WYP #4 - effiegemma [+ Announcement]

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 After careful consideration we have decided to revamp the WriteYourPath structure. By the time we reached this decision, we found that there were two entries submitted to our latest, Write Your Path. Before beginning this new leg in the Write Your Path book we did wish to highlight the work of two authors for interactive with our event.

With that being said, we're excited to present to you effiegemma and their entry for WYP #3, before the revamp.

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The bookshelves loom overhead arching with the curve of the roof. And the stranger lurks behind. Before you the faceless voice behind the door. All the nerves in your body stand at attention as you blurt out, "Leave, Leave!" Frantically you flail about. You were all game for adventure, until the moment came to jump in. How could you leave so abruptly? Where would you be going? What would you being doing? What have you gotten yourself into this time. It was shaping up to be a day like no other. 

"I just walk right through there?" you point towards the craved wooden door with a bass handle and a lock.

"Of course not, you need a key, a magic word...you must not forget the book, and the invitation."

"Normally, invitations and quest tell me what you're after or seeking to protect, details."

"Details, that's not my job!" the stranger pushes you forward, "go on, be off with you." it mumbles under its breath, "Normally, supernova send me more prepared candidates. This one is missing common sense and the basic understanding of the magical community." You can hear it clearly talking about you. The door responses to it, "beggars can't be choosers. We take what we can get." Hesitantly you interrupt the conversation between the door and the stranger, you assume is Aelfdene. You dare not speak the name again, for fear of what will appear before you next.

"Excuse me." You slide between Aelfdene and the door, "What of the key, you know for the door?" You look at the door then back to Aelfdene.

"Check your left pocket..." Aelfdene says, its voice is the clearest thing about it. For Aelfdene is a figure you can't make out in the dim lighting of the space. It is carefully hidden in darkness, but close enough to speak without yelling into your ear. Even when you look directly upon it, the identity of the being is protected from your vision. You check your left pocket, a lo and behold there is a accent key, cold and heavy in your grip. "What about the magic word?"

It points to the book, "Back. Inside sleeve." It raises its hands, "Don't say it before entering the door, it will only invite trouble, after entering the door it will ensure your protection."

"That's all you're going to give me?" you shuffle in place waiting for someone or something to speak.

"An adventure isn't made up of knowing all the answers before the journey. A true adventure is about the discoveries made along the way. When it is time you'll know what you need to know when you need to know it." Just like that it was gone.

Slowly you walk forward to the door. You flip to the back of the book as you walk, in bold thick red lettering you see a word etched into the last page overwriting the last page of text. You were about to pronounce it when you remember the warning, before the door trouble after the door protection. You tuck the book away in your bag. As you pass through the book shelves, you hear a something crack then swoosh pass your face. You look to the right, books are flying off the shelves and barreling in your direction. A slow walk will not do, you must pick up speed. You begin to sprint towards the door dodging the flying books as you go. What is going on here?

Once you make it to the door, you draw the key out and reach up. The lock isn't in a normal place upon the door. Where a peep hole would be is the keyhole. On your tiptoes, with the occasional bobbing and tucking of your head, avoiding the wordy projectiles, you lift the key to the door slipping it into the lock. You twist it. You hear bolts clicking and shifting. You duck down curling into a ball, to protect yourself from the books last attempt at stopping you.The door swings inward. You stand on the threshold of adventure, knowing very little about what lays ahead, you step forward. Immediately, the books stop flying and everything around you is frozen in time. The books overheard are stilled in midair. The sounds ceased. The air isn't even moving. You step forward, pushing the door wider. 

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