Types (not an actual chapter)

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Fire types (fire breathing dragons who are disoriented by water)- Fire, Magma(Fire, Earth, have black scales and can spout lava from their jaws) Stormdrake(Fire, Air, fast fire breathing dragons without forelegs)

Air types (dragons without any surprising ability other than their skill in the air. Massive wings and webbed tails. Covered with fireproof feathers that if are wet, become useless.)- Air, Stormdrake, Diver(water, air, dragons who can swim and fly well) Speedrake, (dragons who can shock their enemies, if they touch. They are also the fastest known type of dragon to exist. No front legs) Sweepers (dragons with wings bigger than the normal air dragons, usually 3.25X the length of their body, are known to have wings so strong, they can blast dragons out of the sky and create huge waves of water with just one flap)

Water types(dragons that have webbed feet, thin scales, and giant tails used for making, small tsunami, waves. Can spout boiling water. Light bones and small, flightless wings. Can breath underwater)- Water, Ice(Water dragons with larger wings, white scales, thick claws and a subzero frost breath. Can't breath underwater but can hold breath for long periods of time), Poison(Earth, Water, Dragons with regular scales poisoned teeth and claws, needles on tail, that if broken off, secrete a deadly venom. Can't stay in water for long periods of time, no ability. Is commonly know as "the mistake" for they are near useless in battle or hunting.)

Earth types (Giant, six legged land bound dragons with thick metallic scales, no wings, no ability other than their deadly crushing bite and their skill with ground fighting. Nearly indestructable.)- Vine(smaller earth dragons that can manipulate plant growth, small gliding wings.), Poison, Magma, Tunneler(Earth dragons that have massive claws used to dig through rock and metal) 

Gems- Gems are held by dragons so they may use their types power. Only their type can use that type of gem, and dragons receive their gems at the age of 7

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