Unpopular Opinions

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Because I have a little bit of free time and I'm bored.

I'm just gonna drop some unpopular opinions here because why not.

And actually, I want to open this into a discussion. So if you have some unpopular opinions, just leave them here and I'll tell you why your opinions are trash. Just kiddinggggg, don't give me that look. I won't make fun of you, I swear. But yeah, leave your unpopular opinions here and we can all have a cool little discussion (maybe)!

Alright I'll make this quick.

Neon Genesis Evangelion kinda sucks as an anime.

Legend of Korra isn't horrible and deserves more credit.

Sword Art Online is a gold-plated turd (sorry, I'll try to find a different anime to use as a punching bag. Maybe Evangelion, that might not be so bad...)

Charizard is overrated and gen 1 is one of the worse gens by comparison to the others.

Happily ever afters are overrated. Sometimes a sad ending works best.

Sometimes manga are better than novels. Not always, but the different style of storytelling really has its strengths.

Pokemon is the greatest franchise.

Now I ask all of you, what are YOUR unpopular opinions? Let's talk, let's discuss! I won't make fun of you, I promise. Oh, but if you make fun of ME first, all bets are off, okay? In this case, you get what you give. I won't stop you from mocking but, but I can and will mock you back [insert tongue stuck out emoji here].

Alright people, I look forward to hearing from you! I'm willing to bet money that no more than three people will comment, but that ain't gonna stop me from trying!

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