why i rarely update this book

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there are really 2 answers to this.

I dont have time. I work nearly every day and when I dont work I'm so exhausted that I mostly sleep.

but the main reason is that I just dont watch wrestling anymore.

I do sorta keep up with everything via Twitter, but that's about it.

wrestling will always have a special place on my heart, but honestly I'm over the industry as a whole.

it's not about to corruption, or letting people go, or the dumbass fan wars (cause all fandoms have them).

the thing that made wrestling fun for me were the storylines. yes the wrestling was a big part of it too, but the storylines need to have substance to it or else the best wrestling match doesnt matter.

and the quality of storylines, in both WWE and AEW, just aren't that great 🤷🏼‍♀️

Quality of matches may be good, for the most part, but storylines and gimmicks for many wrestlers across all companies have gone stale to the point where I was no longer excited to watch anything wrestling.

so I just stopped watching.

while I still love many wrestlers and will continue to support them, I just cant bring myself to watch something if all I'm going to do is continue to complain about the product.

if I dont like it, why would I keep watching? you know?

wrestling will always have a special place in my heart. it's the reason I came to wattpad. it's the reason I first started to write and started to edit. and I will continue to even write about specific wrestlers (even though I may not always finish or publish certain things sksksk) but as for ranting about the industry, talking about storylines, reviewing ppvs, watching shows, etc.... those days are pretty much done.

maybe I'll fully come back to the fandom one day, but for now I think I'm mostly done with it.

so I think that's all for now. I hope yall understand 💜

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