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Third Person's POV~

Hoh'Ro stirred just as the first rays of dawn pierced the jagged mountains in the distance. The lanky she-troll rolled over onto her back and she arched up as a yawn engulfed her frame. She sat up and reached back, scratching the back of her neck, ruffling her hair. She stood up from her bed and rubbed her lower back, wincing as she felt some soreness pang through her muscles. Hoh'Ro then reached up and grabbed a wooden comb off the dresser, along with the white tusk. She tied the tusk to her forearm before she began to tackle her wild hair. Hoh'Ro stood at her window, looking out over the city as she combed through her hair, grumbling and wincing as it tugged at the knots.

Soon, the female warrior had her hair tied up nice and neat, and was getting dressed and grabbing her gear to get ready for the day. She left her room and walked down the corridor, rubbing her neck and stifling a yawn. She turned a corner, passing some troll guards, her ear flickering as the two male trolls leered and cooed at her. Hoh'Ro gripped her spear and slowly turned to them, "Dere be some' ting I can help ya with?" She asked.

The first of the two, a male darkspear with a shock of green hair, leaned on his glaive and looked at her lustfully with a snort, "Maybe ya can~" he righted himself with a smirk, "How bout ya show me how flexiva le ya can be~?" He bucked his hips with a grunt.

The other male, a gurubashi, chuckled lowly, "Female Darkspear be mah' favorite." He licked his lips.

Hoh'Ro scoffs, "Yer romantic ability needs work, ya testosterone-ridden swine." She muttered as she kept on walking.

She was stopped as the gurubashi walked in front of her and blocked her path. He chuckled, "C'mon, it'll be fun." He growls.

His chuckle fell into a yell of pain as Hoh'Ro drove her fist into his sternum, knocking the wind out of him. He gasped and fell on his back, the green-haired Darkspear scowled and grabbed his blade, "You little-!" He made a move toward her.

Hoh'Ro, as calmly as could be, stepped back and drove the flat of her foot into the male troll's crotch in a devastating mule kick. The green-haired male went stiff as he grabbed his crotch and his eyes went wide as the color drained from his face. Hoh'Ro huffed as she twirled her spear in her hand, "Next time ya wanna fuck, I suggest ya start with courtship." She then continued on her way.

Hoh'Ro pushed the doors to the Warcheif's hall, and took a beat as she let her eyes graze over the sight before her. Vol'jin sat in his throne, slouching back in the chair—practically lounging. His long legs spread wide as his orange eyes rad lazily over a piece of paper he was holding—most likely a report. Hoh'Ro felt heat form at the base of her spine and work it's way up to the back of her head then all the way to the tips of her ears as she beheld the massive troll before her.

As the doors banged shut behind Hoh'Ro, Vol'Jin's golden eyes flickered up from his paper to gaze upon her. A wry smile pulled across his lips as he leaned forward, jutting his tusks out, "Mornin." He greeted, his voice a low rumble.

She nodded in greeting as she walked up to him, her spear in hand, "Ya soldiers need discipline when interacting with females." She said as she stood at his side.

Vol'jin sat back, his brows furrowing, "Dey tried sometin'?" He asked.

"Tried. Got a foot to the nuts." She smirked as she leaned on her hilt of her spear.

Vol'jin snorted and rubbed one tusk as he sat back, "Boys don't got no manners no more." He huffs as he looked up at her, observing her slender features.

Hoh'Ro chuckled as she sighed, then turned to him, "At least I got you."

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