Chapter Fifty-Six

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[Wristbands: Chapter Fifty-Six]

         A whole week passed since the entire encounter with Regulus Black and Aspen, and still they were the only two who knew about the encounter they had—Sirius didn't even know. Cassie was getting along fine, so was Aspen. There was a small mishap with a stitch being ripped after a very intense stretch, but other than that, all was well. That day, they were going back to the Potters.

Aspen didn't want to go, she loved the Potters, but like their son, they're one energetic bunch. During their stay at the hospital, Effie taught Aspen how to sew, how to read ancient runic poems, and how to paint. Aspen didn't want to learn any of that, not at all whatsoever. She was a new mother for Merlin's sake, though, she was too nice to say or do anything about it. So while Aspen was sleep deprived from her newborn baby, she was also poking her fingers with sewing needles and getting migraines worse than birth—despite getting a c-section.

Sirius wasn't around much at night, instead, he was out drinking with the boys. During the day, when he was there, he was very hungover. Aspen had him watch Cassie as she was forced through lovely torture with Effie. After all, it was his fault if he felt sick in any way. He was a new father, he shouldn't be drinking. He should be suffering through sleep deprivation, like Aspen, his girlfriend.

Aspen, at that moment, was packing her bag, the hospital room was a mess from all the visitors. She wore grey sweatpants and a baby blue hoodie, she was barefooted as she walked around the room picking up clothes. The floor was freezing, but she didn't really mind as she was practically falling asleep while standing. Sirius laid in her bed with Cassie sleeping on his chest. Unfortunately, Cassie was not a deep sleeper. The slightest move caused the baby to scream. If she weren't a metamorphmagus, Aspen would've mistaken her for a banshee.

She's heard stories from her aunts about how exhausting it was to be a new mother, she believed them. She knew she was going to be tired, but that amount of exhaustion was ridiculous. Her baby was, just literally, ripped out of the womb into a new world, and that thing was as energetic as a puppy. Aspen blamed Sirius.

Wendy, Lily, and James were all in the hospital cafeteria, eating breakfast. Effie was talking to a nurse outside who looked beyond uncomfortable, and Peter was sleeping on a chair next to the hospital bed. Fleamont was working, and Remus was job-searching, he had been since the day after Cassie was born.

He felt guilty not being able to give much money for the flat they bought, so everyday he had been looking for a job. He would mostly get them until the managers would read that he was a werewolf on his resumé. He actually promised that if he didn't get a job in the wizarding world that day, he was going to start looking for muggle jobs. Speaking of flat, they bought it. Actually, James and Lily did—they had their own secret stash of money. That didn't stop the rest of them from giving money, James and Lily just took it to buy house accessories.

They weren't able to move in yet due to there apparently being a problem with the water pipes. Sirius wanted to fix it with magic but decided against it, they couldn't be using magic around muggles. Especially not at that day of age. So instead, Aspen and Sirius were still going to stay at the Potters. Along with baby Black, who would be sleeping in a crib in the living room—Aspen would be sleeping on the couch. Sirius volunteered, but the thought of leaving Cassie made her heart throb.

"Bloody people these days are so rude," Effie grumbled, walking into the hospital room. Her hair was whipped up tightly in a bun and she was wearing a flowery pair of robes. Aspen turned with wide eyes and shushed her. She then looked to Cassie and Sirius to see that they were still fast asleep.

"Oh my!" Whispered Effie, "my apologies, that nurse just got me all riled up. Who in their right mind thinks that a hospital is a place where you can give out cult brochures?"

"The nurse was giving out cult brochures?" Aspen asked in a whisper, her eyes wide and brows furrowed.

"Oh no, I would never let that woman be our nurse if she was the one giving out the bloody things. I found it pinned on a board back in the lobby." Effie told, helping Aspen clean up, "So many people went passed it and yet it stayed there. It's bloody Grindelwald all over again, except Grindelwald didn't get this far in his reign."

"Not to be rude, but I would rather not speak of war whilst in the room with my daughter," Aspen whispered, looking back at her tiny human creation, "it's too upsetting knowing she's going to have to be raised during this."

"I completely understand," Effie nodded with a small sad smile. Moments later, she grabbed Aspens shoulder, comfortingly as she added, "I have the same fears as you, Aspen, everyday I imagine a scenario where I outlive my one and only son. But then I remember that there are people out there fighting for us. Like Dumbledore, or teenagers like you and your friends. With that knowledge, I can only feel hope—hope that one day we will live in a safe world. Hopefully you'll start to feel that soon too. You're going to need it with your precious baby."

Aspen smiled and choked out a simple 'thank you,' unable to say anything else. Effie gave her a warm smile, a shiver went up Aspens spine. Aspens mother would give her that smile whenever she cried, Aspen had to hide the sadness she felt as she zipped up her trunk and placed it at the door. Recently, she had been getting a lot of flashbacks of her mother. Maybe it was because she, herself, became a mother—or it was because she's been around Effie who was mothering her like crazy. Either way, she had a love-hate relationship with it.

      Aspen shook the thoughts out of her head as she walked to the chair where Peter sat at. She shook him a bit, but he didn't stir. Aspen frowned and shook him again, this time harder and that's when he finally woke up. "Argh, it's bright in here." Peter said, rubbing his eyes as he sat up straighter.

       "Yeah, that's what happens when the sun comes up." Aspen tiredly snarked, "can you go get Wendy and the lovebirds from the cafeteria? I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

       "What time is it?" He asked, looking around for a clock.

       Growing impatient, Aspen responded, "It doesn't matter, just go and get them. And while you're down there, get me a yogurt."

        "Alright, alright," Peter mumbled, standing up. When he was at the door he turned and asked, "any preference?"

        "Just get me one of every flavor." Aspen replied, sitting in the Peter-warmed recliner he previously slept in. Effie was sitting on a chair across the room as she read the Daily Prophet. She had no energy to wake up her sleeping boyfriend or her sleeping daughter as she laid there in the seat. She had no energy to do anything, not even sleep, as odd as it sounded. Not being pregnant was weird, because, first of all, she had a kid now. But other than that, she had to get used to not throwing up to the word 'spaghetti.' And peas? No longer appealing whatsoever.

       "Would you like me to wake them up?" Effie asked, causing Aspen to open her eyes.

        "No, no, I've got it," Aspen sighed, standing up. "thank you for offering, though." She added after getting a feeling she was being rude.

      Effie nodded and went back to the Daily Prophet as Aspen walked over to the bed. She carefully picked up her daughter, using her hand to support little Cassie's head. The baby shifted only to the slightest, but continued sleeping. Next, she shook Sirius on the shoulder.

       He woke up fast, practically hitting himself in the chest as he immediately looked for Cassie. His eyes went wide, and Aspen let out a chuckle. "Relax, Sirius, I've got her."

         He looked up and let out a breath of relief, "Merlin's beard, I almost had a heart attack."

        "I know, I saw." Aspen giggled, quietly, "we're leaving soon, I sent Pete down to go get Wendy and the lovebirds. I also packed while you slept, so that only means you're going to be carrying the trunks and setting up the crib Effie over there kindly bought us." She said, nodding her head towards Effie with eyes telling him to thank her immediately.

       "Thanks E," Sirius softly yelled over to her, Effie rolled her eyes and waved him off which he smiled too. "that only seems fair, you will be holding the banshee, I see?" Aspen nodded and sat back down. It took about five more minutes until Wendy, James, and Lily arrived. Aspens eyebrows scrunched as Lily took her niece from Aspens arms. Aspen opened her mouth to speak but Sirius beat her, "I thought you sent Peter down to get them." He said, looking at Aspen questioningly.

         "I did," Aspen said, turning to James, Lily, and Wendy. "Where is he?"

        "I dunno, he left right after he told us to come up." Wendy shrugged. "Looked to be in a hurry."

        "Odd," Both Aspen and Sirius said in unison.

     James smiled and stepped up, holding a bucket in his hands, "I got your yogurt!"

        "Good boy," Aspen said, patting him on the head like a dog as she took the bucket. Immediately, she handed it to Sirius as she wore a smug smile on her face, "For you to hold, Mr. Butler."

        Sirius rolled his eyes as he went over to the trunk, getting everything ready. "Your side of the deal was holding the baby, and from what I can see is that Lilypad is holding Cassie."

        "Silly boy, this was never a deal," Aspen laughed, "this was me telling you that you carry the luggage, me holding Cassie was never a definite."

        "You're mean, and bossy," Sirius whined.

        "No, I'm tired and hungry." Aspen corrected, "James, is there by any chance a spoon in your pocket?"

        "No, why would I be carrying a spoon?" James asked as if Aspen were an idiot.

        Wendy slapped him on the back of the head, "Because you brought her the gazillion yogurts, idiot!"

       "Hey!" James pouted, rubbing the back of his head. He turned to Lily who still held Cassie in her arms, "Lily, she hit me. And called me an idiot!"

       "I know," Lily smiled. She turned to Wendy with a smile, "And I thank you."

      "Hey!" James whined even louder. At that moment was when James felt the most panic he had ever felt in his life, he was shushed by everyone in the room. Literally. All the females in the room, and Sirius all simultaneously shushed him.

       "I think we broke him," Sirius said, flicking his friend on the arm.

        "Finally," Lily said with an exaggerated sigh, "It's like he drank five coffees, Merlin, Effie, how did you survive?"

       "I'm still questioning that myself." Effie replied. Aspen let out a small laugh as she watched James' jaw slacken. While everyone was getting ready to walk out the door, Aspen got herself a blueberry yogurt. Unfortunately, due to her idiotic hands that never seem to listen to her brain, the yogurt slipped right onto the floor. The sound of the plastic colliding with the marble floors echoed throughout the room and Aspen let out a whine. It seemed like her whine was dragged as Cassie also let out a whine.

         Lily quickly handed Aspen Cassie as the little metamorphmagus let out her banshee screams. Sirius stuck his tongue out at her in mock and she only glared. Let's just say he stopped mocking her and went right to getting the Potters muggle car readied. It only took moments to stop the little black-haired baby from crying. Aspen took that as a sign that she was ready to leave the damned hospital, so that's what they did.


Next chapter is going to be a part 2 type thing? (Maybe even a part 3 after that.) Though, after that, it's just going to be filler chapters until it's Halloween (in the story), after that; fuller chapters, and then Christmas. After Christmas... you don't wanna know.

November 15, 2018
2,158 words

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