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Third person's POV

Hoh'Ro walked down one of the streets, humming to herself quietly as she perused some of the vendors. It had been some time since she had bartered for herself, and she wanted to make some of the food her mukkah used to make for her all those years ago. She bought the ingredients she needed, placing them in a wicker basket before she made her way back to her apartment, humming to herself as she walked into a more populated area of Orgimmar, weaving in and out of the crowds. She soon came back to the main stronghold, walking insides the guards not even giving her a second glance as she walked inside. Hoh'Ro weaved through the long, dark stone halls, making her way to her private apartment settled not too far from the Vol'jin's quarters. She set the basket down and stretched, her long ears giving a twitch.

Hoh'Ro's quarters were small, larger than the barracks of some of the foot soldiers, but still small. It was made up of two rooms, the first room was a small firepit set into the stone floor, a black pot hung on a rod on a stand over a cold fire. There was a small little "coffee table" with some scrappy cushions as seats. A single, narrow window allowed a ray of light to shine in. In the next room was a very generously sized sleeping mat, padded with some thin furs to protect Hoh'Ro from the cold stone floor, with a small shelf that held her weapons and a various amount of other things, a basin filled with water. Hoh'Ro moved over to the low set table and sat down on one of the cushions, food and knife in hand. She began to chop up the food, taking a moment to duck back out, get some water, return and light a fire.

After she finished dicing her meal, she put the fruits in the pot, before she used some staves and pushed them through the meat, before she stuck them into the coals under the pot to let them roast. Hoh'Ro smiled as she pulled her wild hair up into a ponytail, using a torn piece of cloth. She rubbed her neck, before she walked to the window and poked her head out, watching the city below, letting her lips stretch back into a smile as she took a deep breath in. Her violet eyes lulling closed as the warm hair of the city tousled her hair.

It wasn't like the Echo Isles, it wasn't a humid jungle, it was a dry desert heat that she had to get used to. The cold nights were something she was having a hard time adjusting to, and the blazing sun was new to her too. Hoh'Ro sighed as she ducked her head back in and walked over to her desk in her room and sorted through some of her personal effects. She opened a drawer in the desk and stopped as her eyes fell upon a large ivory tusk on a beaded leather cord. Hoh'Ro blinked, before she reached down and picked up the tusk, it was almost as white as ivory, carved with troll symbols. Hoh'Ro gave a sigh as she picked up the tusk and used the cord and wrapped it around her upper arm, firmly fastening it to her upper arm. After she fixated the tusk to her arm she moved back into her other room, using a spoon to stir the contents of the pot, humming to herself as she did so. She turned the meat in the flame, the skin on it starting to crisp and roast perfectly.

Not too far down the hall, Vol'jin's long nose twitched as a delightful smell wafted into his room. He turned his head around to the door, feeling his mouth water and his stomach starting to growl. Vol'jin hated himself for being so distracted by the smell of food. Already regretting this, the tall troll stood up and ducked out the door and walked down the hall, literally "following his nose" to the door leading into Hoh'Ro's room. He lifted a powerful hand and knocked on the wooden door.

The door popped open, and Hoh'Ro popped her head out, her hair pulled out of her face, and she had grease and soot on her fingertips, it was clear she had been cooking, "Vol'jin, hello." She smirked as she stared at him.

"I am sorry for interruptin', but I couldn't help but smell some' ting good. Ya cookin'?" He cocked his head to her.

Ho'Ro blinked in surprise, "Oh, yes. I be makin' some'ting my Makkah used to make." She offered a sheepish smile, before she glanced back into the interior of her small room, "I got extra, ya be interested in indulging?" She quirked up a brow.

Vol'jin blinked, pleasantly surprised that she even offered. A small, small part of him, a part of him from many years ago would have said yes in a heartbeat. But, this Vol'jin, Warcheif Vol'jin, held up a three-fingered hand and smiled, "It be a tempting offah, but no." He said.

"Ya sure?" Hoh'Ro prompted, "It be no trouble." She opened the door a bit wider for him, "Besides, I be 'tinkin' dat da Warcheif be needin' a lil' bit o' home in da form of a good hot meal."

Vol'jin glanced at her, before he took another smell and his shoulders sagged for a moment, "If ya be insistin', I tink I can spare some time."

The grin that spread across Hoh'Ro's face almost made Vol'Jin's heart melt

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