round two :: lustreclan roles

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𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕟 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕞

clan investigative - deputy: every night, you will investigate a cat and will be told whether they are innocent or guilty. some cats will show up as unknown. you cannot select yourself.

clan investigative - lookout: you are a perceptive warrior with exceptional night vision. every night, you will choose a cat to visit and will receive the names of every player who visited your target that night [ in the order of visitation ].

clan support - starspeaker: you are a warrior with an unusually close bond with starclan. you have the ability to talk to all dead players and gather information from them. the lookout cannot see your nightly action as it happens in your dreams, and you will show as unknown to the deputy. you are also immune to being role-blocked.

clan support - gleaner: you are a perceptive cat who likes to keep their talents hidden. on even-numbered nights, you will receive one physical trait of any living traitor. if a traitor directly visits you, you will know their exact identity. the lookout cannot see your nightly action as you do not need to visit any target.

clan support - savant: you are a cat who bears genius level intelligence. you will be told the exact meaning of the cryptic's riddles, including a full breakdown and thought process.

clan support - kittypet: you are a naïve former housecat who has yet to get used to clan life. every night, you will choose a cat to role-block, preventing them from using their nightly action if they have one. you are immune to being role-blocked.

clan protective - medicine cat: you are a gifted healer. every night, you will choose a cat to heal, effectively making them impervious to all attacks for that night and curing the traitor poisoner's poison [ if applicable ].

clan protective - den-guard: you are a selfless, yet reckless, warrior. every night, you will choose a cat to protect, saving them from one attack and revealing a visual hint about the attacker. however, you can only do this once without dying- any more attacks will kill you.

clan killing - vigilante: you are a cat who wants to take matters into your own paws. you have three opportunities to kill a cat during the night; if you kill a traitor, you have helped your team, but if you kill a clanmate, you have hurt an innocent cat and will suffer the consequences. you may not choose a target on the first night.

clan killing - veteran: you are a cat who has been in one too many battles. thrice a game, you may go on alert for the night, during which anyone who visits you, good or evil, will be killed. unlike the avenger, you will not suffer any personal repercussions for your actions.

𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕞

traitor killing - lead traitor: you are the leader of your band of traitors. you have the final say on who the traitor kills, although you can communicate with them to reach a mutual decision. if you are role-blocked, the traitor's decision overrides yours. you will show as unknown to the deputy.

traitor killing - traitor: you exist to carry out the lead traitor's orders. every night, you will kill one target; while by default you will attack the lead traitor's target, you will attack your own if they are role-blocked. upon their death, you will become the new lead traitor.

traitor killing - poisoner: you are a cat who has a lot of expertise with poisonous herbs. every night, you will choose a cat to poison. if not healed, they will die the following day [ i.e. a cat poisoned on night one will die on day two ].

traitor support - loner: you are a cat who is skilled at distracting others. every night, you will choose a cat to role-block, preventing them from using their nightly action if they have one. you are immune to being role-blocked.

traitor support - traitor lookout: you are a perceptive warrior with exceptional night vision. every night, you will choose a cat to visit and will receive the names of every player who visited your target that night [ in the order of visitation ].

𝕟𝕖𝕦𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪

neutral benign - gravedigger: you are a cat who is desperate to be useful to anyone. at any point in the game, you may choose from the pool of already dead cats and take whatever their role was for the rest of the game. when you receive your new role, everyone will know what it is, though no one will know who you are. until you take on your new role, you will show as unknown to the deputy.

neutral benign - shadowheart: you are an envious warrior who wishes to impersonate a cat you look up to. during the first three nights, you may choose any player to copy their role and stay with that role for the rest of the game. due to your moral ambiguity, you will always show as unknown to the deputy.

neutral benign - seraph: you serve as a guardian to a cat you love. thrice a game, you may 'purge' your target, which makes them immune to anyone who attacks them and makes them unable to be exiled the next day. you can still use your purges after your death. be warned that if the traitor poisoner visits your target on the night of the purge, they will still be poisoned. if your target dies or is exiled, you will follow. the lookout cannot see your nightly action, and you will show as unknown to the deputy.

neutral chaos - joker: you are a somewhat sadistic cat who thrives in chaos. every night, you may switch the roles of any two cats, effective for only that night. you will not learn their roles. your targets will know that their roles were switched and will be prompted to use a nightly action if they have one, as well as receiving messages befitting their temporary roles [ e.g. someone who gained the role of lookout would be told to select a target to watch and learn the names of anyone who visited their target ]. some roles cannot be switched, and the switching will fail if you happen to choose at least one cat with a 'permanent' role. you cannot select yourself. the lookout cannot see your nightly action, and you are immune to being role-blocked.

[ idea credits to AlphAOmegA151 ]
neutral chaos - shaman: you are a cat with tremendous power over life and death. you have one chance to kill or heal one cat every night; after using one or both, you can replenish by resting for one night [ i.e. you may kill, heal, and then rest ].

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