The Tale of the Eevee

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This story was originally written for a role-play I did with a friend. It was a Pokemon-based role-play, and this was the story that my character told to the younger brother of his girlfriend. Despite that, it still resonates personally with me, and I feel like sharing.

Once upon a time, there was a little Eevee who lived with a mommy Sylveon. They lived together in the woods, playing with other pokemon, and eating the berries that hung from the tree. Then, as the Eevee grew older, his mother asked him something. She told him that he was getting older, and that he should decide what he wanted to evolve into.

"I want to be a Sylveon, like you!" he said.

His mother smiled, but she asked him to think about being something else. "After all," she said, "there are so many things that an Eevee can become. You should think about it, and maybe you will decide to be something else."

But the Eevee insisted, saying: "No! I want to be a Sylveon like you! I promise I won't change my mind! I want to be a Sylveon!" He greatly admired her, after all, and wished he could be as strong and as stunning as her.

So she told him to train, and to make himself strong. Not to train to be a Sylveon, but to train in all areas, and become well-rounded so that he could always choose to become something else if he desired. And he did as she instructed, and trained in all areas and became strong, still adamant and wishing to become a Sylveon. Everyone who saw him always thought he'd be a Sylveon too, because they knew how great his mother was, and they knew how much he admired her. This pushed him forward, knowing that they were behind him. He wanted to become a Sylveon, and they wanted him to be one too. Before he knew it, his training was complete, and he was ready to evolve.

He still wanted to be a Sylveon, just like he always had. He wanted to be one so badly, and as he fell asleep that night, he dreamed that he was a Sylveon. He thought of how strong and how cute he would be, and how everyone would adore him, just as they did his mother. He slept that night, overjoyed at the thought of becoming a Sylveon.

When he awoke the next morning, he knew that he had changed. He was bigger, and he felt stronger. His tail was longer, and looking down, he saw that his paws were a purple-pink, much like a Sylveon's. So he went to a puddle, excited to see his new form. But as he gazed, he recoiled in shock. He was not a Sylveon at all! Rather, he was a purple Espeon.

Everyone around him was so confused, wondering why he became an Espeon. Didn't he want to be a Sylveon? Had he changed his mind? Espeon became frustrated. Why wasn't he a Sylveon? His mom was a Sylveon! He wanted to be a Sylveon! Everyone else wanted him to be a Sylveon! But he wasn't. He was an Espeon.

When he went to his mother, she told him this: "You evolved into what you were meant to be. You're not a Sylveon, you're an Espeon. An Espeon is what you were meant to be. You wanted to be me, but you're not me. You're you. You're an Espeon. Focus on being you now, instead of being me."

Espeon nodded as he listened to his mother's words. Then he gave a smile as he turned and began to wander into the woods. That's right. He wasn't a Sylveon, he was an Espeon. As the people asked him why, he simply shrugged and told them that he just wasn't meant to be a Sylveon. And as he continued along, he admired his new form, and appreciated it for the first time. He realized something right then. Even though he was an Espeon, not a Sylveon, he realized that in becoming what he did...

He was happier than he would have been as a Sylveon. He was happy to be who he was.

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