Chapter 9: Inside The House

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(Monika's POV)

After Y/N leaves the house for school we girls just stayed in the house doing whatever we want. I went to the living room and use my phone that we just bought yesterday. I played a game in my phone for a while until I heard a loud thud coming from the kitchen, I stand up from the couch and walk towards the kitchen.

As I was in the kitchen I saw Natsuki next to the dining table holding her head. I approached her and kneel down.

"Hey you all right?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine,just hit my head on this stupid table." She said.

"Oh okay." I stand up and gave her a hand. She grabbed my hand and she stand up.

"Thanks." She said still holding her head with one hand.

"No problem." I said as I walk out of the room.

I check on the time and its already 8:49am. Might as well take a shower, I went upstairs to my room and grabbed a towel and some clean clothes. After that I exited my room and went to the bathroom downstairs, I walk in the bathroom and locked the door making sure no one enters.

I started taking a shower for a while and I bathe myself in the bathtub. The feeling of having a bath is really heavenly a while after I finished showering I dry myself with the towel I have and started wearing some clothes.

After I'm fully done wearing my clothes I put my towel up on my head and unlocked the door then step outside. I made my way to my room and put off the towel and out it on a chair near by the table. I then walk out of my room and head downstairs to the living room and sat on the couch and began to play with my phone again.

(Natsuki's POV)

After Monika finished showering its now my turn to shower.I entered the bathroom and shower, after a while I finished showering I stepped out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and went to the back yard, as I was outside in the yard I saw Yuri sitting on the chair reading a book of some sort but it's not the book that is the Portrait of Markov since I remember that she doesn't have it anymore. I walk towards her.

"Hey Yuri, what are you reading there?" I ask. She looked up at me and said.

"O-oh,just some random book that I found it interesting." She said.

"Oh okay, anyway have you seen Sayori?" I ask.

She points to a direction which leads to a tree and Sayori climbing it.

"Okay? Thanks by the way." I said.

"Your welcome." She said then back to reading her book.

I walk towards Sayori and said.

"Hey Sayori why are you climbing that tree?" I ask then she got startled and fall from the tree landing on her butt.

I resist the urge to laugh and started helping her stand up instead.

"Oww. Don't startle me like that again Natsuki okay?" She said.

"Yeah,yeah. Anyway why are you climbing that tree again?" I ask.

"Oh I just wanna see the beautiful view up there. Wanna join me?" She ask.

"Sure, I guess....."

"Great! Come on." She said then started pulling me to the tree.

We started climbing at the tree and we reached the first branch,man this tree is higher than I thought. We continue climbing and a while after we finally reached the top. Me and Sayori looked amazed at the view up here.

"Wow Sayori, you were right about what you said. It is beautiful up here." I said.

"Told ya." She said and we started looking around.

"How about we secretly build a tree house here." Sayori suggested.

"Sure,but how?" I ask doubting that we can't build a tree house just the two of us.

"We can ask some help from Yuri and Monika to help us build a tree house." She said.

"Yeah that sounds great anyway let's get down here now." I said and we started to climb down the tree.

(Yuri's POV)

As I finished reading the book I went inside to take a shower. After showering I went to the living room and saw Monika using her phone. I walk towards her and sit with her in the couch, I grab the remote and started to find a show to watch on TV.

I ended up watching a movie and then Monika look over the TV and began to watch as well. Soon after Natsuki and Sayori came inside and Sayori went to the bathroom to shower and Natsuki joined us from watching TV. Sayori has finished showering and also join us at watching the movie.

We sat at the couch the four of us until the movie has put to an end. I closed the TV and we just sat there don't know what to do, I looked at the wall clock and its already 11:45am. We decided to make lunch and we eat there,after were done eating lunch I wash the dishes and Sayori helped with it. I thanked her and were done washing the dishes.

We walk together to the living room seeing Monika and Natsuki doing nothing but just sitting at the couch. Me and Sayori took a sit on the couch, there was an awkward silence between us four until Sayori speaks.

"What now?" She said.

"I'm kinda bored doing nothing around here." Natsuki spoke.

"How about......we write some poems and share them just like old times. How's that sound?" Monika suggested.

"Yeah! Thats a great idea." Sayori beams.

"S-sure,I guess." I said.

"I'm fine with that." Natsuki said.

Monika then went upstairs and got back down here with a bunch of papers and 4 pens. She each gave us a pen and we started to write down out poems. A while later and were finally done writing our poems and started sharing them to each other.

Just like old times..

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Author's note: I made this part for the girls to have a plot. Sorry if it's a bit short. I'm starting to have a headache and can't get my mind right.

That's all for now make sure to vote and follow me okay?

Alright,I'll leave this

Hope you like it :3 thats all
(I didn't draw this btw)

So see you soon Bye

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