Round 1-23mph19's Story

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The tom stared into the night. The stars seemed alive, humming softly. As he enjoyed the music, he suddenly heard a horrible sound. He looked up and saw a cat yowling as she fell from two floors above him.

Surprised, he whipped around and raced down the stairs; one, two, three flights at a time. He burst through the door and fled outside, reaching up on his hind legs to grab a pillow from one of the lawn chairs in his jaws.

Wasting no time, he galloped across the lawn and looked up again, trying to determine where the she-cat would land. After a few seconds, he shook his head and placed the cushion down, desperately nudging it with his nose to try to get it into the right position.

The howling drew nearer. It was a long way to fall, and in a few seconds she landed on the pillow; abruptly cutting off the shrieks with a thump.

For a terrifying few seconds, she didn't move. Then, groaning, the tabby lifted her head up with agonizing slowness. Which made sense,  considering she fell from a few stories and didn't immediately die on impact. 

The tom sat down and exhaled shakily, relieved. He'd done it. He bowed his head for a moment, breathing softly. when he raised it again, his gaze met electric green eyes.

"Oh!" He stumbled back, nearly falling over on himself. "Oof."

Laughter arose in front of him, quickly followed by wheezing and a groan. "Ow, that hurts." The she-cat winced.

The tom padded over to her, curious. "Are you alright?" He asked, meeting her eyes again.

"I think so?" The orange tabby looked down, checking herself over with a quick lick. "Probably just bruised."

"That's good." The tom smiled warmly. "Who are you, by the way? And why exactly were you falling from the seventh floor?"

The ginger she-cat blinked. "Well, to start, I'm Squirrel. As for why I was falling? I live on the eighth floor, and was going to see a friend on the seventh when I slipped on a water spill and fell off the railing. Stupid humans." She spat, lashing her tail for a moment. Then she relaxed and looked up at him. "What about you? Who're you?"

"I'm Walter." Walter sat up straight, curling his pumpkin orange tail around his front paws. "Who were you going to see?"

"My friend Bramble." Squirrel purred happily. Walter's ears perked up. "I know Bramble!" He grinned. "Black tabby, strong build?"

"The very one! How do you know him?"

"Same way you do."

"You... you also shredded all your humans toilet paper and asked him for some?"

Walter was startled into rapturous laughter. "That's-that's how you met him? Oh my gosh. That is hilarious."

Squirrel ruffled her fur, looking offended. "We'll if that's so funny, how did you meet him?"

"I was walking along the hallways and bumped into him. We hit it off pretty quickly. Kinda like right now." Walter ducked his head, embarrassed. Squirrel blinked in surprise.

"Well, I'm glad I met you." She mewed unexpectedly. Walter's head shot up.

"Really?" He queried. Squirrel batted at him.

"Yes, really. If I hadn't I wouldn't exactly be here."

"Oh yeah. Hey, do I even get a thank you for that?"

"No." Squirrel turned her head away, pretending to be miffed. Walter muffled a giggle with his paws. The ginger tabby opened one eye and peered at him suspiciously.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him and Walter stopped laughing.

"What's wrong?" Squirrel asked, noticing the change in his expression. Ignoring her, Walter rose to his feet and padded over to the cushion, where Squirrel was settled comfortably into a loaf. He sniffed and lightly nudged one of her legs with his nose. 

"Can you get up?"He meowed unexpectedly, without looking up. Squirrel looked startled, but frowned and tried standing. She suddenly hissed in pain and fell back onto the pillow, lashing her tail.

"Are you alright?!" Walter exclaimed worriedly. He began grooming her pelt in an instinctive urge to calm her down.

"No." Squirrel said through gritted teeth. "I think my leg's broken."

Note from Breeze: Sorry I got bored by typing your stories, but then I had an idea! So I took screenshots! It's more easier than directly writing it down!)


Breeze's Comments

I love it! <3 <3 <3 It all started with Squirrel falling off the seventh floor, and it ended with Leafy arriving! I enjoyed the story very much! The spelling was excellent, the plot was nice, and you made me feel excited when Squirrel landed at his floor. It made me want to read the rest of your story!  Nice job! :D

Dawn's Comments

(Still hasn't come yet :o)

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