Chapter 11: Victory Song

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Sihyeon cast glances at the two idols walking beside them. They had their masks and beanies on so that nobody else could recognize them, but only the thought of walking beside two talented, hard-working, and handsome guys as them made her stomach churn.

Jiwon, on the other hand, looked like she was in a daze, with her heart eyes and overall posture.

As Sihyeon stared at them, she almost walked into a pole but caught herself right before she went in face first.

"Are you okay?" Felix asked in concern.

"Y-Yeah," she nervously smiled, thinking how much she had embarrassed herself already in front of her idols.

Good going, man, good going.

Minutes later, they were standing in front of the electronics store, and as Sihyeon and Jisung walked into the store, they looked behind them and saw no sign of Felix or Jiwon.

"What the-" Jisung grimaced.

"Where did they go?" she asked to no one, but sighed when she realized that Jiwon was most probably behind the idea of vanishing with Felix, and she very well knew why.

On the other hand, Jisung inwardly rejoiced, because, well, he got the chance to be alone with her. Now he could easily woo her, or so he thought.

"Let's just get a phone?" he proposed, and she nodded, biting her lip and walking further into the store with him.

And Jisung's mind ran overboard: dude, you're with her! Plus, it's an electronics store, so, like, get her number or something? Get her number and make her fall for you head over heels and date her and then marry her and have a bunch of kids ahhhhh!

He stopped his mind right there.

"Android or I-Phone?" she questioned, and he ceased functioning.

Okay, so this is the ultimate debate of having an I-phone or an Android, just like putting cereal first or milk. This can either end your relationship with her or just make her like you more. Android or I-Phone? Android or I-Phone? ANDROID OR I-PHONE? – he inwardly debated. And just to clarify, this took only two seconds for him to think about. You might be quite impressed by now.

"Um... Android?" he cautiously let out, and relaxed when he heard her say, "Good choice!"


Jisung and Sihyeon then went around the store, testing the phones and getting bored of them every five seconds. Then, an idea struck Sihyeon.

"You know what? Let's stream your songs on every device here," she suggested, and Jisung clapped in excitement.

So the two sneakily set up Miroh on every phone, laughing and having the time of their lives, watching the video play on every device; and sprinted away from the phone's department when they saw a guard approaching them.

They laughed hard, running throughout the store and ending up in the laptops' area, and that's when Jisung's mind told him to casually throw in a compliment just to be, you know, cool.

"Hey, I didn't tell you this before but..." he started, getting surprisingly nervous.

"Yeah?" she folded her arms over her chest.

"You're hot..."

"I ain't your noona," she retorted.

"THAT WAS JUST ONE SONG!" Jisung argued. Seriously, that song was going to haunt him forever.

Sihyeon laughed, and Jisung had an epiphany right then, "Hold up, you actually are my noona. You're a year older!"

She stopped laughing, terror taking over her expression.

"OH, MY GOD!" she yelled, "I'M YOUR NOONA!"





Jisung proudly expanded his chest, and triumphantly spoke, "Worry not, for I am here."

"Are you serious...?"

"Yeah! And while we're at it, can I get your number?" Jisung innocently smiled.

Sihyeon stared at him for a few seconds, "No!"

"I-" Jisung couldn't complete before they heard Jiwon's voice behind them,

"There you are! We've been searching for you!"

"Where the heck did you vanish?" Sihyeon scolded, and Felix winked at her, "It's a secret."

She sighed.

"Did you guys choose a phone yet?" Jiwon asked, and Jisung and Sihyeon went, "Ohh! We forgot!"

"Useless," Jiwon judgmentally sighed.

"It's getting dark outside, I think we should quickly get a phone and head back," Felix advised.

"By the way, Jisung? Can I... like, can I get your number?" Jiwon shyly asked, and a light bulb appeared over the said man's head.

What if you make her jealous?

"Sure!" Jisung smirked at his thoughts of a masterplan. He was going to make her jealous, and that's on period.

And as Sihyeon saw her friend getting her bias' number, the need to get Felix's number grew inside her head.

"Can I get your number too? I swear, I'm not that awkward on text!" she chuckled, making Felix laugh as well as he agreed, "Sure!"

And Jisung stared at them with an open mouth. Talk about a plan backfiring.


Lmao I'm hoping to put up a few more books but exams ugh I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW YOU MY UPCOMING PROJECTSSSSS

If you're looking for advice, please check out my book THE BOOK OF ADVICE!) 

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