Chapter 1: Fall of Beacon

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Third Person POV 

Beacon Academy. One of the greatest schools of Remnant. All of Beacon fell that day. Suddenly a beacon of light blasted from the top of Beacon tower. A girl with a red cape rushed up to the top of Beacon Tower as 2 girls were fighting on top of Beacon Tower. She used her scythe to boost her speed, trying to help her friend. 

On the ground

A red hair faunas was fighting a cat faunas. These two were no other than Adam Tauraus and Blake Belladonna. Blake brought Gambal Shroud and charged at Adam. Adam blocks her strikes and kicked her onto the ground. 

Adam: You hurt me Blake. You betrayed me. 

He stabs her into the stomach. She coughs out blood. 

???: NO! 

Adam turns around and sees a Blondie. 

Blake: Y-Yang. Don't! 

Yang's hair and eyes change. She yells and uses her semblance. She charges at Adam. Adam uses his semblance and slashes through her. Blake watched the unbearable sight unwrap before her. Adam slashed through Yang, cutting her arm clean off. Yang crashes into the ground. Adam walks to Blake and brings his sword down onto her. He slashes through her but she fades away. He turns around and he sees Blake running away as she holds Yang. 

On top of Beacon Tower

A girl with red hair and in armor. Pyrrha Nikos was fighting against a girl with amber eyes while wearing a red dress. This was no other than Cinder Falls.

A/N: I don't own this video! This is how the fight basically went. 

As Ruby got to the roof, she saw a horrifying sight. Her friend, being turned to dust. She had tears rolled down her eyes. Suddenly she felt a surge of energy pour down from her eyes. 


Suddenly a beacon of light wiped every Grimm in the area and heavily injured Cinder. 


Ruby jolted up as she wakes up in her bed. She looks around in confusion and fear. Then she sees 2 men in the room. 

Ruby: What happened? 

Tai: Qrow found you, unconscious. He brought you home safe. 

Ruby: Wait! Yang? Is she alright? 

Tai: She uh is going to be alright. It just going to take some time. I'm just glad to have you both back home. 

Ruby: What about Beacon? Vale? 

Tai: Vale is under control. Beacon uh is not as simple. 

Ruby looks down in sadness. 

Tai: Grimm keep going to Beacon. Things are kind of a mess. 

???: Things are always a mess. 

Ruby looks up and she sees Qrow. 

Qrow: Mind we have a minute? 

Tai: Why? Can I just stay here? 

Qrow: Tai. Please. 

Tai slowly gets up and kisses Ruby on the forehead. 

Tai: I'll go make some tea. 

Qrow slowly walks over and places a chair down next to Ruby. 

Qrow: How are you feeling? 

Ruby: Hurt. 

Qrow: What was the last thing you saw? 

Ruby: Beacon tower. P-P-Pyrrha. I-Is she alright? 

Qrow: She's gone.
He said as he looked down. 

Ruby: I-I got to the top. Then Pyrrha. Cinder. Then everything went white. 
She said as tears slowly streamed down her cheeks. 

Qrow: Anything else? 

Ruby: My head hurting. 

Qrow: Remember what Ozpin said. 

Ruby: Uh. I-I don't know. Something about

Qrow: Silver eyes. 

Ruby: S-So? 

Qrow: You're special. Special like how your mother was. This world is made of many different legends. Some true. Some made-up. Ozpin once told me about one. It was said those born with silver eyes were destined to be a warrior. He once told that a look from these silver eyes can strike a grimm down. 

Ruby: Y-You think I might be. 

Qrow: A grimm frozen at the top of Beacon tower and you're here in bed. 

Ruby: H-How did you know about that night? 

Qrow: I've been doing missions for Oz. I'll catch you later kiddo. 
He said as he leaves. 

Ruby gets up and walks to a different door. She slowly opens and sees her sister on her bed as she looks out the window. 

Ruby: Yang? 

Yang: Ruby. 

Ruby runs to her sister and hugs her as tears came down. 

Ruby: I'm so glad. You're okay. 

Yang: I'm not. Everything's gone. The school. Penny. P-Pyrrha. And. 

Ruby: Where Weiss and Blake? 

Yang: Her father came and got her. 

Ruby: W-Why? 

Yang: All her father saw was that the grimm were attacking people and Atlas attacked innocent people. 

Ruby: What about B-Blake? 

Yang: S-She ran! 

Ruby: There has to be a reason. 

Yang: No there doesn't! 

Ruby looks down in sadness as tears came down. She reaches out to Yang but she looks away. Ruby walks out of the room but looks one last time at Yang. 

Ruby: I love you. 

Ruby walks out of the room and goes to her room. She picks out her cape and scythe. She grabbed her weapons and walks out of the room, heading outside. She closes the door and starts to walk off. She soon meets Jaune, Ren, and Nora. 

Jaune: Hey. 

Ruby: Hey Jaune. Haven is a long way to go. 

Ren: Finding answers at the end is entirely uncertain. 

They all start to walk, hoping to find answers. 

At Beacon 

The grimm kept invading the school. Unknown to them all. There were 2 beings of power above them all. 

A/N: I don't own this! 

God of Darkness: Ozma has failed us. 

God of Light: That appears so. 

God of Darkness: We will have to release our ace. 

God of Light: That appears so. 

They both raise their hands and a portal appears. The portal opens and a figure comes through. A figure with a mask of darkness and light on each side. With two sword on one side of his hip and a staff in his hand. 

A/N: I don't own this! 

God of Light/Darkness: Find Salem. Stop this. Save this world. And find Ozma. 

???: Yes. My lords. 

God of Light/Darkness: Proceed with any method. Find the warriors with silver eyes. 

???: Yes my lord. 

The God of Light and Darkness: You'll need allies. Find the students of Beacon and work with them. You'll need some of these. 
They said as they gave him a paper with names. 

He takes it and looks at the paper. 

???: Raven Branwen. Ruby Rose. Yang Xiao Long. Qrow Branwen. Lie Ren. Nora Valkerie. Weiss Schnee. Blake Belladonna. Ozma. Ironwood. Pyrrha Nikos. Summer Rose. 

The gods disappeared, leaving the assassin alone. 

???: This will be fun. Now that I get to be the one that destroys that fool of a sister. 

He flies up to beacon tower and lands on the roof. He looks at the frozen grimm. 

???: So this is the power of the silver eyes. I must say I am impressed. 

He looks around and he sees an object on the ground. He walks to it and picks it up as he kneels on the ground. 

???: A death occurred here. 

He holds it in his hand as black liquid came out of his arm and absorbed a piece of it into himself. He opens a his eyes and it reveals to be silver eyes. 

???: Get ready. For your return. 

Well here is a new book! I just thought about a scenario if the gods interfered indirectly. So this is the book. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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