The Wealthiest Man Alive: Billionaire

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Title: My Perfect Possessive Billionaire Boss


Rose Thornwood

Damien Grayson

Lots of Sex

Erica Blondie

Other characters who pop in and out and are undeveloped

The Billionaire Summary

Author's Note: This is a Summary, NOT a description. 

Usually, the Billionaire story is a dark romance or dark erotica. There are times when this wealthy dude happens not to be a dominant with anger management issues. 9/10 times he is, though, so you can read more about that kind of story in the Dark Romance chapter coming up.

Rose Thornwood meets Billionaire CEO, Damien Grayson, at a coffee shop on her way to a secretarial job interview. They immediately hate each other. He's the hottest, cockiest, rudest guy she's ever met, and she's fallen immediately for jerkface. Damien's POV chapters are eerily similar to Rose's in that he's also annoyed by her and wants to have sex with her. In fact, he spends his entire first chapter covering all the ways he will have sex with her. ​​
​​At the interview, she finds out he's her new boss. They fight their attraction and their hate simultaneously but end up ALMOST having sex on his desk until Rose reveals she's a virgin. So Damien asks her out on a formal date to sweep her off her feet. At the dinner in a pretty standard restaurant, a waiter looks at Rose for too long and Damien beats him to a bloody pulp. Rose is both disturbed and aroused.

​​Sparks fly and the courtship continues... then ends because they have sex on the first date, which is sexplosive. In bed, they share the only thing they have in common, connecting them for all time, even though they have nothing else in common. ​​

​​The next day, he beats a barista at the coffee shop into a bloody pulp for looking at Rose too long. She's turned on by that, too, but then he yells at her. She ain't havin' that so she breaks up with him. ​​

​​Back in her own dull life, she's bored af. She kinda didn't have a life to begin with so that's why she's bored. A gift from him sends her back to his place for an increasingly excessive and lascivious sexcapade. She's on cloud 9. As she leaves his mansion, she bumps into his ex, Erica Blondie, who shows up demanding Rose leave her boyfriend or else. Self-respecting Rose storms off. ​​

​​Thus begins Damien's endless gift-giving spree where he buys her things that don't impress her because she's still upset about Blondie and the violence. Then, he performs the grandest gesture that sweeps her off her feet. It's here where she learns all of his deepest and darkest secrets, when they tell each other they love each other, when he promises he'll be better for her because he loves her more than anyone he's ever loved before, even Erica. ​​

​​He reveals he met Erica at an in-patient facility because they both suffer from mental illness. He suffers from PTSD and has a tendency towards violent behavior because his mother died tragically when he was a child. Erica's a recovering borderline psychotic. He tried to break it off with her but she won't leave him alone. This turns on Rose so much, they have more sex until they start walking bowlegged. ​​ ​​

Concerned for her life, and too busy with the corporation he's supposed to be running doing work that's never described, he hires a full security detail to protect Rose from Erica. Rose sneaks away one time from them to go shopping at a mall. She buys some party dresses at a department store like Nordstroms. When she returns to her apartment, he's so livid, he calls her every filthy name in the book. She ain't havin that and breaks up with him for good this time.​​

​​A month later, he invites her to a party he's throwing for his sister, someone he never introduced her to before and barely mentioned. She's missing the ​🍆​ so she attends in a knockout dress-- this is described in vivid detail with a photo included in either the header or the chapter. 

Everyone and anyone in the Billionaire circle is there but Rose never interacts with them. She does talk to the sister, who really likes Rose and Rose likes her. The sister compliments her on how much calmer Damien's been now and how he misses her terribly. ​​

​​Suddenly, Erica shows up crazed and with a gun. She swears she'll kill Rose or die trying. Damien talks her down but she ends up shooting Rose in the leg and then killing herself.​​

​​Rose reunites with Damien, realizing she can't live without him after almost losing her life. It'd also be hard to live without him considering she left her secretary job, dropped all of her friends and family for him and has no savings to cover medical expenses.​​

​​Six months to a year later, they get married in his mansion and she tells him at their honeymoon that she's pregnant with his child. If it's a girl, they'll name her after his mother.

​​The End​​

Unless the story's hugely popular. Then you better get a sequel ready.​​

​​The Female MC's Life

​​Try to set up a university/new clerical job mix. She might have a roommate or a bestie or a sister to bounce complaints and new sexcapades off of. Maybe she's got parents she loves, although they're not necessary for this story. There's nothing else about her life to develop, though. Forget about her getting her period. Women who have this much sex in these stories should never get their period.​​

​​​​The Billionaire's Life

​​Never describe in detail how he accumulated his wealth, whether by corporate success or generational wealth. Don't define what he does specifically or what sector his corporation is in or what service it provides. To prove he's a billionaire, namedrop luxury cars, describe his mansion in great detail, have him purchase many expensive dresses, and make sure he and your MC go on the most fabulous dates and trips ever. Just nowhere exotic. The trips should be to a major city like New York City or a vacation mansion that you shouldn't spend too much time describing. Share photos, instead. Your MC should never ever have a conversation with him about what he does, even if she works for him. The focus should be on sex or the range of behavioral and emotional issues he has. As for his family and friends, one each is good enough, although it's better if his mother died when he was a child, and he doesn't have close male friends. He should absolutely have a blond ex, though. Never write a Billionaire story without a blond ex who wants him back. 

Character arcs in a Billionaire story​​

​​If you're writing a story about a Possessive Billionaire who doesn't abuse the MC:​​
​​The most important thing about the MC in a Billionaire story is that she's a foil to his demanding sex drive, ​🍆​-blocking him as many times as possible, breaking up with him as many times as possible, and demanding he change his possessive and jealous behavior, even though it turns her on. The main arc is actually the Billionaire's as he hears for the first time ever that his anger issues are ​🤯​ed up. And because said ​🍆​-blocker won't tolerate this, he tries to change his unacceptable behavior. He doesn't work too too hard, though. Guys don't do much emotional heavy lifting in stories like these.​​

​​The MC's arc is simple: lose her virginity and become a sex goddess. ​​

​​If you're writing a story about a Possessive Billionaire who does abuse his MC:​​
​​These character arcs are described in the Dark Romance chapter coming up.​​

The Billionaire Subgenres​​

​​The Romantic Billionaire with anger issues- For new relationships​​

​​The Possessive Billionaire with anger issues- For Boss/Secretary​​

​​The Toxic Billionaire with severe anger issues- For new relationships, arranged marriages, and/or Boss/Secretary​​

​​Tips on Billionaire​​

💵 Although the Billionaire is most likely of a different pedigree with his top-notch boarding school and Ivy League education, while your MC is currently enrolled in a state university and loves kitties, make sure the female and male POV's voices and writing styles are as similar as possible. The only differences in the male POV's chapter are that he cusses more and thinks about sex all the time. ​​

​​💵Slow burns are a no-no. You should make lemon sorbet when you're done with this story, you'll have so many lemons. 2-4 sex scenes, ideally the 1st one in the first 3 chapters.​​

​​💵The female MC can be a virgin but she's not THAT innocent.​​

Next up: 

The Romantic Comedies

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