How to WattCon

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Make sure to watch the video discussion linked above with TamaraLush JanePeden BrittanieCharmintine and iamRodneyVSmith

1. Do your homework - check out the schedule in advance and plan your day. You want to know what time certain events are so you're able to pace yourself and get there on time without rushing too much.

2. Stay hydrated: Seriously. Make sure you have some water on hand, even if it means carrying your own bottle. Things will get busy and you'll forget in the excitement of the day, but your trusty water bottle is always there with you. Side-tip, know where the bathrooms are.

3. Have fun! Meet other authors. Have a meal, a coffee, a drink, but meet your peers and enjoy their company. We're all Wattpaddians, so we're cool, welcoming people. If you're part of Writers ConnX then you already know most of us! See you at WattCon.

4. If you're an introvert, like so many authors are, plan a place to retreat, rest, and recharge for a bit during the day. You do not have to be involved in the action all the time. Take a moment for yourself until you're ready to go again. Never burn yourself out.

5. Bring something to take notes. Maybe your phone, a notepad, or maybe you finally have a use for those leather bound books you keep buying. You're not going to remember everything, so make sure to write down the main points. Also handy for writing down names of people you meet.

6. Know what you want to get out of the event and focus on that. Some people may be there to meet folks from HQ or maybe their favorite writers. Maybe they just want to learn more about craft or opportunities on the site. Focus on your needs, after all, you're traveling a long way, so make the most out of it.

7. Check out the restaurants in the local area. The convention hotel is on Hollywood Blvd so there are plenty of places around. Knowing where you can grab some lunch or dinner can make your day go so much smoother. Check out the website or the WritersConnX discord for a handy list of what we've found.

8. Dress professionally but comfortably. It's going to be a long day on the eighteenth and you'll be meeting lots of people. Make sure to dress in layers, because sometimes it can get chilly in hotel ballrooms. Most importantly: wear comfy shoes. There can be a lot of walking.

9. Carry a backpack or a comfortable bag in case you buy books or other swag. I hear there might be some Wattpad swag but you never heard that from me. Wattpad is going to make it fun, so you'll have lots of opportunities to pick up some unplanned items. With a bag, you always have someplace to put it. And someplace to store your water bottle.

10. Be ready to talk about your work with others. Having an elevator pitch or quick description of what you do in advance will give you confidence. But remember to keep it short and have fun with it so it's more of a conversation. If you meet a producer or an editor, here's an important tip for you: make your pitch and then stop talking. Allow them to digest and ask any questions. If they want to follow up with you later, that's great. If not, that's fine. The whole point of a pitch is to spark their imagination and for them to meet the creator.

11. Bring money. Actual cash. Yeah I know it's strange and you have everything you need on your phone, but you're going to need some cash at some point. If for some reason they're only taking credit cards, well, at least you're prepared. Trust me, that cash will come in useful.

12. Don't forget to pack underwear. (I once did this. For reals!) For some of you this is a one night trip, but even then, you want to feel fresh the next day, so please whatever you do: don't forget the underwear.

13. Business cards! There is a delicate dance that must be observed when it comes to business cards. First make sure to introduce yourself and you can choose if that is the right time to give a card, since it's a good reinforcement of your name. By the end of a conversation, people will often have already forgotten your name so a card helps. Don't take it personally: with so many new people, you too will be forgetting names. A card always helps.

14. It's exciting to have the chance to meet your favorite Wattpad author, or someone from Wattpad HQ. But don't be a stalker! Don't follow them into the bathroom and please don't slip your business card or the link to your story under the bathroom stall. And if you think I'm kidding, an editor once told me that someone did that to her at a conference – printed out their entire manuscript and slid it under the stall when she was in the bathroom. Needless to say, that writer did not get a publishing deal. Don't be a creep. 

15. It's a good idea to look at the agenda ahead of time and plan your day, but stay flexible! A lot of things happen spontaneously at Wattcon – like the chance to have coffee with some new writer friends, or go to a session that was a late addition to the schedule. Or an impromptu gathering of authors in the bar! Be open to possibilities. 

16. Don't say anything bad about another author. Actually, this is good advice for life in general, but especially at a conference. Don't say to your friend, "I can't believe that story made the Watty's shortlist." The person who wrote that story might be standing right behind you in the coffee line. Don't be mean. 

17. When you meet someone new, make a note on your phone to remind yourself their Wattpad name and something about them. If they give you a business card, you can write on the back of it. You may think you'll remember the name of the writer you chatted with between sessions, but chances are you won't. Write it down, so you can follow up later! Take notes.

18. It's great to hang out with the people you already know, but you'll get more out the conference if you make new connections. Sit next to someone you don't know. Introduce yourself to another Wattpadder in the coffee line, the gift shop, the lobby. You never know who might turn out to be your new BFF. Be friendly.

19. Don't have unrealistic expectations. This is not a pitching conference, and your career doesn't depend on anything that happens here. Set reasonable goals – like meeting two new people, and learning two new craft tips. Soak up the atmosphere of the conference. There's something about so many creative people in the same place at the same time that can spark your own creativity. If you go home energized and committed to keeping on writing, your Wattcon experience was a success! Be positive!

20. If two things are happening at the same time and you can't decide which you want to attend, pick one and sit in the back. There's nothing wrong with slipping out partway through a session to go do something else. People get up all the time to get a drink, go to the bathroom, or visit a different session. Just don't sit in the front row unless you plan to stay. Be strategic!

21. Remember, the Wattcon experience doesn't end when the conference is over. Make sure you follow up with the new connections you made. Write on an author's wall or comment on their story, reminding them where and how you met. Say, "it was great meeting you after the craft panel at Wattcon – I'm really enjoying your story." Be proactive!

22. Remember to leave your Impostor Syndrome at home. At the end of the day we're all rights, there so enjoy our time together and celebrate what brought us all together in the first place- Wattpad. It doesn't matter the amount of reads or followers or what badge(s) are there (or are not there) on our profiles. We're all there to meet, greet, write and learn. Together.

That's our tips – see you at Wattcon.

Tips from Brittanie Charmintine, Jane Peden, Rodney V. Smith, 


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