Chapter 1: Heartbreaking News

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I was at the hospital to visit my mom from a car accident that happened three days ago

"It's not your fault Y/N, no need to blame yourself for what happened to me.." My mom said weakly then smiles trying to cheer me up

"It is my fault if I hadn't let you stay there and wait for me we wouldn't be in this situation."I reply to her,while holding back the tears.

Yeah if I just hadn't made that stupid mistake...


"Mom,can you wait here outside I forgot to get my phone on my room" I ask my mom as I quickly ran back to the house to get my phone.I found my phone and get it then head downstairs. As I was locking the door I saw a car from the corner of my eye running fast's running towards my mom!!

I left the door unlock and quickly dashed to her,as I was about to push her away the car,I was too late. The car hit her hard and now laying on the ground bleeding badly. I ran towards her to check if she was breathing. Thank god she still is but I can barely feel it I call for an ambulance and the police to investigate who is the suspect that hit my mom. The ambulance finally arrives with the police with them,they carried my mom inside the ambulance while the police are asking me some questions from who is the that crashed her. I told them the detail of the car then they be tracking it down. After that I just went back to my house then started crying.....

End of flashback

As I was in the hospital room watching my mom a few minutes later my friends Steve,Grace and William entered the room.

"Hi there Y/N,we came here to visit you and your mom were sorry for what happened." Grace said in a saddened tone.

"It's alright,at least she's safe and sound here now.." I reply back.

We chatted there about random stuff for about a few minutes until the doctor entered the room

"Good afternoon there,may I ask a question? Who among you is Mr.Y/N?" The doctor ask. I raised my hand then said.

"That's me."

"Well Y/N your mother here is in an critical state due to her head was hit hard by the car and some broken bones including her ribs. We will put her to surgery by tomorrow at 7:00am."the doctor explain to us.

"She'll be alright, right?" I ask.

"We don't know what the result will be but I think she will be fine." He answers.

Hearing it makes me sigh in relief but still sad because of my negative thoughts that the surgery might fail and she might die.

"It's okay dear,I will be fine and I'll be out of the hospital before you know it." I smiled at her.

"Okay,well I gotta go now I'll see you tomorrow after the surgery.I love you,bye." I said to her then kissed her on the forehead. She smiled then we exited the hospital.

"I hope your mom's gonna be alright soon" Steve said while were walking.

"Hey William, mind if you drop me by my house?" I ask Will.

"Sure why not? Get in guys." He replied as we got inside his car.

There ride home in the car was dead silence except for the sound of the radio. A moment had past and were now in front of my house,I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye to the three. I entered the house and went to the bathroom,I don't have the mood to eat dinner so I brushed my teeth and head upstairs to my room and change to my pajamas and went straight to bed.

I woke up to my annoying alarm. I look at it and it's 7:00am,today is the hour that my mother is having a surgery. I hope she is going to okay after that,I turned of the alarm and head downstairs to the kitchen. I cook myself some eggs and bacon and milk for my drink. I place down a plate on the table then put my food there and started eating. After I ate breakfast I went to the bathroom to take a shower,it's quite refreshing while showering so I extend my shower time there from 15 min to 25 min. I cover my self with a towel and head towards my room I just wore some casual clothes today is Saturday so I don't have school today so I just went outside and head to Steve's house his home was just a few houses away so I can just walk it. I arrive at his house and knock on the door a few seconds past then the Steve opens the door.

"Oh,hey Y/N what brings you here?" He greets me.

"Nothing just wanted to hangout,are you free today?" I ask.

"Well yeah what do you wanna do?"

"How about let's go to Will and Grace's house?"

"Sure! Let me go get something"

He said as he went back inside his house.William and Grace are siblings so we'll go to their house. A minute later Steve came outside and we went to his car I entered at the passenger seat then he enters the car and drive to the house. In about less than 10 minutes we arrived in front of William and Grace's house I push the doorbell then a bit later William opens the door.

"Oh hey bros what brings you guys here,come on in!" William said.

We entered the house and made our way to the living room. We saw Grace watching TV then she noticed us.

"Hi guys." she greets us.

"Hey." me and Steve said.

William came back at the living room holding a PS4 in his hands.

"Who wants to play guys?" he ask, and we all smiled widely.

He plugged the PS4 to the TV then we started playing for like hours there until I received a phone call from an unknown number.

"Excuse me for a second guys." I said then I answered the phone.

"Hello is this Mr. Y/N L/N?"a female voice ask.

"Who is this?"

"I'm a nurse from the hospital,I called you sir for what the result of the surgery. Please come here immediately." The nurse said then hung up.

"Hey Steve,mind if you drive me to the hospital?!" I ask him in a panicked tone.

"Yeah,sure let's go" he said

We went outside of the house then went inside of the car. He drove us there then we arrived at the hospital we stepped outside and entered the hospital we went to the lobby and ask the person on the counter.

"Excuse me I'm here to know what happened from the surgery of my mother." I ask the lady

"Are you Y/N L/N?" she ask

I nodded.

"Well about the surgery..."

"Is she going to be alright?!" I ask her panickly.

"I'm sorry sir but the surgery failed due to weak organs of the patient.." she then said

Hearing this made my heart drop then I felt to my knees then start crying.Why does this always happen to me?

"I'm sorry Y/N for what happened to your mom...." Steve said in a quiet voice.


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Author's note:

So what do you think of the first chapter there? I kinda made this story for me and you readers to have fun..

I wonder what will happen next after Y/N's mother passes way.

Well you'll find it out when the next chapter will be released!

So see you soon Bye!

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