It be a natural reaction when someone be sneakin' 'round ya door in da wee hours of da mornin'."

Vol'jin huffed as he watched her, "Wasn't tryin' ta sneak. Ya wouldn't have herd meh if I really be sneakin'," he replied with a chuckle.

Hoh'Ro scoffed at him, waving him off as she walked back over, "Still don't answer me question. What ya be doin', Warchief?" he sat down before him on a cushion and dipped the rag in the water before wiping the smeared blood off his face.

Vol'jin snorted, attempting to move away from her ministrations, but she gave him one sharp look, and that put the fight right out of him. The taller troll sighed, his shoulders slumping, "Been thinkin', is all." he replied, "Have a lot on mah' mind. Can't sleep."

Hoh'Ro's amethyst eyes met his as she pressed the rag to his nostril, plugging up the bleed, "Ya been sayin' dat every time I ask ya. Same answer; 'I got alot on mah' mind' or 'been busy, can't rest'." she snorted, "Ya plannin' on givin' me a real answer, Vol'jin or do I gotta twist ya arm?"

Vol'jin lifted his gaze to meet hers, his furrowed brow softening as he held her gaze, "I . . ." he cleared his throat, before he reached up and took her hand, pulling it away from his nose, "I not be lyin'. I am worried." He said, "I gotta list of things ta worry ovah' so long it would make ya head spin." he then looked down at Hoh'Ro's hand, "And when I get to in my head, I forget where my feet be goin' . . . and they often take me ta ya door."

Hoh'Ro smiled softly, "I know. Ya did the same thing when we were kids . . . Ya'd wander ovah ta my hut in the middle of the night, sayin' ya just wanted to check up on me. . . ." she then re-soaked the rag in the bowl of water, "When in reality, ya worries kept ya awake."

Vol'jin exhaled softly through his nose, watching as she used the cloth to wipe away the blood on his hands, "Guess I haven't changed much since mah' boyhood, eh?" he mumbled.

Hoh'Ro paused, and looked up at him, "Ya make it sound like a bad t'ing." she whispered, smiling gently, "How bout you tell me what's on ya mind, ok?" she stood up, "An' I get us some drinks."

Vol'jin didn't even bother to object as he watched her shuffle off into the living space and return with two wooden cups and a jug of something. She sat down again and poured him a cup before pouring herself one, "Now," she took a sip, "why don'cha tell ole' Hoh'Ro Zejema what be on ya mind?"

Vol'jin stared at her, blinking through fully, you, he wanted to say, you are on mah' mind. Day 'n night. Always you. But, he was no fool, so instead, he spoke, "We come up with a plan ta stop the Legion." he groused out.

Not a lie. This had been eating at him also.

"Really?" She looked up from her drink, "We can stop sittin' round on our asses and actually do somethin'?" her ears perked up.

Vol'jin's brow furrowed, "I don't think ya gonna like what we came up with." he said, taking another sip of his dink, "We be makin' a unified attack with the alliance . . . on Sargeras. In de Broken Isles."

Hoh'Ro's expression fell, as her shoulders slumped, she reached up and brushed her hair from her face as she stared down into her cup, before she took another sip of the strong drink. Vol'jin looked at her, his golden eyes searching her expression.

"Did you wander to my room, just to tell me ya be goin' on a suicide mission?"

Vol'jin's heart sank at her words, "Maybe." He said, "Maybe I also just wanted the company of a good friend." he stared down at his glass, now wishing that he was anything but sober.

Hoh'Ro gave a hoarse chuckle as she finished her drink, and stared into the flames, "You know what I'm gonna say, Vol'jin. It be a stupid plan. De Legion overpower and outnumber us." she looked at him, "What be the goal?"

Vol'jin sighed, "We get in close, choke 'em up, an destroy the portal, and Gul'dan." he said.

"Assuming we survive fightin' our way through an endless hoard of undead demons." The female troll bit back, "Like I be sayin'--Suicide mission."

"It not be a suicide mission if we succeed." Vol'jin objected.

"When did ya decide this be the plan of action?" She asked him, still staring into the flames, as she fiddled with the hem of her night dress.

"Dis afternoon, while you were out on patrol." Vol'jin said honestly, "I . . . did not want to burden ya with dis news, in front of every one."

Hoh'Ro scoffed, and shook her head, a wry, empty smile pulling across her features as she shook her head, "And here I thought ya just came ta see me for social pleasantries."


She held up her hand, silencing him, "Vol'jin," she spoke his name, finally turning her eyes to face him, "where you go, I follow." she said calmly, "So, if you go to the Broken Isles, that is where I will be."

Vol'jin's brows furrowed, "Hoh'Ro, I cannot ask this of you."

"You aren't." She replied, "It is my honor." She inhaled deeply, "Besides, someone has to make sure you stay alive. Bwonsamdi ain't comin' for your soul just yet." she wagged a finger at him.

Vol'jin's chest hitched with breathless laughter, "Don't go temptin' him, now. Hoh'Ro."

Hoh'Ro rolled her eyes, "Let him try." She reached out and placed her hand on his heart, staring into his eyes, "I be with you, for as long as you'll have me."

Vol'jin's eyes widened as he was sucked into her amethyst orbs, his lips parting, and the words spilling from his lips before he could stop himself,

"For as long as you'll have me." 

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