Chapter Fifteen

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[Chapter Fifteen: Wristbands]

To say that Aspen was unhappy about Evelyn's newest opinions of her was an understatement. Aspen was furious when she was told what happened by Wendy. Did Evelyn really think that kissing Sirius was something she wanted to do? That didn't even matter anymore, even if Aspen wanted to kiss Sirius—Evelyn shouldn't get mad. It's not like they were dating, Sirius didn't even know Evelyn's name, he just kept calling her Nutcracker girl.

Then everything else she said . . . calling Aspen a whiny bitch. Yes, Aspen did whine a lot, but she was never a bitch about it. She actually tried her hardest to whine elsewhere, like with Myrtle. Evelyn was the one who whined about every single thing in her life. She whined about classes, boys, girls, the sky, Aspen's Nutcracker, herself, pretty much anything that annoyed her before in her lifetime.

All Wendy could feel was grief. She knew everything Evelyn said was a lie, she was just being stubborn. Though the mean things she said still offended and angered her. Wendy had a hard time handling grief, she never really had to handle grief before. So when she lost her best friend, she isolated herself from everyone. Aspen didn't take it to heart, she understood her friend needing space from her, seeing as Aspen was the cause of this whole mess.

Aspen was left alone most of the time with the occasional company of her Nutcracker who mostly wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. She tried hanging out with Myrtle, but Myrtle was acting more annoying than usual—she kept begging for Sirius. Aspen did want to hang out with Sirius, but she was too shy to ask him. She was always too shy to ask people if they wanted to hang out, that's why she stayed quiet and only hung out with people if they asked her.

Which was usually never, Aspen was quite a lonely person.

While sitting all by her lonesome in her silent dorm, Aspen was attempting to teach her Nutcracker how to speak. So far it only knew how to stick it's tongue out at her, as well as make noises that sounded like very rude slurs. "Mr. Cracker, I bet you would be able to say actual sentences if you would just listen to me!".

The Nutcracker was sitting on a small chair, Aspen paced back and forth. At least Aspen was able to teach the wooden toy how to stay put, he hadn't attempted to run since the day he was found trying to shove himself into a candy bar. In response to her complaint, the Nutcracker only turned his head all the way around—the way owls usually do—making Aspen cringe.

"Fine," Aspen said, making the Nutcracker look back at her. "I'm going to go get some food, would you like a candy bar?"

The toy quickly stood up and began nodding his head so much it was like he was having convulsions.He jumped onto Aspen's wristband and went into the sleeve of her sweater, it climbed up her arm making her laugh and popped back up in the hole of her sweater for her neck. She guessed he wanted to go with her, seeing as he had himself completely covered by her hair and sweater. Though he was still able to see, she didn't even teach him that. She shook her head and continued with her business while walking down to the great hall.

It was dinner time, meaning people were everywhere, there were even students sitting at tables which were not their own. Aspen could see that Wendy was definitely not there, she could also see Evelyn sitting at the Ravenclaw table paying no mind to her entry.

Toward the end of the table, she could spot the four Marauders, Lily Evans, and Marlene McKinnon all laughing with each other. Aspen longed to be with them but she did not want to intrude on what they were doing. She could also see in the middle of the table that both Colby and his sister sat there. Colby looked happy as he spoke with his friend, Emma Stark, though his sister looked absolutely miserable. When Aspen sat down, she got the attention of the three, Emma and Colby waved while the youngest girl only rolled her eyes.

Aspen sent a wave back and then directed her hand towards the food on the table. She filled her plate up, making sure to keep all her foods separated, and began eating. The Nutcracker who resided on her shoulder gnawed on a piece of crumb cake which confused the girl seeing as the Nutcracker had no organs to actually digest it.

Magic was odd.

She was so concentrated on her food that she didn't even notice two boys literally screaming for her from the other side of the table. A student had to tap her shoulder and point—at the end of the table Sirius Black and James Potter were both standing on their seats and waving their hands frantically like maniacs. They were being yelled at to get down by Lily and Remus—they paid no mind. Neither did any teachers call for them to get down.

"Aspen Lee!" Called Sirius, making all attention go to her. "Come over to thee!"

"We have food and er—candy!" Added James, clearly attempting to go along with the rhyming scheme.

Not wanting to cause more of a scene, Aspen quickly stood up with her plate of food and walked over to the group with her head low, a blush coloring her cheeks. Evelyn sent dirty looks, she couldn't believe Aspen was causing such a scene during everyone's dinner—nobody wanted to see that at all.

Once Aspen joined the group, James scooted over allowing Aspen to get a free seat between him and Sirius. She shyly sat down and the group greeted her excitedly—woah. "Where have you been?" Asked Sirius with a dramatic effect. "I haven't seen you in years!"

"It's been a week Sirius," Aspen responded, everyone else laughing. "And, I dunno, I've been busy I guess." Really, she wanted to ask; you wanted to see me?

"With what?" Lily asked, the ginger-haired girl sat in front of Aspen while Remus and Marlene sat on either side of her. Aspen only just noticed that Peter wasn't with them, but she didn't ask, seeing as they didn't look concerned about the location of their friend.

"Er—studying." They all continued to be in a conformable silence as they ate. People around them were confused seeing as the Marauders were usually their rowdiest during dinner time. Sirius kept taking glances at Aspen which no one noticed besides Remus, who was sitting in front of him.

Wearing a mischievous smirk, Remus leaned forward towards Aspen and asked; "So Aspen, how have you been?"

"I've been great, Remus." She responded politely—she almost choked on water when being asked the question. She had to work on conversing . . . "And you?"

"I've been great as well." He stated, he then smirked toward Sirius and turned back to Aspen, "Are you happy with your decision on joining the Order?"

"Yes actually, very happy." Answered Aspen truthfully, a shy smile apparent on her lips.

"That's great!" Exclaimed Remus, getting odd looks from his friends from his unusual excitement. "You know, Sirius was happy about your decision too! He couldn't stop talking abo—"

"Oi!" Sirius yelled, interrupting Remus. "That's not true! I-I mean yes, it was true but I was erm—happy for you!"

"Aw thanks, Sirius" Aspen blushed, giving him a shoulder pat—he stiffened.

"Boys, look what we have here." Stating a new voice, they all turned to see a group of Slytherins. Including a second Sirius Black? "A blood-traitor and a half breed showing public affection, which might I say is sickening."

"Call her that again and you'll find yourselves unable to speak for a week." Hissed Sirius, standing up with his hand on his wand that sat in his pocket. Aspen didn't take the insult to heart but she still stood up and copied what Sirius did, thankful for his protectiveness. He had no reason to do it. Immediately following the two, James, Lily, Marlene and Remus followed in defense. At the commotion, people began crowding around the two groups.

That escalated quickly.

"No need to get violent, Black," Hissed one of the Slytherins who Aspen couldn't recognize. "You Gryffindors . . . always ready for a fight. We just want to speak to Lee over here."


"Talk, then," Ordered James in a low, intimidating voice which caused Lily, who stood beside him, to jump slightly in surprise.


"No way!" Laughed Sirius, "Why would we let you five snakes talk to her, alone, even? That's a death—"

"Why do you wish to speak with me alone?" Inquired Aspen, interrupting Sirius.

The Slytherins smirked at the girl causing Sirius to shut up. "Nothing much, it's not time-consuming at all. We just wished to ask you about something you informed our friend, Jay, about once upon a time."

"Me . . . informing Jay about?" Croaked Aspen in a question-like manner. They all gave Aspen a look clearly stating that they're talking about the Order, Aspen could tell by their smirks.

"What are they talking about, Aspen?" Marlene asked, standing protectively beside Aspen.

"It's erm— nothing." Lied the raven-haired girl. "I gave Jay some answers to his potions homework. I'm guessing you boys would like some answers too?"

"Oh yeah, definitely." Nodded one of the boys with an amused grin.

"Great, let's go!" Aspen said as she grabbed his wrist and began dragging him away—causing the other boys to follow as well.

Aspen's friends were highly confused and . . . offended. Why was she helping those snakes? Why couldn't she have told them later instead of allowing them to interrupt their dinner? Aspen felt guilty for leaving her friends who actually wanted to be with her, but all that clouded her mind was panic. She should've known better than to trust a Slytherin! Especially with information so important like the Order, she shouldn't have broken so easily from his grief.

"What do you guys want?" Whispered Aspen once she directed the group to an empty corridor. There were five of them and only one of her. She was so panicked about the Order that she didn't care about the odds that were most definitely against her.

"Can't we just speak to you in a friendly manner?" Teasingly asked one of the boys. "Prove those house prejudices wrong and become Gryffindor and Slytherin besties?"

"What do you guys want?" She repeated much more sternly.

"Calm down, Lee," Laughed another one of them. "Aren't you supposed to be too stupid to speak or something? I could've sworn you were a mute."

"Or something."

"Okay, we're going to get nowhere if we're going to be speaking like this." Sighed Severus Snape, shoving himself into the front. Aspen didn't even see him with them at first. "And the amount of us with her seems . . . suspicious. Why don't you guys leave and I'll speak to her alone."

"C'mon Sev, don't tell us you're falling for another dirty-blooded whore!" Whined one of the boys, "I was just starting to actually like you!"

"Call me a whore ag—"

"Boys just leave and I'll get her to talk." Quickly said Snape, interrupting Aspen before she could finish a statement that could cause trouble.

"Fine, fine." Said one rolling his eyes, walking away. The other four followed him while one sent Aspen a wink to which she responded with her middle finger. Where did she get this courage? The world may never know . . . maybe it was the adrenaline.

The second Sirius, who Aspen guessed to be related to Sirius, did nothing as he walked away. He didn't even look at the girl any time she spoke, he was just kind of there. He was much like Peter Pettigrew, but more adorable . . . and a Slytherin.

What do you want?"

"More information on the Order, of course," Snape started with an eye roll. "Why else would we be speaking civilly to a Gryffindor?"

"What Order?" Aspen asked, attempting to play dumb.

"Oh, you know." Said, Snape. "The one that Dumbledore is leading to rebel against the Dark Lo—"

"Okay, okay!" Aspen said, waving her hands in front of his face to signal him to stop talking. "I'm not going to give information."

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Snape, unfazed by her disobedience. "The Dark Lord wouldn't be happy with that news."

"Tell him and I'll tell Dumbledore that you're working for a terrorist." Threatened Aspen.

"Tell Dumbledore and we'll tell the Ministry about the Order." Snape threatened back, "I don't think they'll like that news."

"You bastard," Aspen insulted with disbelief. How could someone be this cruel?

"Surprisingly, that's one of the newest insults someone has called me." Mumbled Snape, "Never mind that, now tell us . . . me, information or . . . well, you'll know what can happen."



"No!" Aspen repeated. "I'll never betray anyone, especially not Dumbledore, to help a man as evil as your so-called lord."

To say Snape was surprised would be an understatement. He didn't know much of the girl but he did know that she was shy, and always seemed frightened. So he thought getting the information would be easy.

"Sev, can we come back now?" Called a voice, Snape responded with a stern 'no!"—growing annoyed by his pestering friends and the girl who was being quite difficult. "You know what he would do to you right?" Snape asked. "First, if you run, he'll hunt you down to where you are so paranoid that you'll wish you were dead.—"

"Yes, I understand what that poor excuse of a man would do," Aspen responded with an eye-roll, attempting to secrete her fear. "I've read enough of it in the Daily Prophet."

"Then you should be saying ye—"

"Sev, we're coming back!" Yelled another boy, of course once again Snap responded with an even more stern 'no!' One sinister enough to make Aspen jump.

"I shouldn't be saying yes." Told Aspen, "That'd make me a traito, and stupid. Unlike you guys, I'm not a lying traitorous snake."

"Has she not said anything yet?" Asked someone, appearing out of the blue. They turned to see the group standing feet in front of them with their hands placed on their wands. Aspen felt uneasy as she grabbed her wand for defense. Snape looked panicked which confused her greatly.

"No, I'm almost ther—"

"No, he isn't," Snapped Aspen. "I'll never give up information. No matter what you arseholes do to me!"

"Suit yourself."

Moments later, spells and curses were shot back and forth. Most were aimed at Aspen but she was skilled enough to multitask with hexes and a shield to protect her. Snape was by the wall steering clear from any of the spells. Aspen was going strong in the four against one fight until one of the Slytherin boys managed to disarm the wand out of her hand. Now she was unarmed with four blood-thirsty boys pointing their wands at her.

"Man, that was an amazing duel!" Spoke the boy by her left. "If you weren't a halfbreed, then you'd be a great addition to our army!"

She didn't respond and stayed as close to the wall she could. She didn't know why she was staying close to the wall, she was just doing it. For comfort, maybe, "Did you not hear that Lee?" Asked another, stepping closer to her. "He complimented you! What are you supposed to say to compliments?" Aspen did not respond, ausing the boy to get even more angry. He stomped over and grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her to her tippy-toes. "What are you supposed to say to a compliment, Lee?" He asked again, more sternly.

Thoughts circled through her mind as to what she should do. Four boys were in front of her with the intent to harm her, and she was wandless. She could either be submissive, or she could surprise them. She went with the latter. There was silence until Aspen's voice croaked, "Screw you." Moments later, the boy who was clutching her shirt was on the floor holding his nose which was bleeding from a head butt.

That would leave a bruise on the both of them.

She then used the boys wand that she managed to snatch to send the stunning spells that they sent to her back at them. By then, the only ones conscious were Aspen, Snape who was hiding, and the boy she headbutted—but he was barely there. Sirius' brother must've left them, as he was nowhere in sight. Hopefully, he left and wasn't hiding so he could surprise attack.

In a panic, she stupefied the aching boy on the floor and began searching for Snape. She found him by the wall, seeing her he lifted his wand into the air shakily. He didn't understand why he was so scared, he's barely even scared around the Dark Lord! Why was he afraid of a girl?

He didn't want another reason for Lily to hate him even more.


"Stupefy!" Aspen quickly retorted, the boy fell unconscious onto the floor. Aspen was left in silence as she was surrounded by four unconscious boys. She was in shock—that was the first ever duel she has ever been in, and she won! Though she didn't know what to do now, the reasonable thing to do would be to tell Dumbledore so they could get punished. Though, they would snitch on her for telling one of their own about the Order of the Phoenix.

Her heart dropped when she knew what she had to do. She wiped her face anxiously and walked toward one of the boys. She turned him onto his back and placed her wand on his temple, whispering a certain spell she had never used before.



She's got the power of Bohemian Rhapsody and sugar quills on her side

posted: February 11, 2018
word count: 3,054

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