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Thanks a lot @RiDgEnlgHt for sharing your thoughts with us.

Username :-  RiDgEnIgHt

1)What inspired you to start writing?

I used to read lots of books and novels.... And from that I used to get new ideas, plots....And I never thought that someday I will write in such a big platform.....And also one of wattpad writer encouraged me to write...

2)When you started writing and how old were you?

I started writing from April 2019, and I was 19 years old...

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

To tell you the truth, I was really nervous, thinking that whether the readers will like it or not....But after publishing 1 chapter, got a good response.... So I decided that I will do everything which will make the readers happy...

4) From where do you get your ideas from?

My imagination... (chuckles)...Actually
like I said I used to read novels and I developed this habit from my childhood .... Slowly slowly I started having new ideas,plots, story lines....But I never found any platform where I could write and express myself..... And then I got the chance and platform and that was Wattpad....

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Reading novels and listening songs...

6) What does your family think about your writing?

That's the funniest thing... My parents doesn't know that I write(laugh)

7)Which character of your book resemble you?

I think it's Aisha....As we both have same dreams, i.e to become a fashion designer....

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?

Its Arya and Aisha.... Why?? (Thinking) Its because they are my own couple(wink wink)...Others are too, but they are my first creation and have a good bonding...

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?

Ohh there are many.... But at the top its Prabhas (my all time fav) (laugh) then its Namik(my male lead) then Vicky Kaushal....And how can I forget Harry Styles.... (wink)

10)Challenges you face while writing?

Its that I never get to know whether the readers like my story or not.... Sometimes I feel like I should stop writing, but then I think that, some Readers are there who are eagerly waiting for my updates...

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?

Till now it's my hobby....But let's see if I persuade as career....

12) Who is your favourite author and your favourite book?

There are uncountable Authors, but my all time favorite is Nicholas Sparks and JK Rowling.... Fav book will always be Harry Potter's series....

13) Do you use any other website to update your story?

No, Wattpad is the only platform...

14) How much your readers meant to you?

They mean everythingto me.... As for them only l write my books..... Yeah sometimes I don't have many readers go read my works, but still its fine..... Someday, my works will be recognised and Im eagerly waiting for that day.....

15) How much readers pressurise you to give update?

They never pressurised me... They tell me to update according to my convenience.... And they have supported me from the day 1 of my writing...

16) How you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?

No, till now I have not faced them.....But my writer friends have faced them and seriously its break them and they goes in the state of depression....And its wrong.... If you didn't like it then drop it no need to read, but making offensive comments or reporting their work is wrong..... They have work hard in writing their works.... They have every rights to express themselves and you can't go on insulting their works..... If you feel they have copied the work then tell them without being rude.... They will appreciate it and might change it....Being rude will only create a bad impression of yours....

17) want to say something to aspiring writers?

Don't think about what the readers will say.... Just do what your hear says....At first you will not get much response....But after a while the response will increased....I m at my initial stage of writing and I think I m getting good response.... So don't stop from exploring yourself...

18) if you want you can ask 2 question from your readers?

I just want to know,

• Whether you are liking my work or not...If you feel like asking or saying something regarding it then feel free to DM me....

• What they want in a book???

Interview drafted by :- FathimaHameed_S


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