Chapter Fifty-Eight

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[Wristbands: Chapter Fifty-Eight]

            Every little sound made Aspen jump, whether it was Sirius placing a mug on the table or the sounds of her uneven breathes. Her mind raced with memories of what had happened in that nightmare, it was surprising how real it felt to her. She normally never got nightmares, at least none she could remember. Her moms death did affect her, of course it did, she lost the woman who raised her from birth. But it never affected her in her sleep, unless they were dreams. But the dreams were normally calm and soothing to her grieving mind.

       Her father, he was never dreamt. Aspen and her father weren't really that close while she grew up. When her mother died, it was like whatever kept Aspen and her father as a family was cut in half. Her father practically disowned her as a daughter, not out of disappointment but just out of the lack of not wanting a magical child. It was fear that drove Aspens father to look down upon Aspens background. It would be hypocritical if witches and wizards didn't feel the same whenever they had a muggle in the family. Blood was pretty much what started the whole mess.

        What Aspen dreamt up was odd, it was like she was reliving something she couldn't even remember. It wasn't even that long ago, at least when it happened she was matured enough to remember things for longer periods of time. But even as Aspen tried to think back on it, she couldn't remember living that scenario whatsoever. What she then noticed couldn't have been real was that her mother wasn't murdered until she was fourteen. Aspen was at Hogwarts at the time, she was taken out of school mid-January after being told by the Headmaster of the tragic news. She was in shock for the most part, and then when she saw her father she couldn't help but breakdown in his arms. That was the last time they actually touched.

       Her father wasn't dead, at least she hadn't seen anything about his death in the paper. They hadn't spoken in ages, the only blood-family that Aspen spoke too were her aunts and they lived in Scotland. So she knew for sure that the second half of the dream, the one she was actually half-conscious in, was surely a nightmare.

       "Wait, so you were awake but . . not awake?" Sirius asked in disbelief of her surreal-sounding dream.

      "It was like I was lucid dreaming, but at the same time I couldn't move an inch." Aspen said, her voice scratchy from screaming. "I don't think I knew my parents were dead in the dream, then again, I can't remember. It's all starting to slip away faster than I can say it."

        "That's good," Sirius said, a worrisome smile on his face. "now you won't need to relive that moment ever again. Are you sure you're alright, though?"

        "I'm fine as long Cassie is fine, and she's fine, right?" Aspen asked, looking up, "I didn't crush her or anything, right?"

        "No, no," Sirius reassured, "I was actually sitting with her on the chair as you slept, when you started squirming I gave her to Effie and then tried to get you awake. Took a lot of yelling."

        "Sorry," Aspen apologized, her eyes then grew wide as she looked at her boyfriend, "Are James and Lily here? Oh Merlin, this is so embarrassing."

       "Don't worry," Sirius laughed, "they're not here, they went to the flat to see how the muggles were getting along. It's funny how you think they'd laugh at you for having a bloody night terror."

      "It's not funny to me," Aspen mumbled, taking a sip of the tea Sirius made for her. "Say, Sirius—"

        "Say Aspen—" Sirius mocked jokingly.

       "Shut it," Aspen said, scrunching her nose, "could you hand me the Daily Prophet? It's over there by the table near the stairs."

        "The Daily Prophet hasn't come today yet," Sirius said,

       "It has," Aspen said, raising her eyebrows, "I can see it over there, Daily Prophet issue of 7, July 1978."

      "I can promise you, there's no paper over there,"  Sirius grumbled, "The paper doesn't come until 11, it's only 10 right now."

     "Sirius, bloody hell, just get up and check. You'll see it right there!" Aspen snapped. Like a wounded puppy, Sirius whined and stood up.

       He walked over and upon seeing the paper he scratched the back of his head. "Oh," he mumbled, handing it to her.

       "Oh," Aspen mocked, rolling her eyes as she took a look of the moving cover. There were many articles on the cover, they were the main ones. From grand openings of Hogsmeade shops to the deaths of ministry men. Though, on the corner, there was a startling snapshot of the only Fenrir Greyback, snarling his teeth at the camera with his Azkaban number on his chest. Over it was the headline; 'Azkabans Most Wanted.'

        "Is that what the guy looks like?" Sirius asked, looking at where she was looking. "Moonys always telling me how scary the guy looked, but Merlin, he's terrifying. If he stood in front of me I would surely piss my trousers."

       "Good to know," Aspen mumbled, she used her wand to enhance the moving photo. In seconds, it grew larger, more easier to see. He looked exactly as how he did in her nightmare, his teeth snarling and clothes ripped. At that moment memories of her past few years filled her mind. Memories of the dedication she had towards hunting this monster down swirled in her chest, into her heart. At that moment the craving for Fenrir Greybacks demise filled her stomach once more.

       She was going to kill Fenrir Greyback, not only for revenge, but for justice as well. No one deserved the treachery caused by that monster, and she was going to make sure no one else had to go through what she and hundred of other people had to go through. Especially Cassie.


Small ass chapter but ay it's something, right? This week has been freaking hectic guys so me actually writing is a blessing. Also, happy turkey day to those who celebrate!! If not, happy Thursday!!

November 22, 2018
1,067 words

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