Chapter 20: Dangerous Old Friend

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(William's POV)

"You'll see." I said to them.

As the others are completely confused from what I said, I smirk at them.

"What? You think that I didn't used a gun before? You guys are wrong." I said to them.

"Well you're not the only one." Y/N said.

"You too? I didn't know that. When did you learn how to use a gun?" Grace ask.

"Well back then when I was like 15 or 16 I guess, I have a friend also who taught me how to use a gun and also fight." Y/N said.

"Woah,no wonder why you beat up those bastards the other day." Sayori said.

"Well William, should we go get some weapons now or later?" Y/N ask.

"How about now." I said.

We all got out of Steve's house and Y/N and the girls went home to get their car and me,Grace and Steve went to mine.

Soon then Y/N came with his car then we started driving following me from behind. After for a 30 minute ride we finally arrived at somewhat abandoned building.

We park the car dropped out and started walking towards the building and entered. We walked down the hallway until we saw my friend who is collecting and selling some weapons.

"Yo!! Peter! My man!" I greet Peter.

"Wait....Peter?" Y/N said confused.

"Is that you William?" He ask.

"In the flesh." I said grinning.

"Hey,bro! How ya doing." He ask.

"I'm fine,just went here to buy some weapons from you." I said.

"Oh I see,and who are you with there. Hold on a sec, Y/N?" Peter ask.

"Oh my god! Peter it really is you!" Y/N said.

"Long time no see! My man!" Peter said then they brohug.

They let go of the hug after for a few seconds then look at the others.

"Nice to meet y'all. Wait......... You girls are the ones came out of a computer and the ones after by some secret organization." Peter said pointing at the girls.

"That's why were here, we need to some weapons to not just protect but ourselves also." I said.

"Oh okay come with me! I'll take you guys to my room of divine weaponry."
He said then we started following him.

We walked down the hallway then we arrived in a room full of all kinds of guns,grenades,knives and other weapons that's useful to us.

"Choose which ever you want everyone! I'll make its free by the way since I know you guys." Peter said.

(Y/N's POV)

As we picked some weapons that we need we then put it on the table. We have some few guns and knives that we picked.

Mine was a Browning Hi-Power and a Glock 19 and a pocket knife that as twice as sharper and bigger.

The others then finally picked their weapon then we thank Peter.

"Hey Peter do you have a place where we can teach the others how to use a gun?" William ask.

"Yeah its just at the 3rd floor of this building. Let me guide you guys there." Peter said then we left the room and started walking up to the 3rd floor.

We entered a wide open room with some mannequins as our target I think and me,William and started teaching the others on how to use a gun.

"Okay Steve, shoot your target." I said to him.

He shoots the mannequin in the chest revealing a large hole in it.

"Nice man!" William complimented.

"Thanks!" Steve said.

"Your turn Grace." I said to her.

"Okay." She said then went to her position.

She shoot her target in the stomach and legs making the mannequin fall on the ground.

"Good job there." I said.

"Thank you." She said then smiled.

After for a while of the others demonstrating on how to use and shoot a gun we then left the building and went to our cars.

"Thanks Peter, you're the most trusted friend we could ever have." William said.

"Your welcome,now good luck with those bastards!" Peter said.

We waved goodbye to him and started driving back at Steve's house. We arrived at his house then we grabbed our stuff and went back to our house.

I parked my car in the garage and we dropped out of the car and went inside the house with our stuff and putted it back in our rooms.

I kept my guns and pocket knife on my side just in case and sat on the couch. I rested my head on the couch and stared at the ceiling and started to think.

Why do they even want to open a portal in a computer?

Why they need to take the girls?

What will happen if they got sucked back in the computer?

I then hear a voice that broke my train of thoughts.

"Y/N?" Monika ask with the girls beside her.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What do you think they would do if we opened the portal in the computer?" She ask.

I sit up from the couch and looked at them.

"I don't know either, might as well not know it or your thought of it might haunt you." I said to her.

"You're right, I shouldn't need to know that. As long as I'm with you guys I'm happy." She said and then we smiled at each other.

They then sit with me and we ended up watching a movie until its night time. We made dinner and after that we went straight to bed,being tired of what just happened.

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Author's note: The story kinda end up from a sad one then after a few chapters turned into happy then it became like a war.

Damnit I should've known that someone else declared the World War 4. Curse that man who ever did that!

Oh yeah,and also guys imma change my outro now...


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