Marvel Fandom!

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Ah, the Marvel fandom...

The home of the Avengers, the
X-Men, Fantastic 4, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, and an assortment of hundreds of random and unamed superheroes that will never make it to the big screen.

Sad right?

Ok this is a rant book so I am going to RANT

The following chapters will contain my rants on my fandoms.

So when did I step into the Marvel Fandom?

When I happened to walk into my living and notice a man flying around the screen in a red metal suit.

The day I saw Iron Man was the day I gave up on Disney princesses.

I mean, Marvel was where it was AT baby!

Action, humor, suspense, big green rage monsters!

Although the first Marvel movie I actually watched front to back was Captain America.

Before that I only saw parts and glimpses of the other ones.

When I saw commercials and previews for The Avengers I wasn't that excited.

I only recognized like four of them, but I still wanted to see it.

Mainly so that I could rub it in my sister's face!

She wanted to see it....

I got my wish though! I went and saw it in 3D!!!!!

After I saw The Avengers I officially became a Marvelite.

I wanted to see all the movies and get all the shirts, posters, all that stuff.

I remain the biggest Marvel Nerd in my family.

When I saw the Avengers Age Of Ultron trailer for the first time (after it was leaked) I was freaking out.

This was MY movie!

The one I had been waiting for!

The one where my favorite superheroes would assemble once more!

Did you guys catch that? Huh? Huh?

Anywho. I got to see Age Of Ultron in theaters.


But now....



Anywho, that's probably all for me and Marvel.

I'll just leave you with this:

Favorite Marvel Superhero....

And this:

And finally this:

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