Entry 3: A failed Mission

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I crept stealthily through the dense foliage, my heart pounding in my chest. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the forest floor as I made my way deeper behind enemy lines. 

I gripped tightly on my fully loaded rifle, ready to fire it at any instant. 

The mission was clear: extract critical intel from an enemy stronghold. It was now, or never. Failure was not an option. 

It seemed simple, but carrying out the plan was harder done than said. We had to sneak in at midnight, in 2 groups of 80 soldiers. One group had to keep the enemy soldiers at bay, while the other group, which included me, had to go in and extract the intel, and raid the stronghold for anything we could use.

I was in charge of raiding the north east quadrant of the 7th floor.

As I neared the designated coordinates, a deafening explosion shattered the silence, followed by the rattle of gunfire. Panic surged through me as I sprinted toward the source of the chaos. My team was under attack.

I pushed my body to its limits, crashing through the underbrush, desperate to reach them. With each passing second, the cacophony of battle grew louder. My mind raced, trying to devise a plan to turn the tide. 

I realized that my best friend was also in that squad. I couldn't bear to lose him. I ran faster than ever, hoping beyond hope that it was our side winning. 

Suddenly, I burst into a clearing and froze in horror. The enemy had overwhelmed us. My teammates lay motionless on the ground, their lifeless eyes staring blankly into the night sky.

I scanned through the scores of bodies lying dead on the soil. I found a body with a illuminated helmet. It was Mark. I ran to where Mark's body lied. I took off the helmet from his head, and checked for a pulse.

I waited 5 minutes. 

There was none. 

My best friend was dead. 

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I couldn't let them down now. I just couldn't let all my fellow comrades die in vain. 

Determined to avenge their deaths, I fought back tears and scanned the area for survivors. My eyes locked onto a wounded comrade, struggling to crawl towards cover. I sprinted to their side, pulling them behind a fallen tree. 

Bullets whizzed overhead as we exchanged fire with the enemy. The odds were stacked against us, but I refused to give up. I assessed our situation, formulating a plan to escape the encroaching danger. It was probably the face of my fallen comrades that couldn't let me think.

Gritting my teeth, I called for an airstrike to create a diversion, buying us a precious window to escape. The deafening roar of jets filled the air as explosions rocked the enemy stronghold. Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed my wounded comrade and dragged them through the chaos, using every ounce of strength I possessed. 

But as we made our way to the extraction point, disaster struck again. An enemy sniper's bullet found its mark, piercing my left shoulder. I clenched my teeth, refusing to succumb to the searing pain. With sheer determination, I pushed forward, my injured comrade depending on my resolve.

We reached the extraction point just as the helicopter touched down, its blades slicing through the air. I helped my comrade aboard, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. But as I turned to follow, a burst of gunfire erupted, tearing through my body.

Time seemed to slow as I collapsed to the ground, blood pooling beneath me. The world around me blurred, my vision fading. I had failed. The mission had ended in tragedy.

As darkness closed in, I whispered a silent prayer for my fallen comrades, hoping their sacrifice would not be in vain. The weight of the mission bore down on me, the realization that I would never see the fruits of our efforts.

In that final moment, a bittersweet clarity washed over me. Though the mission had taken an unimaginable turn, I had fought with unwavering determination. I had given everything for the cause I believed in, knowing that sometimes, even the most meticulously planned operations could be derailed by the harsh realities of war.

And as the world faded to black, I found solace in the knowledge that our mission would live on in the hearts of those who still fought for freedom. 

Maybe this mission was a failure, but we, the martyrs of this war would inspire more to join this war.


752 words exactly

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