Chapter 13: Haven Academy

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Third Person POV

Y/N, Summer, and the group were walking into the breeze ways of Haven Academy as the sounds of birds chirping echoed throughout the area. Summer was holding onto Y/N's arm as Pyrrha was holding onto Jaune's.

Ruby: *sighs* We've made it.
She said as she looked at the doors of Haven Academy.

The group walked into the building, heading to the headmaster's office.

Ruby: Hello!
She yelled, seeing who was in the dorms.

Nora: Maybe......Try louder?

Pyrrha: That won't be necessary Nora.

Ren: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: Well. I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it.

Qrow: No. This isn't right.
He said as he started running down the hallway to the headmaster's office.

Y/N: Something is definitely wrong.
He said to himself.

Qrow reaches a door but pulls out his sword, ready to fight.

Qrow: Get ready. There could be trouble.
He said as he goes to kick the door.

Qrow kicks the door, revealing Lionheart.

Lionheart: AH!
He screams as he falls onto the ground.

Qrow loses his balance and falls onto the ground.

Ruby: Professor.....Lionheart?

Lionheart: QROW! For crying out loud! You nearly scared me half to death.

Qrow: Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

Lionheart: Huh?
He said as he takes out a stopwatch.

Lionheart: Oh right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me.
He said as he puts his stopwatch into his shirt.

Qrow: You're joking.

Nora: Where is everybody?

Lionheart: Ah. You must be the students Qrow mentioned.

Ruby: Yes sir. Ruby Rose.

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Nora: Nora Valkyrie.

Ren: Lie Ren.

Pyrrha: Pyrrha Nikos.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

Lionheart: I believe I don't know you.
He said as he pointed to Y/N.

Y/N: Y/N.

Lionheart: A pleasure to meet you all. Leanardo Lionheart at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until my classes resume but-

Qrow: What? Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the relic?

Lionheart: Qrow! The children-

Y/N: Bingo. He's definitely going to die. By my hand.
He said to himself.

Qrow: Already know. I've filled them in. What do you mean you're staff is away?

Lionheart: You've filled them in?

Nora: this not going at all like anyone thought it would?

To Salem

Salem was sitting in her throne room as she had a depressed look on her face. She had a tear running down her cheek as she looked at the clones she created in front of her. There she saw her younger self and Y/n.

Salem: I'm sorry. 
She said as she saw the two clones sitting at a table as they were drinking tea. 

Younger Salem: How does it taste? 

Young Y/N: Better than last time. 
He teased. 

Younger Salem: Hey.
She pouts. 

Young Y/N: Calm down baby sis. I'm only teasing. 
He said as he finsihes the tea. 

Salem continued to watch as the younger versions renact a memory that occured long ago. 

Salem: I'm sorry. 
She said as a tear dripped from her chin. 

Salem: Please. Forgive me. 

To Y/N 

Lionheart: I have to say Qrow. This all seems very reckless, even for you. 

Qrow: It's leaving one of the relics unguarded. It's not checking with Oz. For ages. 

Lionheart: There was nothing to check in about before the fall of Beacon. Vale wasn't the only kingdom to suffer that night. Everyone was watching every house in every kingdom saw that poor girl ripped to pieces. Saw monsters crawling over the city. Atlesian knights attacking citizens and then nothing. You could feel the dread in the air. With all that negativity, you can imagine what it was like when the grimm came for us. 

Pyrrha held Jaune as she remembered that night. Ruby looked away as she remembered Penny and Pyrrha. 

Y/N stood there as he looked at Lionheart, suspecting something. 

Lionheart: Mistrals' controlled territory is the widest reaching in the world you know, that makes it infinitely harder to protect. We lost so many great huntsmen. Teachers from this very institution and it's only gotten worse. 

Ruby: W-What do you mean? 

Lionheart: *sighs* We may have dealt with the grimm, but the Mistral Council's still at odds with representatives from Atlas. First it was the dust embargo. Now it's the closing of Borders. I'm not sure what happened to James in Vale but it only seems to have only worsen some of his more unfortunate tendencies. And top of that, we still don't know where the spring maiden is. 

Qrow: All the more reason why we need the huntsmen and huntresses here. 

 Ruby: W-Why is the Spring Maiden so important? 

Lionheart: I thought you filled them in. 

Qrow: Mostly filled in. There's a lot to cover okay. I quit teaching for a reason. 
He said as he drank out of his flask. 

Lionheart: The four maiden all have powers to perform the feats of magic and they are only one capable of reaching the relics. 

Ruby/Weiss/JNPR: What? 

Qrow: Each relic are locked inside a chamber that can only be opened by a specific maiden. 

Y/N: Winter for the gift of Creation. Summer for Destruction. Fall for Choice. Spring for knowledge. Spring is the problem. 

Ren: What happened to her? 

Lionheart: She was determined at first when she inherited her powers but the weight of responsibility proved too much for the child. 

Y/N: So you believed handing it to a child could do anything. 
He said with anger. 

Lionheart: We had no choice. 

He yelled as he gripped Lionheart's throat. 

Qrow: Y/N. Let him go. 

Lionheart: I-I-It was over a decade ago. 
He struggled to say. 

Y/N: A child doesn't have to carry that burden. 
He said as he gripped Lionheart's throat. 

Qrow: Y/N. Calm down. I have a good idea on who it might be. 
He said as he tried to make Y/N let go of Lionheart. 

Y/N: Then tell me who it is. 

Qrow leans in to Y/N's ear and muttered two words. 

Y/N: Is that so. 
He said as he dropped Lionheart. Y/N opened a portal and slowly walked towards it. 

Summer: W-W-W-Where are you going? 

Y/N: Somewhere. I'll be back. 
He said as he walked through it. 

Y/N's POV 

I walked out of the portal and saw that I was in a forest. I looked around and saw an area covered with tents. 

"So you have the spring maiden." 

"Huh Old friend." 


Here is Chapter 13 of Wrath Of The Gods! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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