Writing Stories

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I guess the main focus of this will be my insights as a person who aspires to be a writer.

But jeez, where the heck do I even start? I guess from the beginning.

I think I started writing when I was maybe 8 or 9. I would write these goofy little comics, and before I knew it, I was writing them more and more. The first dates back to when I was about 8. It was a Ninjago comic (if you don't know what Ninjago is, look it up because you're missing out) that followed the TV series. It wasn't really anything incredible, but it was a start.

Next was the "Attack of the Power Robots" series that started when I was about 9 or so. It ended with a two-parter, but I have yet to finish part 2. It, however, started its own universe with its own cannon as I created a prequel set called "Crazy Cat." It was a two-parter, and I'm still proud of it. Even though it sucks.

While I was writing "Crazy Cat," I was also writing something else. A comedy strip called "Crazy Cat and Dumb Dog." I'll probably put up some of those for you. It was a goofy comedy with dark jokes and censored swearing (a lot of it), and was heavily influenced by the syndicated cartoon "Pearls Before Swine." It followed Crazy Cat, an insane cat with a knack for inventions, Dumb Dog, the low-IQ dog with a taste for homework, and the humans in the household.

There was also a four-part serious series called "Crazy Cat and Dumb Dog In Time" (time travel, how creative) but I never finished part 3. 

Also written (and still written on occasion today) is "Stupid People," a comic filled with stupid, simply-drawn people.

But that's all comic stuff, nothing like what I write here on Wattpad. How did I start writing actual books... well, I was always the creative type. I would come up with storylines in my head for all sorts of crazy stuff, but I never really put it into writing.

I started seriously thinking about writing when a friend of mine, or rather, a group of friends decided to start working on a novel together. I'm not going to reveal who they are. Yet. But I will in good time.

At first, I doubted that they'd ever pull it off (mostly because they talked about making a video game for it, and asked me to code it. That was my own fault for hyping up my coding skills when all I can really do is basic shapes.), but that quickly changed. A video game was one thing. Something utterly crazy in my mind. But a book? Now THAT was something I knew they could do.

And as they wrote that book, I began to think: "Hey, maybe I could do this too."

So I grabbed a couple friends and proposed my own story idea. It crashed and burned within a month.

But that was a starting point. Those friends and their book opened up a new door for me and showed me a possibility that I hadn't thought of before.

Around that same time, I started writing my own story. It was an old fanfiction called "The Adventures of Max." It was originally posted on the Pokemon Brick Bronze Wiki. I thought of it when I saw others posting story parts as blog posts, so I started to do the same.

It was well-received, and shot up in popularity. Even back then, I had a hard time keeping a writing schedule... after about a year if not more, the story came to an end and I began to think of new projects. New ideas. So many new ideas began coming in, though many WERE fanfiction.

I would write chapters and often abandon them not long after.

I joined a tiny writing club with my brother's friends. which pushed me more.

Then one day, I got an idea for a Zelda fanfiction. An idea that I REALLY wanted to share.

And as it so happens, I stumbled across Wattpad. And there it was: a motivation to write. My works up there, where anyone could see them. Wattpad would be the bridge. I would write on Wattpad and show people what I could do, that way one day I could get myself published.

So here I am now. I skipped over a lot of stuff, but since I feel like I'm rambling, I'm just gonna close this chapter now.

But that hopefully gives you an idea of how my writing started.

I was just some kid who saw other people doing something cool. I tried it, and realized just how fun it really was. I found a way to put all those crazy ideas I had onto paper, and I couldn't get enough of it.

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