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Thanks a lot @RainyNights95 for sharing your thoughts with us

Username: @RainyNights95

01) What inspired you to start writing ?

My few Writer friends. We were talking randomly when i just shared my thought to them and they actually liked it . They forced me and motivate me to write stories

 02) When you started writing and how old were you?

I was 18 when I started writing stories . I was navy at that time and didn't know how to write still I tried . Now I'm here .

 03) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

I was very nervous at that time . I wrote one shot for the first time and I was actually afraid updating it . but my friends motivate me .

 04) From where do you get your ideas from?

To Be Honest, from everywhere . Sometimes I used to think deeply on some topics . When I attend functions with my family at that time I met different people . By hearing or taking with them I realized that what I know is far better than them . I hardly agreed with someone's thinking because I have my own thinking . I got ideas when I go on tour and adore nature. Peaceful and soothing place give me more ideas. 

 05) What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Reading , This is the only thing I do when I am not writing . I am reading from childhood . I remember when I was small I used to read stories from newspapers. My mother is a teacher so I used to go to her school just to read different types of books. I remember the first book I read and its name is "Isap stories" . It's a collection of kids stories .

 06) What does your family think about your writing ?

Just a year ago I told them that I am writing stories. They found me confident than before and they're very happy with my writing . They support me a lot and I'm happy .

 07) Which character of your book resemble you?

Its a difficult question because many of my books' female lead character resemble to me . I'm actually in real life like that . Mostly shy , less talkative etc. So what I describe in female lead somewhere I describe myself.

 08)Which one is your favorite Male and Female Character of your book? why?

Everyone know only Sanyuktha and Randhir aka Sandhir . These 2 characters held my heart since the show . I adore them a lot . They've different Charisma

 09)Who is your favorite celebrity?

Only one name , Virat Kohli.

10) Challenges you face while writing?

Writers Block , My mind goes all blank when I suffered from writer's block . I couldn't even write a single word ay that time , I don't even feel like to write at that time. Otherwise I'm all okay with writing .

11)  Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?

Right now its me hobby  But if in future I get chance then I would love to persuade as a career.

12) Who is your favorite author and your favorite book?

Favorite author , Durjoy Dutta . Favorite book , The perfect us.

13) Do you use any other website to update your story?

No , I used to update on Facebook but now I stopped there.

14) How much your readers meant to you?

My readers are my real motivator . If they wont motivate then I won't be able to write . Without them I'm nothing but zero . Their reviews , their words mean everything to me.

15) How much readers pressurize you to give update?

I never felt any pressure by them . They genially asked me for updates and I give them.

16) How  you feel when some readers comments offensive and report your work ? want to say something to them?

I felt hurt by them but thankfully no one ever commented like that  . There is only a person who used to create new account and comment offensive . I don't want to say anything to  a kind of person because I felt he/ she has some mental problem or something

17)Want to say something to aspiring writer.

All The best and Keep writing . Do write for your passion and your readers

18)  If you want you can ask 2 question from your readers.

I don't have any questions for them . Tell them to keep supporting me ,loving me and my stories.

Question asked by readers 

a) How can you get many thoughts writing Romantic scene?

  Its a natural thing or maybe gods gift . I don't like vulgarities in my books . they're purely love stories . Nothing else.

b) Will get hurt if someone publish negativity about her book?

Yes , because they abused me without knowing my hard work behind stories . So I will surely get hurt.

Interview taken and published by

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