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Thanks a lot Noya_avery for sharing your thoughts with us.

Username :- Noya_avery

1)What inspired you to start writing?

To be very honest, I had never thought to write. It's just that I was a silent readers before I started writing. There I used to reader many stories and there were few ending of the stories which I really didn't like it. So I used to imagine how it would be if the ending was like this or like that. So one day I thought why don't I just
penned down my thoughts in my notebook? And from there I started writing and I got inspired by many
authors and from their books.

2)When you started writing and how old were you?

Basically I had started my writing journey after I had gave my O levels exams on May 2019. But I started my
writing on Wattpad from June/July 2020.

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

Yeah sure! Unlike like everyone I wasn't nervous at all because I was very excited at that time. You know, I was like jumping in happiness. But it's not like I never got nervous when it
comes to publish my works. I was hell nervous when I had published my one shot "His Love ~ (Unknowingly His]" this year 2020. I was tensed and nervous because this book was written by the famous author @being_elegant and it had breakdown all lines of love. How one should love unconditionally! I personally texted the author to ask permission to write
a one shot on the main characters of her book which I got. And I was so
happy but at the same time I was nervous that whether I'll be able to match the expectation of the author
and all the readers. And by God's grace I was succeed and it's still going great.

4) From where do you get your ideas from?

All the ideas are based on my own imagination and all mine.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Either I study or watched TV or just grab a romantic book from Wattpad and read that.

6) What does your family think about your writing?

They don't know anything about it yet as I haven't told them anything about this. But I'm planning to tell them

7)Which character of your book resemble you?

Umm... No. No characters from any of my books resembles me really.

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?

OK. I love Karan and Rishabh luthra. This Two my favorite male characters
from my book " Fated to be His". I like Karan's character because he is a true-blue friend who support his best
friend at any cost and love his family to the peak and can do anything for them. I like Rishabh because the way he loves his better-half Sanam unconditionally and how he protect her from evil ones which I think every partner would really seek from their to-be-partners. Female characters I would choose Preeta Arora also from my same book"
Fated To Be His". Preeta is a strong girl who can face any difficulties and
can easily tackle all the obstacles that comes to her path.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?

No one. I know it's weird. but yeah it's true. I'm not any die heart fan of any
celebrity till now.

10)Challenges you face while writing?

I faced a lot of challenges while writing. But one of them is that which I felt and sometimes it made me cry is that I feel lot of difficulty when I tried to penned down that one scenario which I had imagined in my mind but I can't pen it down with that much of creativity and beautifully. And another this is that time and my studies. Sometimes I can't balance
between my schedule and sometimes my mind is out of ideas.

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?

Writing is where I can freely share my thoughts infront of the world. As far making this as my career I feel that
a writer journey is more difficult than any other careers which I personally
think. That's my opinion and I don't know if it's match with other peoples
too. Yes, every career journey is tough but I feel a writer journey is more tough and difficult because there you
have to think form other's people's point of view. A writer journey is a very struggling one and a very long one too, because to reach that benchmark one need to work with patience and lots of hard works.
So yeah my career line is different but I definitely want to persuade this as
my side career. And I would love to do that and I have already started my planning too.

12) Who is your favourite author and your favourite book?

I have many favorite books but unfortunately I never remember the author's name. That's is quite funny.
My favorite author on Wattpad is Kiranhafeez and all her books is my favorite. I feel a connection with all
her books and whenever I read her book I find myself lost in that book. I just love her and her books a lot. I'm
also inspired by her a lot.

13) Do you use any other website to update your story?

Yes. On Inkitt.

14) How much your readers meant to you?

My readers are everything to me because of them! have reached here. So just saying thank you I don't think it would be enough to show my gratitude towards them.

15) How much readers pressurise you to give update?

They don't pressurize me at all. Frankly speaking, I felt itchy from inside that I want to update my stories and make my readers happy
but I can't due to my time routine.

16) How you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?

Talking about report on my works, first of all I want to know if someone report your works how do you know that?? Because till now if anyone have did that then I haven't received any
kind of notifications about that or any messages till now. So I don't know if
anyone have did that or not. So based on that I can say that no one reported my works till now.
About offensive comments, yes I have received just once and I think that was baseless totally Because that comment was a request at first where a reader requested me to write mature content and then I replied that I'm not so comfortable with that so until I'm not I'll not write. And I think it had made that writer angry I guess and then at the second update
of my story that reader put a offensive comment and I had to delete that comment as well I had to muted that
person too. For them I would like to say that before you commented any offensive words or reported just think hundred times because you don't
know when you hurt the other person. It's not wrong to put your thoughts as a reader you must do that
to correct the author's mistakes but put it nicely and in manner.

17) Want to say something to aspiring writers?

Where you are now, there was also a time when I was also there. Everyone
was there no one was a pro at starting. So I would like to say that just write what your heart wants no
matter whether you get votes or appreciation or not for that. Because when you are writing your exploring
yourself in every words and that's the best thing to enjoy. You are getting to know yourself, your capabilities, your talent and treasure which was hidden
somewhere in you.

18) If you want you can ask 2 question from your readers?

Will you all support me and love me like you all do now if I come back after a year?
Which book of mine is your
favorite currently and why?

Question by reader
Who is your bestfriend on wattpad?

I don't have any best friend on wattpad till now. But my first friend on wattpad was @ashpat3 whom I had first interacted with.

Which reader who loves to read your book and continously ask you to update.

There are many readers who ask for updates continously. I can't name

Drafted by Nakuul_is_love

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