Chapter Two [The Meeting]

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"What the-'' Whatever Dream had been about to say drifted into silence as he stared around the cavern.

"Hello Dream! I didn't think that you knew about the Egg yet! What a nice surprise!" A familiar voice came from behind the red structure.

"A-Ant? What is this thing?" George asked worriedly as Ant came out from behind the Egg. "This 'thing' is the Egg, and it welcomes you as a visitor." George glanced at Dream, feeling a bit worried and wishing that he hadn't come.

"So this is the.. Egg?" George asked, glancing at the red vines that were starting to spread around the cavern. Ant nodded at George.

"Yep! This is the Egg! It looks really pretty doesn't it?" Dream glanced at Ant, frowning under his mask.

"Ant, where's Bad?" Ant fidgeted with a small red flower that was wrapped around his wrist.

"Bad has been... dealt with. The Egg said that he was evil and that he must be kept away." Dream looked over at Ant.

"When you say dealt with, what do you mean by that?" Dream asked Ant, silently readying his sword. Ant flicked his tail and stared blankly at Dream, ears pricking up as he seemingly heard something.

"The Egg stated that you must leave Dream. George can stay here, I can introduce him to the Egg, but you must leave immediately." Dream pulled out his sword at the same time as Ant did.

"No Ant, I won't leave." As Dream spoke, Ant darted forward and hit Dream with his sword. "I mean it Dream. You must leave, you are not welcome here." Dream backed away, lowering his sword, not wanting to harm his friend.

"Alright Ant I will leave for now, but I know that something is going on, and I'm going to find out what."

Dream and George left the cavern and instantly planned a meeting to find out what was happening.

{Communicator Chat}
<Dream> Hey Sapnap, Eret, Tubbo, I'm scheduling a meeting in a few minutes.
<Sapnap> What happened?
<Eret> Yeah Dream, what's going on?
<Tubbo> idk he probably won't elaborate until the meeting, i'm on my way there rn
<Sapnap> See you there then-
<Eret> Ok, i'm coming wait for me

Eret walked into the hidden room that Dream had secretly built a few months ago. In theory, it also kinda doubled as a disaster bunker, but it was officially called the Meeting room.

"So Dream, mind telling us why you called us here? I hope that it's not dangerous." Eret asked Dream as they sat down. "I called you here to tell you about something that seems to be a bit dangerous, Ant keeps calling it 'The Egg' but it looks more like a seed to me. Another thing that is a bit concerning is that Ant seems to be a bit mind controlled by it, and Bad is completely missing."

After a bit, Dream had told them what had happened when him and George visited the Egg, and told them what Sam had told him about the Egg.

Tubbo sat up. "That seems quite dangerous to me. We should probably try to destroy it." Eret nodded.

"I agree with Tubbo, we should remove it as quickly as possible."

"Why don't we just pull a Wilbur and blow it to hell?" Sapnap suggested.

"No. Just no Sapnap. We are NOT blowing up anything." Eret responded firmly.

"Damm, I have a lot of TNT that I could have used..." Eret glared at Sapnap, silencing him. "So any idea on a safe way to destroy it?" Eret asked Dream.

"Well, Ant seems to be protecting it so i don't think that just walking in there and destroying it would work." Dream responded.

"I think our main goal right now should be to find Bad, maybe Skeppy could help with that." Tubbo suggested. "He is Bad's best friend after all." Eret nodded at Tubbo's suggestion.

"I agree, lets pay Skeppy a visit." 

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