MAY 2022 Event - Plotters vs Pantsers

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EVENT DATE: May 14th, 2022

EVENT TIME: 2pm Eastern Time Zone (GMT -5)


WritersConnX is excited to bring you another fabulous free event! Coming in May, we've assembled a panel of writers who will be discussing their story drafting methods. Writing out that first draft of your novel can be a long, sometimes painful, process. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to craft a story. Some like to outline every detail (the plotters), and some just write and see where their characters take the story (the pantsers). Which side do you fall on? Do you have a method that works, or are you looking for a better way? Join us as we talk about first drafts and how to tame them.

Once again, this is a virtual event, and we are using Airmeet as our host platform. Emails will be going out to the folks on our email list within the next couple of weeks. If you'd like to attend this event, you will need to register with the link we provide in the email. If you are not on our email list, you can request to be added through a PM here on our profile. You will also find a link to the event in our conversation feed, which will allow you to register.

👉 This event is limited to 100* participants! If you are not sure you can attend, please do not register so that folks who want to attend can do so.

* There will be a waitlist if we exceed 100 registrations.

As always, all of our events are FREE, and they are recorded. You can find them on our WritersConnX YouTube channel after the event.

We hope to see you there! 

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