Chapter 7: Never Underestimate Tristan!

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It's April the 19th and Tristan is back for Smackdown, after spending the past few days with Hailee, Tristan's ready to set fire to Pittsburgh as they are eagerly waiting his first singles match in the WWE, Hailee came with him, he didn't ask her too or did he beg her too, she just wanted to come and Tristan agreed, there was no harm in it, it was actually quite fun with someone else, flying from one city to another then getting 2 hotel rooms, Tristan gave his room that was booked by the WWE to her then booked another room under his brother's name, that way no one knew that she was in town and she can just enjoy her first show with Tristan.

Hailee: This is so cool. Sort of like one of my tours.

Tristan smiled to her as they walked down the hall, she's met people back here and taken pictures with them, they won't be posted because Hailee mentioned that she wanted to keep this on the down low, everyone here is respectable and willing to keep it to themselves, Hailee's even taking one or two with Tristan, just because.

Tristan: It's kind of the same. Lights, camera's. Only difference is we don't sing, we hit each other with objects.

Hailee giggled to him and she's been having a great time, seeing her smiling as well made Tristan smile, they've really bonded these past few weeks, it's been great, Hailee didn't expect to meet someone in Wrestling and enjoy it again like she did back when she was a little girl but here she is, getting those butterfly's back like she used to, her smiles brings his one's back...

... He's not sure what it is, sure he believes in love and stuff but he's not sure that people can fall in love this quickly, he's a man of faith, God has a plan for them all but he's not that much of a man of faith, even that only goes so far, Hailee caught him staring at her though and it made her cheeks heat up a little.

Hailee: What?

Tristan shook his head telling her it was nothing, Hailee smiled back, tucking her hair behind her ear, Tristan held his right hand out to her letting her take it with her left, both smile to each other again, this time Hailee wrapped his arm in hers as they walked, letting her head rest on his shoulder, Tristan didn't seem to mind or tell her not to do it, even when the Smackdown GM caught up with them.

Nick: Tristan! Glad I caught you, listen it's about your match tonight. We've had to change some things around so instead, it'll be a promo...

Tristan and Hailee looked to him as he told them the news, Tristan obviously didn't expect that and was looking forward to his first match inside a WWE ring but if he has to wait then so be it, the plan was for Logan to back out of it and instead Austin Theory took his place, but apparently that's not going to happen now, which again, isn't an issue.

Nick: ... I know you had your hopes up but just do what you gotta do and we'll work something out.

Tristan agreed, he didn't want to agree of course but plans are plans and if they change to make room for someone else to get some screen time then that's fine, at least he's not being cut completely, the timing's just changing, nothing wrong with that, Tristan's all for helping others get more opportunities, if he has to lose a little time because of that then so be it.

Tristan: Looks like my job's going to be off script tonight.

Hailee looked up to him as he smiled down to her, when he did, she did, that just meant that he has more time to spend with her before he goes out there, he doesn't need to change or anything, might as well stay in what he's wearing since it's going to be all talking and very little fighting, this is there time to watch the show from behind the curtain...


Santos Escobar just beat Carlito in a one on one with Elektra Lopez and Zelina Vega ringside, now it's Tristan's and Logan's turn to take to the stage, just before the Main Event where Naomi will challenge Bayley for the WWE Women's Championship, the crowd are looking forward to that, not so much hearing the current United States Champions music kick in...

... Logan came out the curtain with his sunglasses on, title in his hand dragging it along and a bottle of Prime, Tristan's honestly tried that stuff and he doesn't like it, literally something about it just doesn't taste right, it leaves a weird taste in his mouth, that's irrelevant right now, Tristan has to focus on what Logan says because Tristan has to make a comeback of it when it's his turn.

Logan: Stop, stop, stop, stop stop. If you think for a second that me, your United States Champion is going to have a match, here in Pittsburgh? You're all idiots, man...

The crowd booed while Logan seemed pretty pleased with himself, Tristan watched backstage, Hailee's with a few others, mostly Cody and Brandi just making small talk, they don't know each other but they know that Tristan met Hailee through Zac thanks to a party which was somewhat arranged by Brandi, who is over the moon that Tristan has finally seemed to have found someone.

Logan: ... I mean, I've seen you all, talking about some guy who's only just got here. I've been the US Champ now for nearly 200 days, I've conquered boxing, I've created a top selling Energy drink, I took the Undisputed Champion to the very limit...

Logan hyped himself up as the crowd couldn't really be bothered, it's not just him or what he's saying, people just aren't that interested in him and he's promo's sure he's a top athlete in the business right now but the public don't see it that way, he's just another guy trying to push his branding even more and now that he's got the Prime logo on the mats inside a ring now, it's not something that puts a bright light on him just wanting to be seen as an athlete.

Logan: ... I've done it all, what makes this guy, some guy from Texas think he can beat me. What has he done that makes him think he even deserves to be in the ring with me. I've had the best Rookie year in the WWE ever and he's done nothing worth a damn...

... Tristan had heard enough, plus that was all they could think of to write for Logan in such a short space of time, now it's Tristan's turn walking out with a microphone in his hand and dressed as he was when he arrived earlier today with Hailee in tow...

... The crowd didn't mind him interrupting Logan either, cheering for him as he stood at the top of the walk way getting ready to argue with the US Champion, once the crowd died down though, Tristan shrugged and just made his way to the ring, rolling under the bottom rope and standing in the ring with Logan, showing no fear or anything.

Tristan: It's been a long time since someone's told you "No" hasn't it?

Tristan asked as his music cut out and looked to Logan with one hand in his pocket, Logan shrugged the title on his shoulder with the Prime bottle on the turnbuckle behind him, his other hand is holding onto the microphone ready to speak again, apparently he's not afraid to go off script.

Logan: I'm still right though.

He seemed pretty smug and happy with himself and even Tristan has to be honest, he's has had one hell of a 12 months in the business, not many people can say that, it took Cody Rhodes over a year to win his first title back in the company but Tristan can't help but think of something that might stump the Prime creator.

Tristan: It's tough isn't it? Being talented? You say you've had the best rookie year ever in the WWE but didn't AJ Styles win the WWE title the same year as his debut?

The crowd cheered because it's true, the 2016 Royal Rumble is where we first saw AJ Styles in a WWE ring and it was that same year, September 11th at Backlash, AJ Styles defeated Dean Ambrose for the WWE Championship and with as much respect for the United States Championship as possible, the WWE title is the bigger title.

Tristan: So really, you've had the second best debut year. Good for you mate, you're good at coming in second, you came second against Mayweather, you came second to KSI and you will come second to me...

Logan took a deep inhale as he didn't seem to pleased with Tristan being honest about his past in the sporting industry, the crowd did though as they cheered making Tristan smile, now he's the one looking confident and arrogant while Logan rubbed at his face annoyed by Tristan this is his second week here and he's already cooking the guy.

Tristan: ... Take those off, you're indoors, have a bit of dignity, yeah.

Tristan indicated to his sunglasses and Logan took them off making him smile, it took a moment, just not as quickly as right away, he seemed to be pondering the idea for a second, then he took them off, putting them hooked onto his collar, Tristan has something else to say though but he looked down to the mat, thinking about for a second, rubbing at his face too.

Tristan: Do me a favor Pittsburgh, make a little noise for me...

Tristan asked the crowd looking to his left away from the hard camera and they did it, nearly every single man, women and child in the building cheered and applauded for no reason, at least they thought it was for no reason but it's not, Tristan has his words that he wants to say and needed their background noise to do it.

Tristan: ... Can you hear them? All these people who live to watch WWE and have had to watch you, all these people who've devoted themselves... to you... their United States Champion... Do you hear them? To you it's just cheers but to me, their singing. Can you hear them singing?

Tristan closed his eyes and held the microphone up a little while the crowd just got louder and louder, they stopped for a moment while he was talking but not anymore, their on their feet again making sure that the police will get a noise complaint, Logan looked around, he's only seen the crowd boo this loud, not often cheering.

Tristan: ... Oh, you like to think you're a God. But you're not a God. You're just a parasite, eaten out on people's jealousy and envy. You feed on them, on their hopes and dreams, their love for the WWE, on their love for wrestling...

The crowd stayed on their feet for Tristan as he took the promo to the US champion, really showing the difference between confidence and experience, Tristan's been around the world, delivering promo's and experiencing the different wrestling cultures, whereas Logan hasn't, these two are apples and oranges going head to head.

Tristan: ... So... Come on then, take mine. Take my love for wrestling. I hope you've got a big appetite. Because, I have lived this all my life, they all have, I've seen a few things...

Hailee watched with some of the other guys backstage and she looked around, they seem all impressed, Cody has a big smile on his face, she's not really sure what their relationship is but from what she can tell, the Rhodes family and the Von Erich family go way back, they've even spoke about their father's working together, maybe one day the WWE will see Cody Rhodes vs Tristan Von Erich but who knows when.

Tristan: ... I walked away from my father's company, I am the last of my family's legacy. I've seen the birth of Wrestling companies and I've watched as time ran out...

Tristan didn't mean much by his family's legacy, it's just with his brothers as free agents right now means he's the only Von Erich in wrestling and it's a big name to carry on your bare shoulders, the crowd seem to be enjoying this though as are the others in the back, watching as Logan has nothing to say.

Tristan: ... Moment by moment, until nothing remained. No ring, no fans. Just me! I've worked in promotions where the laws were devised by the mind of a madman! I've seen things you wouldn't believe! I love lost things you will never understand!

The crowd cheered more for him as the emotion looked clear in Tristan's face, he's speaking from his honest experiences, he's seen things, lived through hard choices, watched as Wrestling companies just started get extinguished because of money, he's watched shows that started with 25 people then end with 3, the ones in the ring, Logan has never and has no idea what it takes some people to be here.

Tristan: And I know things, secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken, knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze! So, come on, then! Take it! Take it all!

Logan watched stumped as the crowd were all up on their feet cheering for him, as he stood there open armed, Tristan is making them challenge for the loudest crowd reaction ever and it's good, it's giving Hailee goosebumps, even Corey Graves and Wade Barrett shared a look of surprised by this, Logan still had nothing to say and just stood there, US title on his shoulder and microphone in his other hand.

Tristan: Don't ever talk about what I've done to deserve being here again.

Tristan tossed the microphone towards the time keepers area in the ring, so it was easy for them to get, he turned his back on Logan and walked away, stepping out the ring while his music kicked right back in...

... Logan still wasn't sure what to say at this point, with it being unscripted and all, the only thing he could do is what he is doing, staring daggers at Tristan as he left, high fiving his way up the walkway, not even taking a second look back at the United States Champion, but how much longer will Logan be able to call himself that, with Tristan Von Erich breathing down his neck.


*Might have got a little carried away with that. How was it? Too much or just enough? Let me know!*


{To Be Continued!}

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