Part 7

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Sonia's POV

"You guys just get the pink one over here and we'll take care of the rest" Manic said. "Ok then" Rouge said, then she, Shadow, Knuckles, and Tails went to get the pink human. 'You sure this'll work, sis?' Sonic thought. 'Yea, I'm sure. Just get your guitar ready' I thought. 'Ok then' We haven't told the others about our triplet telepathy yet, and we don't plan to. We also didn't tell them that we're royalty and a certain prince will possibly be taking the throne, and before you ask,... it's not Manic, because he will literally take the throne. Anyways, after a few minutes, Rouge, Shadow, Knuckles, and Tails brought back the pink one......, two pink ones: a human and a hedgehog, a tall, thick man wearing red overalls, a person wearing blue, and Sonic. "Uh.... who are they Sonic?" I asked. "I feel like siblings should tell each other when one sibling sees another person-" "Ok, before you freak out, this is Ralph and this is Felix" Sonic pointed to the tall human, then the short human. "Hi" The short human, Felix, said. "Hello" The tall one, Ralph, said. "Hey there" I said. "So.... who are you two?" Manic asked, pointing to the light blue human and the pink human. "I'm Vanellope, and this is Taffyta" The light blue human, Vanellope, said. "Hey...... Sonic, why are they're all animals?" Taffyta asked. "Did you really think I was the only animal? Who would think that?" He retorted. "Told you" Vanellope said to Taffyta. "Yea, you did, but Sonic, you have a bat here. Are porcupines friends with bats?" Taffyta asked. "I'm a hedgehog. And not usually, but-" "We're friendly, so that's why the porcu-...... Sonic is friends with me" Rouge said. "Um..... ok then, but what is he even?" Taffyta asked, pointing at Knuckles. "I am an echidna" "An echidna? Aren't echidna powerful than most animals?" "Yeah" "So.... echidnas are powerful than humans too?" "Yeah, I guess" "........ ok then,...... well, see ya" Taffyta said and then she ran off again. I sighed. "Sonic, can you please go get her? Me and Manic will get ready" I said. "Ok" Sonic said and used his super speed to run off and find Taffyta. "I did know that he can run, but not that fast" Felix commented. "Found her" Sonic said, coming back. "That was fast" Vanellope said. "You're talking to the fastest thing alive" Rouge said. "Pssh, I could do better" Shadow said. "Uh..... Ralph, Vanellope? Why are you friends with the fastest thing alive?" Taffyta asked. "We didn't know he could go that fast. Because hedgehogs don't usually go that fast" Vanellope said. "Ok, anyway, tell us what you guys are about to do. I'm getting impatient here" Shadow said. "Huh. That's usually a Sonic thing, but ok" I said. "We wanted to show Taffyta there's no need to be scared" I added. "How are you gonna do that?" Knuckles asked. Me, Manic, and Sonic hovered our hands over our medallions and our instruments came out. "Ohh, so that's where your guitar goes. I was wondering why I couldn't see it" Felix said. "Or why you wouldn't let me try on the medallion" Vanellope said. Sonic laughed a bit. "Anyway, let's do this" Manic said and grabbed Taffyta's hand. "Come on" He said while dragging Taffyta. We all followed them.

*Cue the song(Sonia, Sonic and their friends(Except Manic) are showing Taffyta, Vanellope, Felix and Ralph around Green Hill Zone)

Sonic: 🎶There's so many places too see. Right beyo-o-ond. Yeah, come o-o-on. So much to encounter, new discoveries. You're brave and stong. Yeah, come o-o-on(Sonia and Manic: 🎶New things look quite amazing? Go, no hesitating🎶). You don't have to be afra-aid(Sonia and Manic: 🎶You don't have to be afr-aid🎶), 'cause what you just find is..... wonderful surprises. You're gonna be ama-azed(Sonia and Manic: 🎶You're gonna be ama-azed🎶), just open up your eyes, there's.... beauty shining bright there's🎶(Sonia and Manic: 🎶Wonderful surprises, yeah🎶)

"Wow, I didn't know you can sing, Sonic" Felix said while we put our instruments away. "That was awesome" Ralph said. "Thanks guys" Manic said. I walked to Taffyta. "Now do you see that there's no need to be afraid?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes" Taffyta said. Then we heard evil laughing. "Oh no" I whispered to myself.

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