{2} - |You again?|

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-The next day, 9:30 am-

A fresh cup of hot energon in one hand and a datapad in the other, Ratchet was ready to take on this morning's influx of patients. He had pretty much forgotten about what happened the night before, focusing on what was happening right now.

The first few patients weren't too bad: a simple cut, a small dent, and a slight virus. All easily treated or patched up in mere minutes. By then, the medical facility was bustling with activity. Nurses and doctors walked to and fro down the long, brightly lit hallways, carrying stacks of datapads or medical supplies to restock the examination rooms.

Towards noon was when things usually died down. The newest members of the staff usually got bored and played cards, while the senior staff members took a much needed nap or energon break. Of course, Ratchet got called to examine one last patient before he went on break. Just his luck.

Ratchet appreciated the silence that noon brought. He could actually think for once without having someone shouting obscenities at him or hearing the constant chatter of the nurses gossiping about handsome patients.

He glanced down at the datapad he was holding, scanning a few lines of text while he walked. He eventually arrived at the designated examination room, finishing the line he was reading before putting the datapad away. He huffed, reminding himself that he could go on break after this as he opened the door. "Hello, my name is Ratchet and I will be assisting you toda—" he paused mid-sentence when his optics landed on the patient.

It was the mech from the bar.

The mech's optics lit up when he saw Ratchet and he sat up, completely ignoring the gash across his chassis. "Well I'll be... you look familiar." He said with a cheeky grin, making Ratchet groan in slight annoyance.

"Unfortunately." Ratchet muttered, setting down the datapad and trying to focus. "Alright, tell me what happened."

"Training accident." The mech simply replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Ratchet gave the mech a look, raising an optic ridge slightly. "Can you... elaborate on that?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chassis.

"Picture this: someone who has never wielded a katana in their life trying to use one."

Ratchet blinked, staring at the mech in disbelief for a moment before shaking his head. "I've heard a lot of dumb stories, but this one takes the cake." He said with a slight chuckle, rolling his optics. "How about you tell me the real story, hotshot?"

"That was the real story. What, you don't believe me?" The mech grinned, leaning forward slightly on his knees. "You want proof?"

"Hah, Sure." Ratchet joked, not really expecting anything out of this.

The mech chuckled and shrugged, sitting up and reaching over his shoulder with one hand. He gripped a handle that was sticking out of his back and pulled on it swiftly, a sharp blade sliding into view.

Ratchet stood there in shock, his optics wide with surprise. He stared at the blade for a second before backing up slightly. "Y-You can't bring weapons in here!" He stammered.

"Relax, I won't hurt ya." The mech chuckled, sliding the blade back into its holder and looking back at Ratchet. "That enough proof?"

Ratchet briskly nodded, relaxing once the mech put the blade away. "Yes..." he mumbled, cautiously approaching the mech so he could examine the gash. "What's your name? I forgot to ask."

"It's Wheeljack."

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