Chapter 6: Our Bonding

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(Y/N's POV)

Today is my last period for today and I'm having some trouble from our group activity. Why am I even the leader of this lousy group.

"Will you guys please hurry up,I haven't got all day you know." I complain to my group members.

"Hold your horses, I'm almost done." Zack said while writing his answers on a sheet of paper.

"Here you go,Y/N" Alice spoke as she gave me her paper.

"Thanks,hurry up Zack! You're the only last person we're waiting."

"Be patient,I'm almost..........done! Here." He said and gave me the paper.


As I stand up from my chair I head towards the teacher's table I gave our papers to the professor.

"Here's our papers sir." I said then gave it to him.

"Ah,thank you since were all done we still have 20 minutes before the school bell rang,so I'll let you all go for now. Remember to do your assignments tonight. That's all for now,goodbye class." He said then exits the room.

I went to my chair and prepared my stuff then head out. As I was walking down the hallway, I saw the same guy that I beat up earlier this time his with four other people sorrounding me.

"What do you guys want,don't you see I'm in a hurry." I said to him in an annoyed tone.

"We're here to pay you for what you did to us." He said then smirked.

"Haven't I thought you a lesson earlier that I'll do even worse." I pause then look at his friends. "Even though you're with four other people to beat me up." I glare at them.

"Well not this time." He said then starts running towards me with a pocket knife. I put my foot up and kick his arm making him drop the knife. As the knife fall from the air I quickly catch it without cutting myself. His friends started running towards me preparing to blow a fist on me. I dodge the other two on both opposite sides making them punch each other and fell on the floor,the 3rd guy was about to tackle me but I counter it using the other guy on the floor as a shield. After it I quickly grabbed him then punch him square on the face,having blood drop from the side of his lips. The 4th one starts punching me but never lands a hit because of my great dodging skill,he stops then starts panting I take this as an opportunity and punched him hard on the stomach almost making him puke. He fell to the floor and curbed into a ball,the other one then stand up and starts to punch me again I grabbed his wrist then punch him on the nose making it bleed. I looked at their terrified leader and smirk at him.

"I told you that I'll be doing worse, now be gone and don't show your face to me ever again." I said as he ran away for his life leaving his friends unconscious on the floor.

"I forgot that I still have you. You might be handy at the future." I said while hold the pocket knife I took from him. I kept it in my bag and began walking through the exit.

As I was walking down the street,I let myself dive in the deep thoughts. So much in deep thoughts I didn't realize that I arrived at my home. I walk to the front door and entered,neither one of them showed maybe they didn't heard I entered? I walk in the living room and saw all four of them watching TV.

"Hey girls, I'm home!" I shouted.

"You're back!"

They all turned to and ran towards me,giving me a hug. I hugged them back and smiled,a few seconds later I break the hug and looked the four of them.

"So,who wants to go shopping?" I ask.

"Us!" They all said in unison.

"Wait here, I'm just gonna go to my room and change." They nodded and I head upstairs.

I went inside my room and started to change. A minute later then I'm now wearing my casual clothes,I stepped out my room and went downstairs. I saw the girls waiting for me and I gestured them to follow me,they understood then started following me. We went to the garage where my car is. I open all the door except the driver seat letting them know how a gentleman I am and let them decide where to sit. Sayori chose to sit on the passenger seat with me as the others were at the back seat I closed the doors and open the garage door. I stepped inside the car and started driving outside to the mall.

The car ride was silent until Natsuki broke it.

"So what are we going to buy except for the clothes?" She ask.

"Well anything you guys want,since I have a lot of money in me so it's no problem." I said to her. All of the girls faces perked up from what I said.

"Really?!" They ask.


"Yayy!!!" Sayori gleefully shouts while the others smiled widely.

After for a few minutes of the ride we finally arrived at the mall. I park my car and we head outside then entered at the mall.

"'s huge." Monika said with a hint of a surprised tone on her voice.

"So,let's go to the clothes store first." I said as they follow me to the store.

While we're walking I saw some few people staring at the girls,I just gave them a death stare when they made eye contact with me making them avoid to look at the girls. We arrive at the shop and we entered.

"Choose whatever clothes you like girls,I'll just wait here." I said to them.

"Can y-you come with us,we w-want to k-kniw which clothes you like for us." Yuri ask nervously.


I followed them while looking for the clothes they like.

"Hey Y/N what do you think of this?" Monika ask as she stepped out of the dressing room and shows me her wearing a yellow dress with ribbons from the back neck and waist.

"It looks beautiful on you." I said hiding the excitement in me,she blushed then smiled at me.

"Okay,then I choose this one and find some other clothes to wear." She said as she entered back at the dressing room.

After for about 20 minutes of clothes shopping I spent $763.75 from all the clothes. Well its worth it I still have like more than $800.00 from my credit card that I had been earning for years now. We went outside the shop and head towards a book store. I look at Natsuki and Yuri who seemed happy that were here.

"Well you two can buy some manga and books while we wait here. Here's the money." I said to them as I gave the money and they happily entered the shop.

"Let's just let them be for a while. So where do you two girls wanna go?"

"Umm...oh! How about we go to an ice cream shop while we wait for them." Sayori gleefully said.

"How about you Monika?"

"I think I'm down for an ice cream also." She said them smiles at me.

"Great, then let's go!" Sayori said then started pulling me to the ice cream shop.

We bought our ice cream and take out two extra for Natsuki and Yuri. We sit down from the side of the fountain and began eating our ice cream. A few minutes later we saw the two walking towards us holding a bag full of books and manga. I give them their ice cream and started eating the ice cream. We eat there in silence until Monika spoke.

"Hey Y/N. When are we gonna meet your parents?"

Hearing this made me a bit shocked and almost chocked from my ice cream.

"Uhhh..... I don't wanna talk about it.." I said to them with a sad tone.

They all looked at me worried."What's wrong Y/N?" She ask.

"It's nothing.."

"Well you can tell us,we'll help you with everything we can." She said as the others nod in agreement.

"Okay, I'll tell you but not now." I replied. They smiled and nodded we continue to eat our ice cream and shopping.

After the shopping it's already 9:37pm we head back to the car and started driving, instead of heading back home I drove to near the park and stepped out. The girls exited the car and looked me confused.

"Why'd we stop here?" Natsuki ask still confused.

"Follow me,I'll wanted to show you something." I aid and they followed me.

We went to the hill next to the park that I always go there to ease my mind. I lay down on the grass and gestured the girls the to lay down with me by patting the ground. They understand and lay down with me, I look at the stars then the girls who looking up the stars with amazed eyes.

"What are those? They look so beautiful." Yuri spoke.

"Those are what we called stars,we can see them during night time. I always come here to ease my mind when I have some problems." I said as I looked at the night sky.

We stay there looking at the stars while the breeze ran trough us.

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Author's note:It is wonderful to look at the night sky and the stars, I also do that in real life. It makes me forget my worries about the world like:

1. The earth is flat
2. Your mom gay
3. Not knowing da wae

And other memes that confused me all the time.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Always smile as they say.

So see you soon Bye

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