round one :: twilight

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"are you sure?" tansyheart's eyes gleamed with a manic frenzy, looking fieldclan in the eyes one by one. "no one's voted yet... no one! do you have a death wish?"

"i did tell you the odds of winning, right?" tansyheart put on a fake pout. "oh, boo hoo! the chances of winning without a vote are too low, so let's not bother! are you guys mouse-brained, or what?"

"i could slaughter all of you, right here, right now! do you want me to do that?" tansyheart licked her lips, turned bloodthirsty at such short notice. "do you? because i'm tempted, but that would be so anticlimactic."

without warning, tansyheart pounced at the crowd, knocking down one cat with a single swipe- and then leapt off of their collapsed body to clout a second warrior on the head.

"i'll tell you what i'll do: don't vote for half a day, i'll kill off one of your chances; don't vote for a full day, and i'll kill the other one, too! the traitors deserve to win, you know, but really, victory shouldn't be handed to them. the traitors worked hard for this, so they deserve it... i want to make sure that you, the clan, really don't. actually, i already know that you don't! but maybe i'd hoped that a little motivation would get you going."

"doesn't that sound fair? you already seem to want to die, after all... so get voting... you!" tansyheart suddenly purred at the warrior whose head she pinned to the ground. "you've had the chance to weaken my forces since day one, and you didn't use it! you know, if you wanted to join me, you should've said something sooner... but you, with a brain made of maggots and a heart as flighty as the wind, would be useless compared to what i have."

tansyheart looked up, jaws slavering, eyes thinning and dilating rhythmically, claws sliding fully out and sliding back on so that only the tips were visible.

"get. voting. or else your chances are dashed."


tansyheart's voting [ 3 / 3 ]

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