Chapter 5: Together After The Show!

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Tristan made it backstage to see Hunter and the others, not too happy with how the Promo went but are glad that Tristan bought it back in some way, although, they all were expecting to see Tristan move on, head to the locker room and get sorted to leave but instead he's still in the Gorilla which made them worried he's waiting for Logan to continue the conversation of him being disrespectful to Tristan's family.

Hunter: Come on kid, we don't need anymore drama.

Tristan has no intention of causing anymore drama, he just wants to speak to Logan about it, so he didn't move when Hunter was trying to usher him out of the small contained area, is Tristan upset he said that shit, of course he is, Tristan loves his family and this guy that came out of nowhere just pissed on it, but he's not here to cause backstage drama, he wants to make friends, not enemies.

Tristan: I know, I'm not going to argue with him. I just want a word, that's all.

Hunter believed him and let him wait it out which wasn't long till Logan came back through the curtain, he clearly didn't expect to see Tristan there and waiting for him and went to leave but Tristan followed him, wanting to clear this out between them, he didn't want to already start his WWE Career of by making an enemy.

Tristan: Come on, hold up. I just want to talk...

Logan stopped as he has the US title over his shoulder, Logan does take this seriously which is the difference between him and other celebs taking part in the WWE, love him or hate him, love Prime or hate Prime, Logan has worked hard to be here right now as the WWE United States Champion, Tristan knows that and respects that but he didn't mean to piss him off.

Tristan: ... Look, I didn't mean to offend you, I just thought would be funny seeing that some fans don't like you as Champion...

Tristan meant what he is saying, he didn't mean to offend, he just knew that Social Media aren't fans of him as Champ, Logan knew that too but he didn't care, he's living out his childhood dream here and now, Tristan can relate to that, what he wouldn't give to be WWE Champion one day, but that's a long time into the future, he's looking into the present and held his hand out to Logan.

Tristan: ... My bad, we cool?

Logan looked from his hand to him then nodded, Logan didn't mean to get so defensive about it but when you wake up and you see the same shit every single day, it can get annoying, sure there are others out there that love seeing him as a Champion in the WWE, it opens the door for more Celebs to live out what they really wanted to be as a kid, Tristan respects what he's done, in the short time he's been here, Tristan's been wrestling for 10 years now but even he has to say that Logan Paul might be a little better then he is.

Logan: Yeah, we're cool. I'm sorry about that dig at your family. I actually respect your family.

Tristan and Logan buried the bad blood, just what Tristan was aiming to do but now, their jobs are done, well, Logan has a segment to shoot with Smackdown General Manager, Nick Aldis about Tristan's challenge moments ago, sure "Logan Paul vs Tristan Von Erich" would be one to see but not yet, they gotta wait for that one.

Logan: I heard your dating Hailee Steinfeld.

Tristan looked across to him in the locker room wondering where he heard that, they just... well, they had sex the other night but they haven't actually spoken about it, Logan has this cheesy grin on his face as he sat across from the "Von Erich", his foot propped up and eating a protein snack, Tristan didn't deny it because he only had one question on his mind.

Tristan: How'd you hear that?

Logan just continued to smile with a small wink, Tristan never denied it because he can't deny it, he can't confirm it neither, they just had the one night and she came to see the show tonight, he didn't know she was here yet, or Zac, or Max but he did know others were but he still couldn't help but smile to the idea of him and Hailee being together for real, she's so sweet and when she found out who he was, really was, she didn't treat him differently, her opinion stayed the same of him and he loved that.

Tristan: I can't say we are and I can't say we aren't. I was just a one night thing so far.

Logan nodded then leant forward to him, Tristan watched before he held out his fist for a bump, Tristan and the others in the room chuckled but he did it anyway, he is proud, Hailee's beautiful, she's incredible nice and is supportive of his career, why wouldn't he be proud of the fact he got to know her a little more intimately the others have, although he does want to know her even more then that, he want's to know her fears, her worries, what makes her happy and what makes her sad, what makes her laugh and what makes her cry, he's never felt like this about someone before, she's on his mind when he goes to sleep and she's still there when he wakes up, last night she even made a cameo in his dream.

Tristan: I'd love it to be more though.

The others in the room looked to him with a smile before he snapped out his little 1000 yard stare, he needs to cut that shit out before he scares her away, he has this thing where he falls in love to quickly and he ends up getting hurt, that's how most his relationships have ended, they either just want to get the inside scoop on his family or they just want a loyal guy with cash that they can exploit, Tristan's pretty sure that Hailee's not like that though and got ready to film the segment which will be live, Hailee wanted to see if she can get backstage to see Tristan but none of them have backstage passes, they also know where he's staying so she can see him later.

Logan: Hey, Nick Aldis! My guy, listen. I'm gonna need you to deal with that Von Erich guy.

The screen showed Logan Paul and his title in the office of the General Manager, Hailee knows Logan Paul, she hasn't met him and isn't really a fan but she knows what he's done and from the way Zac talks about what preparing for "The Iron Claw" was like, she can admire it a little bit more, not more the Tristan though, he's been doing it most his life, this is an average day for him.

Nick: Really? Because from what I could tell you interrupted him. He has every right to challenger you and the match is happening...

Logan didn't look too pleased about that while the Detroit faithful cheered hearing the Tristan is going to be getting his first ever Smackdown match against the United States Champion on his second week in the company, that shows how much faith Hunter has in the "Von Erich" in this New Era of the WWE.

Nick: ... Next week, Logan Paul will go one of one, with Tristan Von Erich. You mess with them, your going to get the Claw. Good luck mate.

Nick smiled as Logan scowled and stropped out the room as Nick continued to watch him leave the camera panned back to see Tristan step into frame standing beside the Smackdown General Manager, both with smiles on their faces.

Tristan: Thanks for that boss. I appreciate it.

The two shared a handshake then Tristan walked out the shot, Nick smiled while putting his hands to his waist then the segment was over, short and sweet which was all that was needed to build this match-up for next week, it won't actually happen, Logan doesn't wrestle on Smackdown, he's a PLE Superstar only, it's fair, he can barely do that let alone do it week in and week out, the fact he only does it monthly though and still does it so well is awesome.

It's time for Tristan to head out though, he's done here and figured he might as well head to the hotel, on the way out of the arena though he actually saw Hailee, Zac and Max leaving out the main entrance and making their way towards the hotel, Tristan throw a pebble over to them catching their attention, it nearly hit Max but that's fine as long as it didn't hit the girl running at him right now...

... Zac stopped Max from going over to them and just nodded for the former AEW World Champion to leave with him, their not the best of friends but their both good friend with Tristan so their friend as well, however, Tristan and Hailee didn't even notice that Zac is becoming the best wingman ever right now as Tristan put Hailee back on her feet, both crazy smiles on their faces.

Tristan: I didn't think you were actually coming, why didn't you tell me?

Hailee shrugged as her hands instinctively fell to his shoulders, his hands continued to hold her waist, neither actually really knowing their hands are on the other, neither actually really cared either as they just enjoyed being with each other, it's odd because they've only known each other a few days yet it feels like they've known each other all their lives, love at first sight isn't real though... right.

Hailee: I thought I'd surprise you. Surprise!

Tristan chuckled to her as she jumped back a little forcing their hands off each other but watching her shot her arms out wide while shouting that made him smile, he liked knowing she was in the crowd, it would have been even better if he knew she was there while doing his segments but he's okay of this, just her being here right now is the best thing to him.

Tristan: So what did you think? Anything like when you were a kid?

Hailee shook her head with a chuckle, it's nothing like it was back then, at least from what she can remember of it then, it was mostly for her to spend more time with her brother, father and uncle, they loved it back then, if they still do or not she's not sure but it's no where near the same, for one the crowd, the atmosphere is a lot different, she can't remember taking it all in like she did tonight but she's actually looking forward to watching it next week, she can't go live but she will be watching.

Hailee: It was an experience. Congratulations, you've made a fan girl of me.

Tristan chuckled as he grabbed his bag and they started to walk towards the hotel, Tristan didn't mind walking with her, it's not fair either, just a couple of blocks and walking together is good, it will help them build this relationship, whatever this relationship actually is though, they both are into the other but who's going to be the first to either let it slip or tell the other.

Tristan: Well, if that's the case. I'd be honoured to give you an autograph.

Tristan was only joking mostly because Hailee must get that all the time, being asked for autograph's and what not so to be giving one or offered one might have been pretty funny for her, turns out it was as she played along with the joke, stopping in her tracks making Tristan look to her as she has a stunned look on her face.

Hailee: Oh my god, no way. Don't even joke like that.

Hailee laughed as did Tristan before he started to walk again, his left hand swinging while his right hand carried his bag, Hailee's hands are both in her pockets but neither noticed when Hailee's right hand slipped out her pocket and took his left hand into hers, Tristan's hand instinctively clutched hers...

... Hailee and Tristan then felt it and looked to each other as they walked, one of them expecting the other to say something but neither did, so they just smiled to each other and enjoyed the moment with Hailee walking closer to him, resting her head on his upper arm, Tristan didn't shrug her off or tell her otherwise, they just enjoyed the others company...


{To Be Continued!}

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