The Legend of the Purple Chlamys

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A semi-tie-in to @JenniferJonnes Blue Belt entry and my WattZombie MasterClass story.

Jennifer's link:

MasterClass link:

@KoltinKScott link:

@KurokageJS link:

Other cameo's include: @JenniferJonnes @KlaraSofe @frostwingak @Meghana_violet @chaoticgabby @MidNight_WriteR360 @Shreya_VA @dracollavenore @Ranger_of_the_North 


I've heard that Zak had to fill in for a few chapters. Why? Because I was shanghaied.

Some time ago, someone messed with the harmony of the Omniverse and all the Multiverses began to collide with each other causing instability. So, Champions (aka speculum bellatorem) from across the Multiverse were forced into battling one another in a cosmic contest to see what universes survive.

I barely survived the zombie challenge with KoltinKScott and KurokageJS before being dragged into a new challenge with a new group. Now we're in a fighting contest. Last time I checked, there were about 40 of us left. 


The speculum bellatorem cheered as JenniferJonnes exited the ring victorious. KlaraSofe slapped Jonnes on the back while Frostwing gave her a silent-ninja-head-nod.

My friend Brain stopped Siri, the Frag Doctor, as she and other Doctors carried what was left of Big Blue (Jonnes' opponent) out of the ring. He snatched up Jonnes' broken shock stick and motioned for the Doctors to carry on. He inspected it as he joined me.

"You might want to ask Jonnes' if she wants you to repair it before you turn it into some device where it can transform into a suit of armor with laser tendrils and rotating plasma blades," I said. Brain gave me a smirk. "I just gave you the idea to do that, didn't I?"


A figure in an orange jumpsuit with an orange and white mask stepped into the ring. "Five minutes until Round 6 begins. Prepare yourselves wisely."

OK, since we have a few minutes, I figure I'll answer some fan mail.

"You don't have fans," said Danny, my other friend, munching on popcorn and interrupting my narration.

I rolled my eyes while sighing. The main question asked is, "what's with your purple cape?" To answer that, I'll need to tell you a little story.


Long ago and very far away (no, it's not that story) was the planet Sirius. The Sirians were much like humans, in fact you couldn't tell them apart. Over time the Sirians and their planet began to evolve. Eventually, they (and the planet) became pure phantasmic matter-energy, an indestructible and eternal substance.

Sometime around this period, no one really knows, the Sirians discovered others like them. Soon, they formed the Council of Alphas in order to help other races become like them. In order to achieve this goal, the Sheepdog group was created. Sheepdogs would protect, aid, and gather other life forms so that they could evolve into Alphas too.

Thanks to one Sheepdog, the purple cape would become the mantle of the Sirian race.


Alexandria 145 BC (give or take)...

"You asked to see me, Head Librarian." The young man bowed slightly.

The Head Librarian returned the gesture with a slight bowing of his head. Like the young man, the Head Librarian was dressed in a chiton, but the young man also wore a plain chlamys since he'd been traveling. The Librarian noticed the increase in chlamys among the Musaeum scholars, notably groups that wore red chlamys and those that wore blue. In fact, this was part of the reason he had asked the young man to come.

The Head Librarian offered a seat and soon servants arrived with drink and washed the young man's feet. "Thank you for meeting with me, Jay-zin," said the Librarian. "We already have much to thank you and your kind for. The volumes of knowledge the Sirians have provided the Great Library...we could never express enough gratitude. You're kind has help us with mathematics, astronomy, and architecture."

The Head Librarian then explained that what had once been a debate about science versus religion erupted into a battle. Fights, vandalism, and theft among the scholars was becoming the norm. Once finished, Jay-zin suggested having everyone meet. At the meeting, Jay-zin gave a passionate speech about not one person or belief being better than the other and that by working together we can reach new heights. I could tell you the speech but..."Two minutes," came the announcement...Yeah, that.

The crowd didn't get to think over Jay-zin's words as soldiers arrived. The Pharaoh decided to purge the city of intellectuals. What'd been a debate became a fight for survival as many of the scholars panicked. A soldier took aim and let loose an arrow. In a flash, Jay-zin blocked the arrow with his shield. But a soldier clipped him from behind. He stumbled into the bowls used to dye the chlamys red or blue; he was covered in the mixture turning his chlamys purple. During his fall, Jay-zin also knocked over the containers of lamp oil.

"He's right," said the Head Librarian glancing at the spilled dyes and oil. He proceeded to knock over a nearby candle stand. The flame ignited the oil and created a wall of flame between the soldiers and scholars. "We have to work together. No one knows this place better than we."

The other scholars helped Jay-zin to his feet. "In the blueprints," coughed a red scholar, "there's a secret passage...there."

The scholars approached the wall as the soldiers whacked at the fire and took their chances stepping through. The passage opened with a push of a button. The scholars stepped into the dark passageway; one lit a torch. But, luckily, the door closed before the soldiers could reach them. The passage ended at the gardens; the scholars thought they were safe, but a patrol of soldiers spotted them.

"What now?" cried one scholar.

A scholar in blue picked a flower from the garden. "This produces a horrible smell if burned." A red chlamys scholar handed over the torch. Within seconds the garden began to smell like a skunk that'd eaten beans while bathing in manure. With the soldiers coughing, the scholars rushed for the exit. 

Finally they reached the city where they decided it'd be best to separate.

"Remember," said the Head Librarian, "we are not alone. One is not better than the other. Together we are strong. Let this be a sign of our unity." He pointed towards Jay-zin's now purple chlamys.

Once everyone left, the Librarian turned to Jay-zin. "Funny how that soldier could surprise a Sirian. And it is interesting how you fell towards those bowls. The impact angle should have sent you away from them."

Jay-zin smirked, "That is unusual..."

Eventually, word of Jay-zin's deed reached the Council and the rest is history.



"Combatants to the ring," came the announcement. 

I checked the nervous faces of the others. The group exchanged looks of support while Ranger of the North pulled a sword. Then Midnight cocked his pistols and Meghana began to summon nature's power. ChaoticGabby equipped twin blades. Shreya's aura got stronger as she prepared to fight. Dracollavenore added war paint to their face. 

I didn't know what challenges awaited us, but I knew I wasn't alone. Together we could do anything. We were a pack.

B-WOONG!! went the gong.

The arena filled with the sound of our battle cries as we charged purple cape trailing behind us.

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