Round four: The Ledger

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St. Petersburg Russia

All They had was a name to go by; Vladimir Dragunov that the agent had muttered to Damon at the warehouse before. It wasn't much, but it was a start. They parked their white Porsche Coupe a  couple blocks down the street just in case the FSB had a surveillance team watching them. They climbed out and closed the door behind him.

Eric had found out from one of his assets; inside the FSB that Dragunov was a powerful and dangerous oligarch who headed the Bratva. He didn't like this at all; it was too risky and dicey. They dashed across the busy, congested street that the traffic consumed at this hour. In the distance they could see a tall, gloomy skyscraper.  He scanned the area for a couple of seconds before identifying mercenaries, with MP5 submachine guns clutched in their grip patrolling the property. He raised his pistol and fired a shot, taking out one of the mercenaries.

"Damon, I have a bad feeling about this. What if this is ambush or set-up just to lure us in so they can eliminate us," Eric stated in a nervous but calm tone.

"Listen, Eric, Damon said if Dragunov is the head of the Bratva and NightShade, is working for him. Then I'm going to need whatever proof I can get to bring their gun running operation down for good."

"It's now or never," Eric exclaimed as he took off in a sprint, The armed men pursued him.

Damon saw his chance and darted for the glass door entrance, Eric reaching into his ankle and pulling out Sig Sauer as he tossed over to him. He slipped it behind his jacket. The only time he had ever used a gun was a firing with  range Eric. He bolted through the doors into the lobby adorned with baroque and neoclassical interior. Glancing sideways he observed an armed security guard at the desk. So far so good.

He proceeded over to the elevator and he felt the cold metal of the gun behind his jacket, remembering Eric's words at the shooting range pull the trigger and aim. The doors opened on the eleventh floor as he walked down the dim lit corridor heading to the office. He grabbed the door as he flung entering a large office. His eyes darted around looking for anything.

Damon strides around the desk, taking in everything, immediately spotting a painting on the wall, there had to be a safe behind it? He slowly removed the painting off the wall seeing the vault door.

Eric dashed through the  front glass doors and fired shots at the mercenaries. He saw the security guard straight ahead at his desk. His eyes narrowed on the security guard. The guard didn't move at all. He didn't need casualties right now.

 Plus, he still had the usb on him and if that fell into the hands of the FSB they would hand it over to Dragunov. He fired some more shots at the mercenaries bolting over to the elevator. The doors slid open as he sprinted, inside  the doors closed. He could feel his own heartbeat. All they had to do was find the proof that Dragunov had fast and get out of here before the FSB arrived. No he didn't want to end up in some prison for sure.

A few seconds after the doors slid open he strolled out and down the corridor, noticing that the door was ajar. He saw Damon staring at the safe. He entered the office, walking behind the desk and over to Damon.

Eric placed his pistol back into his hip holster as he looked at the dials on the safe. Knowing that if he touch without gloves, it would leave fingerprints and that he didn't need. Luckily, he had a pair of plastic gloves in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and pulled them out. He pulled them on, placing his ear to the door.

Slowly turning the combinations dails, he heard it click. The safe door slowly opened. He took a look inside. From what he could there were a bunch of passports. Sitting in the corner of the safe was a notebook. He snatched it handing, it over to Damon.

Damon stared wide-eyed at the ledger in his hands. He flipped it open as he glanced at all the names and bribes. These were just any names they were government officials arranging from the State Department to White House, FBI, CIA, NSA Pentagon, and  Private military contractors.

Shit, he thought this wasn't good at all.

"Damon, we have to get out before the FSB shows up. Trust me, you don't want to end up in some prison where you will be interrogated and maybe even tortured. The Russians don't like journalists. The last journalist to go after the corruption in Russia was poisoned." Eric stated in an authoritative tone.

Eric closed the safe, and picked up the painting on the desk, placing back on the wall. He looked over at Damon seeing his expression on his face. He knew that they had the proof and how vital it was. Damon closed the notebook as they dashed out the office heading for the elevator, heart racing. 

All the pieces were coming together for him now...

It was no wonder the FBI had arrived so fast at the warehouse.

He was a damn good journalist, one of the best; at Washington  Post who had made a name for himself. He fought for the truth that people high up in government didn't want anyone else to hear. He guessed that what made him so dangerous. But he couldn't have done without Eric at his side.

"We're going to take the staircase at the emergency exit down that way we get ahead of the FSB and the back of team shooters when they come. I never told you this Damon, but I admire you for fighting for the truth... When I was in the CIA, I was what did for the greater good but never for the truth," Eric said in a cautious tone.

They took off in a sprint as Eric pushed the emergency exit door open, bolting down the staircase. If it came down to it, they would go down fighting for the truth. It was Damon who had told him to use skills to help people who were in trouble and needed help. And that's what he did. He could see the exit door straight ahead. He drew his pistol, looking over at Damon.

They darted out through the exit as gunshots rang out from MP5 submachine guns, Steyr AUG fully automatic machine guns. He could see the Ford Escape they had straight ahead. All they had to do was get there. He reached into his pocket for the Key fob and pushed the button to unlock the door on the passenger side.

Eric fired a shot at The FSB agents dropping  one of them to the ground. 

"Damon, I got you covered get to our vehicle fast  as you can," Eric  shouted over the sound of gunfire.

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