round one :: day five

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but seriously guys do you want me to dm you every night asking for actions

i've done it before, but the participants in that game were pretty dead aside from me chasing them every night... that's why i didn't do it this time

you'll still have to discuss and try to solve my riddles though, i can't help you with those for the most part, and if you don't contribute, i might still kil you for aforementioned reasons [ idleness and making targets out of the diligent players ]


"what are they still doing here?" rosewither's contemptuous sneer was cutting, though those who she was speaking of were not present. "tansyheart, you know how lucky you are that at least some of your followers were... good?"

"i've killed half of them off because they did nothing for us, don't forget." tansyheart's tail brushed against the stalks of two of her plants. "maybe i should have threatened- ah prompted- them to act, but... let's just say that if they need me to remind them every night to act, then maybe they shouldn't be here anyway."

"it would make things more fun, wouldn't it?" rosewither stared off into the distance, tail tip jumping up at random intervals, but never lying still for more than a few seconds. "after all, all we need are cats, right? as long as we can use them, it doesn't matter how alive they are." rosewither looked over her shoulder to where tansyheart sat. "especially in your case..."

tansyheart stood and walked over to her accomplice, leaving behind her two newest plants in her wake: two royal purple blooms of wolfsbane and iris, a paradoxical pair- one stood for malevolence and death, the other wisdom and purity.

"where is our traitor?" coneflower slid out from the back of the flower thicket. "you know what happens if we lose that one, too."

"what do you mean, what happens? we definitely have enough power to take on one cat each, hare-brain." rosewither rolled her eyes in exasperation. "unless the only thing you know how to do is ramble- you with your cryptic clues that no one understands!"

tansyheart hissed, silencing her comrades.

"i see them... our friend."

the traitor appeared over the rise, panting as they ran.


the cat glared at tansyheart. "we'll be finished soon." their expression revealed no triumph, no joy. only anger.

tansyheart's smile seemed almost sweet on the surface.


tansyheart shivered with excitement, trying to keep herself from bouncing up and down. she broke out into a purr, gazing again at her plants.

"so it's almost over..."


"what happens next, lavendersong?..."

the she-cat's hoarse whisper was only to herself; she was met with silence.

"ahh... starclan help me find faith. how many of us are evil? how few of fieldclan are left? one lesser, one lesser... i am to join you soon."

a shadow slipped under lavendersong's resting place.

"which are you: good or evil...?" the ginger she-cat breathed.

the visitor said nothing.

"which are you?"

"... i don't know anymore. i've done nothing of use, and look at fieldclan now." the ginger tabby curled up in her nest, closing herself off to the world. "look at the sorry state i'm in now."

the visitor hesitated, then snarled. "don't try and fool me with your paltry words! if you won't give me a straight answer, then i can infer that you're-"

"evil." lavendersong's breath shuddered as she tried to take in air. "aren't we all? it's our fault for being so blind, and so scared to do anything of worth but worry- not even clear-minded enough to deliberate."

"it's your fault for falling under tansyheart's shadow!"

lavendersong's hazel eyes flickered open. "is that what you think? that i'm a traitor?" the she-cat's breath was a curious stench, of floral notes and poison, of feeble life and rapid death at once.

the avenger raised their forepaw.

lavendersong stared at the cat, too tired to move. the only thing she seemed to take note... was the fear in her clanmate's eyes.


lavendersong was killed by the avenger. she also died to the poisoner's poison.


tansyheart's activity check

rosewither's discussion

coneflower's riddle [ closed ]

triumvirate's judgment [ 2 / 2 ]

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