WYP #1 - chocolateteapots

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Entry by chocolateteapots

You could always accept the challenge, your future filled with unlimited tabs on your computer all asking the same question- why? Your nose would be buried so deep in the paper that the scent of books you had grown to love would soon sicken you because of your inevitable failure to come to any sort of conclusion. After all, who were you to claim to know the answers? That letter would soon morph into that very brick tied around your bare ankle, weighing you down in the sea of doubt as you try to clamber to the surface.

But, it was never the sweet-relief of the surface that you craved and, despite the aching of your lungs, it was the intimidating blackness of what was beneath that tickled the tip of your toes and brought such heaviness to your heart. That's where the brick was taking you, that's where you would go.

You relished the feeling of history between your fingers, trying to hear the voice of the speaker that spoke in the most peculiar of ways. You just had to know so the letter fell into your old college satchel neatly without thought and skipped towards the computers placed so clumsily in such a traditional place. You felt everyone was watching you, judging you for using such a thing as the internet in a place of writing worship but deep down you wondered if it was the letter they eyed you for. Did they perhaps know what was squished between your lunch and notebook?

It wasn't possible, you concluded.

The person in the letter left something with the constant reminder of 'it' and all you had to do was single out what 'it' was between the millions and billions of possibilities. Your fingers typed and clicked endlessly against the materials provided and people soon began to leave and librarians began to sigh but you were too busy in your little world of 'supernova' to care. Supernova was a phenomenon where a star would explode at the end of its life, you discovered, and it would radiate so much light that it could be the largest source of light in the universe. Interesting? Yes. Relevant? Maybe not. Wow, the first-ever recorded was in 185 A.D you marvelled! The language reached no conclusion with the letters being just shapes on a monitor the longer you stared at it but there was something about that first sighting in China that kept you hooked onto this letter.

You figured, what if the writer was onto something and the recipient too? What if the reason for secrecy was that both parties perhaps knew something they shouldn't? You began to shiver in the uncomfortable chair at the thought and flush as you felt the end creeping along your arm hairs like an unwanted draft. You were so close to knowing so you clicked like you've never clicked before, energy burning out so that you were running on pure adrenaline but it was enough. You could do it, you kept reminding yourself. It was right in front of you, the answers to everything you just had to know where to look. But, then there it was. The idea springing into your head, into the heads of most conspiracy theorists of the earth as we know it. The unknown language, another civilization destroyed before an encounter. Supernova, the explosion of a planet unknown to man, covered by the strong-headed astronomists and locked away by the ones in the suits. You finally knew (or guessed) but you wish you didn't as after all, who could you tell? What was the fate of the suspicious supernova as she unleashes all of her thoughts and possessions in such a final way? Where was she running or what better, who was she running from?

About to search the wild conspiracy you had made up, your hand froze on the mouse as all the power drained from the computer with a strange whir along with the rest of the building that you didn't realise was now completely empty.

"What have I done?"

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